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Everything posted by majazac

  1. Saddam Hussein was a CIA operative at that time. Irak was going down cuz of the two divergent religions, and most likely the one who were goning to take over the country was against US. Then he came and took the power by force and fore some time helped the US... Then the power came to his head and he no longer wanted to compromise with US
  2. Just spanish I suppose...
  3. he is a mod there I guess...
  4. They needed a reason after all... But I think that the whole weapon thing was made up. They knew that there wasn't any weapon in Irak. They planned to use that as THE argument... But then the press found out that it was untrue when papers leaked telling that CIA had done a report BEFORE the war starts telling that it had no weapons... Then they turned this into a rescue campaign to the poor Irak people... Just rememberin that Saddam Hussein was a previous member of CIA and placed in Irak command by them...
  5. I agree in every single word, HerLoss...
  6. He born and was elected... He is just so.... out of this world... He does things like increase the wage in 0,1%... He buys himself a new plane while the country is stuggling to pay our debts and give a better condition to the people... He speaks wrong sometimes... He doesn't have enought instruction to be a president... And... he supports dictators countries... It is a living nightmare... But at least he does bad things just in his country... Not like Bush who do crap in the world...
  7. And who the hell asked them for do that? I mean, Irak doesn't want americans there. Afganisthan as only a success cuz it was a very small campaign... Who give the "peacemaker" position to US? Are they really peacemakers? Cuz Irak wouldn't say that... Good or bad, at least people didn't died in the street just by going to the market... And 9/11 unfortunately happened cuz US just can't hold themselves in their own country. I'm not defente Bin Laden, I hate him... But... If US hadn't get involved in other's people business it wouldn't have happened
  8. All the time... In fact... About ours president and yours... Some here considers them relatives... As a friend just said... They don't show Bush as a fool... They show the reality
  9. I must agree with you Gamemaster_268. I know very few americans who knows or would like to know any other language than english
  10. I don't think that launch this whole power in other country would be a nice solution... I mean, there are PEOPLE who doesn't have anything to do with the government fights... They should die cuz US needs a way to use his power???? That just doesn't seem right...
  11. Honestly I love Microsoft and McDonalds. I love US... I just hate what Bush is doing. Ignorant fools? COME ONNNN!!!! To you even read non censured papers? Do you actually know what is gong on in the world? Look at yourself instead of calling others ignorant... BTW you should really read the lyrics of American Idiot of Greenday... Think of it
  12. 2 to 6 months... Depending on the gravity... But you can leave in conditional or just pay the money fine instead
  13. I'm a law student and I gotta say that in my country we have freedom of speech, but insults are fined with prison or money
  14. Don't forget the remains of Russia weaponry... They are as devastating as US and in the hands of american enemies... Pakistan, and bunch of other countries in thar area... Oh, come on... Why US just don't leave the rest of the world in peace. Why do they have to get it every single confusion that happens in the world... the government should matter about internal problems... Not just external
  15. I'm sorry, but who the heck invited US to save Irak? Do they wanted to be saved? Cuz if they wanted there wouldn't a majority of insurgents.. Wake up, the real reason behind the war was put a friendly government in one of the largest oil producers country. The oficial reason? Weapons. Did they found any? No, cuz of the simple fact that they didn't existed.
  16. There were pacific protests too... But the world's opinion is heavely against US... And that started after Bush. Cuz back in Clinton's days, people liked US. What Bush did in 5 years was to ruin the foreign policy of US
  17. Unethical? So, according to your theoty, once you get in a community you gotta stay there forever, right? What if you just want to leave? What if you don't have time to keep up in 100 different communities? But even so, you gotta stay there and be an active member, right?
  18. at that time thwy were unheard. But now much more countries have nukes.. The one thing that we don't need is a 3 ww
  19. Th point is. He is doing a great job here. If one day he decides to leave, is his choice. He is free to go. Isn't that one of Us amendments? The freedom of movements? So many communities that I've been inside and then left... That doens't make a traitor. I'm part of a yahoo group that one of the owners of a groups left it... Nobody considered her as a traitor. She just got tired of it, changed her mind and left. Is the same situation. If Gamemaster_268 is here only for the host, is his problem. Maybe he just don't have time to keep up a port for host site and a community. I'm here for the same reason, and i would leave if the hosting stops and put my very small time in a place that would give me what i need.
  20. very few... almost noone... I know cuz I live in a foreign country and in the news the once in a while passes images of riots of other countries...
  21. the nuclear power situation itself is a freeze in war attempts. No countries that posesses nuclear bombs would attack another one who have nuclear power too. Otherwise we wouldn't have a world to fight for
  22. guess that only mods and admins can do that
  23. I must agree with HerLoss... What's the point in fighting for wheter he is here or not for the hosting. He didn't betrayed KL, since when we sign up we are not obliged to be forever in this groups. i.e. i'm in a yahoo group comunity and i leave it to go to other one. I didn't betrayed the first comunity. Is just so childish this whole argument
  24. This is just so terrible... Why not try to find a middle term among the two? BTW... Toilet seat up is discusting...
  25. I read this one few time ago... But the problem is that there really are people who are dumb... maybe not like that, but more than normal...
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