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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 2 hours.
  2. Unarchiving...Ricky accounts usually take a while...
  3. The space increase and login time have been updated. Last login is now the end of 2020, so you need to sign in sometime in January 2021 to avoid inactivity.
  4. The most secure answer is...you don't. This is one of those things you really should never write yourself, if only for security reasons. The way I would implement this is to get a working login system for one application (your main one), then make that login system compatible with industry standards for extensible login systems. The most common standard for single sign on these days is SAML, which lets you cleanly separate the "identity provider" (the login system and user account database) and the "service provider" (the applications that use those accounts). One identity provider can provide user information for multiple applications, so you can just build the identity provider once, and as you make your apps going forward, your users with an account on app will already have an account that works across all of them. There are several PHP libraries for implementing this (PhpSimpleSaml is probably one of the more well known ones), and it's way too complex to really implement securely without using a library. I failed to follow my own advice back in 2014 when I built my SSO system, and have recently been in the process of ripping it out and replacing it with something more standard... As for URLs, forget about what the URLs look like when developing it, you can always use an .htaccess file later to make them whatever you want.
  5. It was lost during the tommy crash back in August. A copy of your data can be obtained here: https://heliohost.org/backup/ and an invite for a replacement account has been sent to you (it may be in spam, so please check your spam folder for it). Please let me know once you create the new account and I can put the space and inactivity extension back on it for you
  6. Krydos can enable the pgsql Module in php. What version php are you using?
  7. Please post the entire IP address. I can’t see the post IP due to being on mobile and we can’t look up IP blocks by username.
  8. Not phish. The reports I'm looking at suggest you (or someone very close to you, since all of the accounts have very similar domains and all came from Morocco) created no less than 7 accounts over 4 days, and tried to set up Apple phishing on at least 2 of them. Since this account specifically is still empty, I'll unsuspend you, however if I see anything even remotely trying to ask for personal information of any type (whether it be Apple, Paypal, a bank, or any other site that's not yours), you will be banned again and you won't be given another chance. Unsuspended.
  9. This account is suspended because our system associated it with several other very similar accounts that were involved in abusive activity (specifically Apple ID phishing). HelioHost does not tolerate Phishing activity of any kind, and issues a permanent ban to any user involved in phishing. This ban extends to replacement accounts as well. This account was suspended because it appears to be a replacement for a banned phishing account. Can you explain?
  10. Well that's a new one...I'm seeing the same thing if I log into your cPanel, and nothing on my end stands out as being misconfigured. It's only your account too, since my own one works fine. Lets have Krydos look at this.
  11. We get 1TB at "up to" 250Mbps (you never actually get the advertised speed...I get about 120Mbps). That starts at $90. Then there's the cable TV and phone service that these large companies always push as a bundle, the myriad of fees such as the BTV fee (Broadcast TV fee, paying to receive free OTA channels via the cable), RSN fee (Regional Sports Network fee, most sports networks are owned by cable companies over here, so they pass that cost onto us too), regulatory fees (government mandated), sales tax, cable box rental (no option to buy it over here, you must rent it if you want TV), and in some places BS fees like a "cost recovery fee" (seriously, one ISP is currently charging their customers this, it's literally a fee intended to make customers pay for a lawsuit they recently lost), a standard American cable/fiber bill is often $300+/month. Oh, and in many places, you've got exactly one choice for an ISP, so they hike prices regularly because there's no competition for you switch to. Static IP isn't even an option if you wanted it outside of business plans. Broadband service in the USA sucks.
  12. I'd pay that in a heartbeat. Here in the USA, decent internet service tends to start around $60/month, and that's if you get it with cable tv. By itself, decent internet can run $90/month or more. Oh, and that's residential service with a dynamic IP. Business grade service costs substantially more. Most ISPs here won't even consider a static IP for someone on residential service. Cheaper options like DSL also still exist in some places, but they're useless for most applications these days.
