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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. What domain needs to be cleaned up? You have 22 different domains/subdomains on your account. Also, what MX record needs removed? Once I know which domain, I'll delete the zone for the mail subdomain and see if I can remove the MX for you as well.
  2. Your account was suspended because our systems detected that you might have more than one account. We understand that no one ever reads our terms, but as a reminder, our Terms of Service state that each user is allowed to have only one account. The reason we have to enforce this rule is because our servers are already overloaded the way it is, and it wouldn't be fair to everyone that is turned away each day for you to have more than one when so many others have none. One common reason people create more than one account is to get around our storage limit of 1000 MB. Did you know that we will give you another 1000 MB of storage for each $5 USD donation you make up to 5000 MB total? If you'd like to increase the storage of your account just make a donation and then let us know your transaction ID and username. Another common reason people create more than one account is to host more than one website. Did you know that you can host as many websites on your one account as you want? Unlike a lot of free hosts we offer unlimited alias domains, unlimited addon domains, and unlimited subdomains. If you need any help adding another website to your account just let us know. Another common reason people create more than one account is to try out several servers at once, or to transfer a website between accounts on different servers. Did you know that an admin can move your account for you for as little as a $1 USD donation? This will save you the trouble of signing up again, and deleting your account, etc. Sometimes our systems flags you as possibly having more than one account when you share a computer with family, friends, coworkers, other students, etc. If this is your situation we apologize for the suspension, and we'll be happy to unsuspend all of the involved accounts after you provide proof that each of the accounts belong to a different person.
  3. I'll take care of this as soon as I finish replacing the hard disk in my PC. (I can't do it on my iPad.)
  4. What's the username of your Tommy account? The email and username on your forum account don't match anything in our system.
  5. ASP.NET is not supported on Tommy. You need a separate account on the Lily windows server to run ASP.NET here (Lily runs on Windows Server 2016 and supports .NET 4.7 and .NET Core 3.1). Do you want me to create you an account?
  6. @Moneybrz: Your post was removed for being inaccurate. We usually will email a backup to someone who got a permanent suspension, so long as the suspension was not due to illegal activity. A user will lose their data only if an account gets suspended for something like phishing or malware, where we can't guarantee the account doesn't contain malicious or stolen data.
  7. You'd probably appreciate this one I have linked in my signature from 3 years ago: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/30552-suspended-sonalk/
  8. You should be able to do this under "Metrics editor". Just uncheck the box for metrics for the domain in question.
  9. A Lily account can't stand on its own (there's no control panel, no DNS, no mail server, etc.), so it gets created alongside the Johnny account. .NET Core (forget exactly which version) is available over there. It'll probably be later tonight or tomorrow before I can get to setting it up though.
  10. This is normal. Our service is widely used for phishing, so most email providers with a strong filter (like Gmail), will mark any mail from our servers as spam unless you "Not Spam" them first to tell Gmail to keep them. While we try to remove abuse promptly and keep our servers unblocked where possible, it doesn't always go perfectly. You can reduce the chances of this with tools like mail-tester, but even then its no guarantee. Even our donor invites for Tommy usually go to spam on Gmail! Buying a dedicated IP can help with this since you won't share the server IP anymore (and thus won't lose mail in the event we get blacklisted when a phisher decides to send his phishing email using our server, which happens quite a bit on Johnny especially), but that's also not a sure-fire way to get mail into mailboxes.
  11. I’ll let Krydos have the final say, but I will say this: We very rarely (I can think of once in my 8 years, so effectively never) install cPanel’s updates on our servers because they typically break the server. We make extensive modifications to cpanel to accomplish what we would do with it (insomuch that cPanel support has told us we are one of if not *the* most extreme use case they’ve seen). The updates end up overwriting half of those changes and breaks the server.
  12. Nevermind...turns out this appears to be rakinar5 evading his ban after we banned him last weekend for creating multiple accounts multiple times. This user is not eligible for a Lily account (or any account for that matter). https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/41836-solved-suspended-rakinar5/ You have 24 hours to back up your data and delete your account, or to prove you're not affiliated with that user (I doubt you can considering the access history, contents, and configuration of your account...). Please also back up and delete blueclou since that's yours as well. Even if you're not the above user, the terms of service limit you to only one account.
  13. It appears it was already unarchived.
  14. It does. Every version 5.3-7.3 for php. I need to know which version you want though since there's no control panel on Lily. I have to set up most things like this for you. Lily only provides phpmyadmin and ftp for management. I'll create this when I'm at my computer later tonight.
  15. The username can’t be reused on Ricky because of a server issue. I can move you to Johnny if you wish to keep the username (or if you donate it can be Tommy instead).
  16. The account failed to restore due to a server error. Krydos can restore these though. Please keep in mind that the username will change when he restores it.
  17. Looks at domain Sometimes you have to wonder why they even ask...
  18. What are the domains that need to be released?
  19. You're looking for what's basically paid hosting. We're actually considering something like this for 2021 (in fact, watch your email, there's going to be a survey on this to gauge interest in the coming days!), but the details haven't been worked out yet. In the meantime, Krydos will often be willing to move a site to VPS for you if you ask. A VPS isn't the most straight-forward thing in the world, but you can run something like VestaCP on it if you want a pretty web interface vs. a command line to manage the day to day stuff. Start by signing up for a VPS here: https://heliohost.org/vps/ You'll get an email with details and instructions, and you can simply reply directly to the email for assistance
  20. Your account was suspended because our systems detected that you might have more than one account. We understand that no one ever reads our terms, but as a reminder, our Terms of Service state that each user is allowed to have only one account. The reason we have to enforce this rule is because our servers are already overloaded the way it is, and it wouldn't be fair to everyone that is turned away each day for you to have more than one when so many others have none. One common reason people create more than one account is to get around our storage limit of 1000 MB. Did you know that we will give you another 1000 MB of storage for each $5 USD donation you make up to 5000 MB total? If you'd like to increase the storage of your account just make a donation and then let us know your transaction ID and username. Another common reason people create more than one account is to host more than one website. Did you know that you can host as many websites on your one account as you want? Unlike a lot of free hosts we offer unlimited alias domains, unlimited addon domains, and unlimited subdomains. If you need any help adding another website to your account just let us know. Another common reason people create more than one account is to try out several servers at once, or to transfer a website between accounts on different servers. Did you know that an admin can move your account for you for as little as a $1 USD donation? This will save you the trouble of signing up again, and deleting your account, etc. Sometimes our systems flags you as possibly having more than one account when you share a computer with family, friends, coworkers, other students, etc. If this is your situation we apologize for the suspension, and we'll be happy to unsuspend all of the involved accounts after you provide proof that each of the accounts belong to a different person.
  21. High WP load again. Please delete Wordpress as soon as possible. Unsuspended.
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