Well they are people with feelings. If they are born with the wrong [bleeped!] for them.... Is their choice to be with the people they like... I'm against church being against
Mine!!! So nice!!!
Yes, becuz is something to make the whole world better. US is the most poluter country in the world and its selfish to trow that polution over other countries without doing nothing
I understand that. My mother is a non donners... She said taht she is afraid that people ight stole her organs or don't try hard enough to lmake her live
I'm an organ doner. After all, I'm dead, so if I can save anybody, why not?
About the raped thing... There are people who are just completely crazy... Human mind is a mistery... I think is discusting... but...
totally against. I don't believe in physical punishmente even from parents. It makes the child be afraid only from to person who beats and increase the chances of an angry child who can eventually murder her parents
AG I agree with you a 100%... Why can US have nukes and the other countries don't? I mean, my country have a rigid surveilance from US to use our nuclear power only to good things like energy suplly...