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Everything posted by majazac

  1. The wonders of not having a religion... I think that the church should respect what the bible says when they say taht everybody is equal to God. Why do they have to forbid so many things that are better for humanity?
  2. No. Never. Animals shoudn't suffer just to benefit humans. They have rights and feelings too
  3. Yes. I always said that I don't fear dead. I fear the pain in dying
  4. I don't like circuses... Especially when they are close to my house
  5. getting back on topic yes. Us have absolutely no rights to tell other countries what to do. What's the so called democracy in that?
  6. Yes. You must have conscience that you did something wrong otherwise you wouldn't understant the punition... So they should be kept in institution and treated
  7. I agree that for that it should be taken in consideration the ming age... I was capable of making my own decisions since I'm 15 or so...
  8. Guess it all depends on how you're raised. My mother never needed to beat any of my sisters or myself and I never crossed the lines cuz she didn't do it... have several friends who were raised this way and are much better than the ones who were beaten
  9. It's US business since he's responsable for most of the polution. And studies says that it wouldn't weaken the economy, since is a long term deal. And to reduce a small percentage
  10. I'm against mass kill... There's no need to kill the existing persons, just to control the next ones...
  11. 1.5 GB of space I guess
  12. but when he said that a huge piano fell in his head
  13. the factory
  14. I guess that aren't enough people yet... Maybe more 2 or 3 active members
  15. I'm offering 2100
  16. 312 Top again
  17. I love classic music... Vivaldi... Tchaikovsky
  18. Yes, but only if the country has a very good legal system, othwewise it wouldn't wotk..
  19. Agree. And it forms a better person
  20. You're doing a great job.. Let's wait... Maybe he comes back better...
  21. I don't undestand that either... Freedom to go.. It's a person's life...She should decide waht to do with it
  22. Kyoto (a city ion Japan I believe) is an agreement signed by many countries to reduce the volume of polution emitted by industries. The US denied to be part of that by telling that it would affect hist economy. Meanwhile US is the cointry who most emmits toxic gas who goes by air to other countries
  23. Maybe with a pre made program it might work
  24. It's already considered a crime in my country.
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