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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Yeah, Hetzner has been around for a while, just a standard commercial host. As for automation, that's already under development (in fact, creation of a VPS is fully automated, it's basically a script Krydos feeds IP/hardware/OS choices into and a VPS comes out), we just don't have the payment stuff connected to it. The website has also been rewritten already, and the forum was upgraded too, but it was put on hold due to the Ricky project and an issue associated with the server that was hosting the replacement sites. With Ricky done, I suspect the website, forum, and our paid hosting offering will probably be the next things on our list. VPS automation isn't top of mind since we sell so few compared to users wanting cPanel accounts with better performance. That said, I don't really deal with the inner workings of the servers too much except Lily, so I don't know what Krydos is working on or even how much of the system works, and I've been here 10 years! Krydos develops most of the stuff himself, though the wiki has been a team project by many over the past few years and turned out reasonably well. Most of my time is spent on abuse prevention (improving and maintaining our custom anti-phishing software, abuse cleanup, reports, etc.) and customer support.
  2. It stayed unsuspended it looks like. Marking solved.
  3. Helping out on the forums and discord is probably the best way to help around here. All of us are volunteers and started that way. Users who provide meaningful help and are frequently active are also the ones who are considered for staff positions when we go looking for new moderators and admins. That said, if you have ideas feel free to post about them and we'll be happy to read and comment
  4. You sent too many emails. The limit is 50/day. I'm not sure if the mail counter has reset yet or not...if it hasn't this is going to resuspend itself in a few minutes and we'll need to wait until midnight UTC to unsuspend it. Unsuspended.
  5. We do not support public folders outside of the public_html folder. To fix this, move the folder inside public_html. The folder will be avaliable at gomgo.heliohost.us/MyFolder/ If you want it to be accessible as a subdomain (myfolder.gomgo.heliohost.us), you should add a subdomain in cPanel and select the folder as the document root for it, then wait 2 hours for it to configure.
  6. That path isn’t valid. All document roots and folders MUST be inside public_html, and to access it with that path, you’d also need to make it a subdomain.
  7. Domain on account harshsha has bene changed to viralbag.heliohost.us
  8. What do you want your domain to be?
  9. This account was automatically suspended because it is substantially similar to several others that were recently used for phishing activity. Can you explain?
  10. Your account should now be functional again. Our apologies for the inconvenience. Since this shouldn't have happened, I've also pushed your last login date out until the end of the month. Please make sure you log in again before June 30 to avoid suspension.
  11. Well that's odd. It's active in one system and suspended in another. We'll get this fixed for you shortly. The system does normally notify you of inactivity by email before you get suspended for it, but since the account management system didn't actually mark you inactive (and in fact the login date is current on your account, so you shouldn't be inactive), it never sent the email.
  12. Unblocked. It may take up to 15 minutes. The reason given was DOS 55 Connections, which is due to opening too many connections at once. More often than not, this isn't anything you did but rather our firewall being overly sensitive due to an ongoing DOS attack.
  13. Krydos has to set this up manually for you.
  14. This account cannot be unarchived because you already have another active account. Users are only allowed one account. If you want this one unarchived, please delete bashar20 first.
  15. I've never heard of a meta tag for HTTPS, so not sure what if anything that would actually do. This in theory can be made to work even on old devices, but it's not free ($12/yr for a dedicated IP which would eliminate the SNI issue) and also would need Krydos to enable some outdated TLS protocols (1.0 and 1.1) for your domains if he's able to do so (protocols newer than 1.1 this are not supported on Windows XP). Is support for dead technology really that important for your site? The only reason I've ever needed to make this sort of thing work was for an API. Old code on old OS needed to talk to Tommy, and I ended up removing the TLS entirely since it was a quick fix. I'm finally down to exactly one device left (from about 80 last year) still leaning on that code and API, so I personally could care less about legacy support on my own apps at this point. Personally, I'd leave that stuff in the dust unless you have good reason to support it, and just put a redirect with a .well-known folder exception.
  16. Tags suggest its for PHP 7.3. Krydos has to do this for you. Escalating.
  17. Forcing HTTPS will break automatic renewal unless you exclude the .well-known folder. Using htaccess is the most common method, just make sure here's an exception for that folder, as plain http must work for thst folder or certs will not renew. Also, forcing HTTPS will break all support for non-SNI capable browsers and OSes, as well as support for devices that do not support TLS 1.2 or newer. If you need to support these devices and browsers, your best (and only) solution is to not force SSL. Our own servers have an "insecure login" button on our site and support for plain HTTP logins for just this reason. Encryption doesn't work everywhere.
  18. You need to move to a different server. Tommy is fastest, but difficult to get a free account on (it fills within seconds every day). Ricky has really good speeds at the moment since we just rebuilt him, and he's not too difficult to get a free account on at midnight UTC. Johnny is meant for testing, so we allow that server to be severely overloaded with new accounts. It's not meant to actually run a real website.
  19. Did you install a third party cert at any point (e.g. let's encrypt)? If so, you have to delete that first. Also, make sure you're not forcing an SSL redirect in .htaccess, or that the .well-known folder is excluded from it. To get certs successfully, the .well-known folder on your domain must be reachable over plain HTTP.
  20. You're suspended for having two accounts. Users are only allowed one account. From the looks of it, you created a tommy account while Ricky was down, then asked for the Ricky account back. Which one do you want to keep?
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