  13. They won't respond typically in my experience. On the rare occasion that they do, it'll be a canned response, usually claiming abuse of some form even no such abuse occurred. That company is all around garbage based on my own experiences. Spend some time on google and you'll see most others agree. You can set up the .tk domain on your account if you wish, but be aware once it starts getting tons of traffic, they're going to do the same thing to that one too. Your main domain is already set to the .tk version, so you should be able to just point it here and it'll work. You'll need to recreate the subdomains and mailboxes.
  14. What IPs need access (or do you want it from any?)
  15. This isn't working because Freenom cancelled his domain on him from the looks of it. If he's lucky he'll be able to re-register it, but if not, there's no way to fix it. He needs to get a new domain. For what it's worth, Freenom is notorious for this. Me and Krydos have both lost numerous Freenom domains for no reason. Freenom loves to cancel them if they get too much traffic, then try to extort money from you to get them back. One of the best things I ever did was buy a proper domain. We recommend namecheap: https://heliohost.org/partners/namecheap Also, his domain change failed again, not that it matters since the domain itself is not valid anyway. If I visit http://groovetunez.ga I get freenom spam, not a queued page or anything our servers would put out. Similarly, the domain only has a single DNS record pointed to Freenom's parking page, which is exactly what Freenom domains do when they get cancelled (assuming they don't just stop working entirely). Host: groovetunez.ga Class: IN Ttl: 300 Type: A Ip:
  16. I've seen similar issues before. Try updating the video drivers. Also, go to %userprofile%\AppData\Local and delete the Google folder (this resets Chrome to its defaults).
  17. Load spikes. When that is happening it’s not just you. The entire server is seeing 500s when this happens. I get alerts all the time from uptime robot for these. They recover on their own in a minute or so.
  18. Apache has now restarted but this is still broken. I'm guessing there's something wrong with the Apache config for either your or the other user's account. I would've expected removal and reading to fix it, but it didn't for some reason. Let's have Krydos take a look.
  19. Alright...I've removed and re-added your domain to your account, and also renamed your index.html file just in case. Once Apache restarts in a few hours, this domain should point back to your account again assuming the system does what it's supposed to, and the suspension page should go away (you might need to clear your cache). I've also suspended the guy whose account had your domain on it. I don't think he did anything wrong and suspect an internal server error caused this issue, but something is wrong with his account. The domain was "yours" according to cPanel, but "his" according to Apache... Also, you should be able to log into cPanel since (despite the message), your account is NOT actually suspended. If this doesn't clear up after an Apache restart, I'll have Krydos look at it.
  20. Please disregard the suspension message showing on your domain while we get this squared away. The suspension is actually for the other user whose account your domain is somehow attached to.
  21. I just dug into this, and somehow completely missed the fact that your domain isn't even showing your account's files. It's showing the contents of an account called aanaser for some reason, and I incorrectly assumed that account was yours. I'm looking into this further. It appears your domain has somehow accidentally attached to another account.
  22. That folder does indeed exist on your account, it's in your public_html folder. It's part of a program called Babbel that's installed in there. The index.php for that program shows this: /* ******************************************************** * @author Santos Montano B. (Lito Santos M.) * @author_url 1: http://www.kanorika.com * @author_url 2: http://codecanyon.net/user/kanorika * @author_email: info@kanorika.com ******************************************************** * Babbel - Collective Intelligence * Copyright (c) 2018 Kanorika. All rights reserved. ******************************************************** */ What appears to have happened is that someone broke into that software and attempted to convert it to Arabic language...not realizing that a system intended to be in english/spanish lacks an Arabic language pack. Looking in the database shows a lot of the things like the name of the site and description are all Arabic now too.
  23. Well, the software requires whatever that file is to function. From the looks of it, the file is specific to language "ar". Did you change the application's language shortly before this happened? I have a feeling the issue is related to the application looking for a language pack that's missing. Check your config file to see if there's an option to select a language. If there is, set that to one that's installed (go to that languages folder and see what options there are, odds are en or en-us will be in there at the very least).
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