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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. It's suspended for both high wordpress load and having multiple accounts... First, you're only allowed one account. If I unsuspend this, nmbtech will end up suspended instead. You can host more than one website on the same account though. You're using eu.org, so I would have to help you combine both sites into a single account (eu.org is incompatible with cpanel, so I have to set it up for you to make it work). If they don't fit in the disk space limit, you can purchase more disk space for the account at a rate of $5 for 1000MB (with a maximum of 5000MB per user). Second, Wordpress was causing too much load. This is really common for Wordpress. It can cause massive amounts of load even if you're hardly getting any traffic to your site. Wordpress is also incredibly insecure and very easy to hack. We see Wordpress accounts get hacked all the time and usually the hacker sets up a phishing site on your domain. We strongly recommend using any software other than Wordpress. If you insist on using Wordpress you might want to consider purchasing a VPS instead. VPS hosting gives you an entire virtual server to yourself, including no load limits, a dedicated IP address, and full root access. Wordpress sites load relatively slowly on our shared hosting, but they will be much faster on a VPS.
  2. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you need help figuring out why your site is causing such high load let us know and we can try to help. If the high load is simply because your site is getting a lot of traffic, you might want to consider purchasing a VPS instead. VPS hosting gives you an entire virtual server to yourself, including no load limits, a dedicated IP address, and full root access.
  3. You just log into the Johnny account cpanel Lily's activity timer follows the cpanel account it's attached to (your Johnny account), so keeping that current automatically keeps Lily current.
  4. Done. You might need to clear your cache or close your browser and reopen it to see the change. For what it's worth, the trigger for this bug is usually accessing your PMs while on a cell phone.
  5. It can take a little while for the deployment to work once you run it (there's a bunch of things that have to happen in the background, one of which I think is an Apache restart if it's the first time deploying a file with that specific name). If it doesn't deploy and start working within a few hours, let us know.
  6. First things first, you need to remove cloudflare and set your domain's name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. We can't provide proper support for accounts that use it because they're impossible to troubleshoot DNS issues on. Second, you need to request Java access if you haven't already. There's a button in cPanel under "Software" to do that. Then you need to wait in line for it to be installed (estimate is 3 days right now on Tommy, but it may take more or less time depending on load, the number of people in line in front of you, and the number of people who lose it for things like nonuse or getting suspended). Once it's installed, you either upload JSP files into your account, or if you have a .war file, the page where you initially requested Java will have an option to deploy a war file instead.
  7. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you need help figuring out why your site is causing such high load let us know and we can try to help. If the high load is simply because your site is getting a lot of traffic, you might want to consider purchasing a VPS instead. VPS hosting gives you an entire virtual server to yourself, including no load limits, a dedicated IP address, and full root access.
  8. Correct. The support email does not accept attachments. You have to use a PM on the forums to do it instead. Please send the PM to the admin who is assisting you, then post in your forum topic letting them know to check their PMs. https://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?app=members&module=messaging
  9. Did you download via FTP by chance? I've seen that cause this one (the FTP client opens many connections at once to download faster). For better results, use the full backup option in cPanel. Unblocked. It may take 10 minutes to be effective.
  10. It was actually for failed SFTP logins, make sure you're using only your cpanel username (not email!) and password for SFTP. Unblocked. (It can take 10 minutes to be effective).
  11. Why do you need the email addresses free (you aren't allowed to sign up for any additional accounts, so this should be moot...you're only allowed to have 1 per our terms of service)? As for the domain, what main domain do you want on your santy account? I can change that for you.
  12. It's really slow for me.... Looks like they might be having problems since their site is usually nowhere near that slow.
  13. I think this is the second or third time this has happened to this particular user. He needs to remove WordPress entirely I think. If it happens again, he will need to buy a VPS or move to Johnny.
  14. Make sure you’re using plain (unencrypted) FTP on port 21 for these. The additional FTP accounts do not work with SFTP, and FTP over TLS is not supported.
  15. Please check your PMs for the Lily account information. Please keep in mind that Lily accounts are linked to a cpanel account, so you need to keep your tommy account active. If you don't, the Lily account will get suspended for inactivity when the tommy account does. Lily doesn't auto suspend for high load, but resource hungry users will get a manual suspension if they cause an impact. Also, the same 50/day mail limit and 1GB space limits apply just like tommy, though they are counted separately (you get 1GB and 50 emails/day on each server).
  16. Sure. It'll probably be tonight before I'm at my computer to set you up, but I'll send you a PM with information once i create an account for you. Please keep in mind that while Lily is fast like tommy, it's also quite bare. It has no proper user interface or other niceties (just ftp and phpmyadmin), so there's a bunch of things (mostly IIS settings) I might need to do for you. We have a bunch of other users on there though, and they're doing quite well with it.
  17. ASP.NET is no longer offered on Johnny or tommy. There's a dedicated windows server called Lily for that instead now.
  18. Please keep in mind that if we determine that you're using the second account primarily for the purpose of getting extra disk space, it will be suspended. I'll get this set up shortly for you.
  19. I started unsuspending it on my ipad, posted, and left it spinning because I had to leave for work...guessing it timed out.
  20. Unsuspended, please remove WP quickly. As for tommy, Krydos will probably need to do that since I don't see any record in your forum history or the backup system that your account was previously on Tommy. Was it under a different username?
  21. See https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/41667-suspended-rakinar5/
  22. Tommy fills in less than 10 seconds every day. We don't have an exact number of accounts per server because it varies day to day based on number of deleted/archived/suspended accounts and overall server load. I will say though that in most cases, the typical ranges for each server are 1-5 accounts for Tommy, 5-15 for Ricky, and 20+ for Johnny. For the domains, I've removed them, please give it a little while to finish cleaning them up, then you can try adding them to your Tommy account. As for server load, the best way to keep load down is to avoid WordPress (it's by far the worst offender we see). Many users never run into load issues, though bloated software like WP, broken apps and code (e.g. infinite loops), and the "hug of death" (getting tons of traffic because you got mentioned on social media) are the common offenders.
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