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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Done. Please clear your browser cache and flush your DNS resolver cache if you see a 404 or queued message. You'll need to request Java again though unless Krydos can turn this back on for you. I don't have the ability to do that. @Krydos: Can Java be restored for this user or does he need to wait in line again? He moved Tommy->Johnny a few weeks ago and moved back to Tommy today because Johnny's uptime sucks.
  2. Please remove and readd these domains in cpanel, wait 2 hours, then clear your cache. If they still don't work after that, please let me know and I'll have Krydos investigate.
  3. What are the names of the database and users?
  4. I want to say this is intentionally disabled for load reasons, though I'll have krydos check anyway. If it is intentionally disabled, we need to remove the button. My suggestion for speed issues would be what flazepe said...ditch Wordpress. It's junk compared to just about every other cms out there. Badly written, inefficient, slow, full of security holes, and easily hacked.
  5. I'd recommend imgur for that, or perhaps google drive, instead of buying extra disk space here. Both are free, and you can still embed them on your website for people to see
  6. The domain tantiesemail.ml has been moved to the account benitez1 as an Addon Domain. You can place the files for that domain in the ~/public_html/tantiesemail.ml folder. I also released the bornmexico.ml domain for you. Please add that to cpanel under either Aliases or Addon domains. For the email issue, use port 993 for IMAP, and port 465 for SMTP. Both require SSL as well as authentication.
  7. That account was deleted during the Tommy rebuild. A copy of the contents can be downloaded here: https://heliohost.org/backup/ and an invite for a replacement account has been sent to the email address on file.
  8. They’re sending, they’re just coming back because iCloud (and a few others like yandex, GMX, and occasionally Microsoft) have our servers blocked for abuse. Our servers are very popular for sending spam and phishing email, so these providers often do not accept email from us. The services that accept mail vary over time, and most will eventually unblock us...until some abusive account decides to send more junk. Buying a dedicated IP can mitigate this, as can using an external mail server. Both will prevent you from being impacted by the abuse being sent on the shared IP.
  9. I have to clean the domains up befor you can add them. I’ll do that when I’m at a computer later tonight.
  10. Did you assign a user to it in cpanel? Also, use localhost if the script is running on the server. You should only use tommy.heliohost.org if you're accessing it remotely (and you need to do what Luigi said if you're accessing remotely as well).
  11. Since you can do that, do you want me to remove the domain from your other accounts so you can add them to the benitez1 account?
  12. If you're doing it over remote access with pgadmin, that's probably the reason. I suspect there's something else he needs to do for that to work.
  13. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 2 hours. EDIT: Nevermind. Hacking tools are against our terms of service. Your restored account contains tools that appear to be used for the mass-testing of stolen email credentials.
  14. Unarchiving. The server is being extremely slow though, so it might take some time...
  15. You're GMT-3. "Midnight" for you will be at 9 PM local time.
  16. Once the deletion finishes, the domain should free itself. Note that tommy is extremely difficult to get into for free, the free account it offers every day gets filled within seconds of opening. The free registration opens at midnight UTC every day if you wish to try. Most people complete the email step shortly before opening, then just sit there refreshing the server selection screen at midnight UTC until the button appears. The large majority of tommy users end up having to donate a dollar to get one however.
  17. This account is currently waiting in line for deletion on Johnny. Give it some time to see if it deletes on its own.
  18. No other option is available. We require it specifically because it makes it difficult or impossible to lie about there being more than one person. For there to be more than one account, there needs to be more than one person. You do not need to post the ID publicly, private messages are accepted, and you can delete the pictures after we verify them. However, if you do not wish to provide ID for each person needing an account, the accounts cannot be restored. From researching these accounts though...it looks like these are all the same person anyway. The benitez1 account has a domain that's used as an email domain for the others, the domains and content are similar, and all came from the same IPs. You do realize you can host more than one domain on an account right? The Addon Domain and the Alias options in cpanel will let you do this. You can also purchase extra disk space if you need it. There's no need for more than one account.
  19. That’s because Johnny is currently down due to load. Johnny is known for poor uptime, and is intended for those who are testing things, not for production websites that need good uptime. The only thing you can do is wait for the high load to subside. If you need better uptime, please consider moving to Tommy. Johnny’s uptime is <90% whereas Tommy is currently 100% over the last week.
  20. This account is showing as being the same person as account Benitez1. Users can’t have two accounts. If you are actually a different person, both you and the owner of benitez1 will need to PM m a copy of a photo ID and let us know which account belongs to which person so we can separate the accounts. Please keep in mind there cannot be any links or sharing between the accounts (e.g. you can’t host the pictures or pages for one person’s site on the other’s account). EDIT: Do you know about a third account called JL? That account appears to be yours as well and will be suspended if you can’t prove it’s not yours.
  21. Lily has .net 4.7 (CLR), as well as the newer .net core 3. PHP 5.4-7.3 are also supported. The major things Lily lacks are a mail server and a user interface of any type (FTP and phpmyadmin are the only user accessible administration services). Lily is an experiment in its early stages at the moment, so I have to set up certain things for users right now (like registering an IIS application, scheduled tasks, etc.). At some point I plan to develop a UI for it, but that's still a ways off in the future.
  22. The maximum space per user is capped at 2GB for cpanel hosting, so you can't purchase more on your current plan. For additional space, you would need to buy a VPS (which requires a monthly fee) and use that to host your content instead. I would suggest the smallest 50GB VPS if you go this route, but would recommend an extra gig of ram for performance. The nice thing about a VPS though, is that you can run anything you want (you have root access). What are you storing that needs such space anyway?
  23. I'll have to do this late tonight or tomorrow when I'm at a computer. Note that asp.net is not added to an existing account because our primary servers run Linux. As a result, you'll receive a second account on a Windows server (Lily) to run it.
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