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Everything posted by majazac

  1. don't know how to play a guitar, don't have radio near the computer... Back to the Mp3... Sum 41
  2. just don't try portuguese... It too complicated even for natives... I know... you should see my grades... French is really great. Bit complicated but if you pay attention it's easy. I want to learn Italian... Love the language...
  3. majazac

    Progress on Plans

    i wasn't sure if his nick was djbob or djbobo... but... nyway... doens't matter
  4. majazac

    Progress on Plans

    it is... It's like 15 or so websites were all the owners plus a lot of non-owners meets at a hub from the group... BTW, have you ever went into a hub called bsbhub? I have an impression of seing somebody with a nick similar to yours there....
  5. Yellowcard - Twentythree
  6. majazac

    Progress on Plans

    probably... But still... I'm part of a community with lots of well (very well) visited sites and they are going to link me.. But guess that I won't be exploding with visits this month
  7. majazac

    Progress on Plans

    guess that if my site become popular, i'm going to need more b/w....
  8. majazac

    Progress on Plans

    well, more than a 150 MB I don't plan to use even being a fan site with audios and videos for download. But i could use some extra b/w... So much more likely I'll get a higher plan just for the b/w
  9. majazac

    Progress on Plans

    I liked the plans. Really nice. Any idea of when they'll be available?
  10. majazac


    That's so nice!!!! He's really a very active and helpfull member. Congrats awesomegamer
  11. I had english in school as well. Elementary, Middle e High School... But english in school here isn't very good, so I actually had to made a course. They made us study english and in some schools you could choose spanish instead. I hated to learn english on school. Then I started to like.
  12. "meet you there? BTW do you want the tape or I'll just gave it back to my security files?" *majazac walks in the tavern again and order a rootbeer*
  13. "Don't you wanna be smart and realize that you'll never get it? If you give up this idea, I'm not gonna give this tape to your superior and I'm gonna invite you to a round of rootbeer at awesomegamer's bar"
  14. i got bored from it too... don't have more time and got tired of the lack of action...
  15. *without the look-alike knoledge (since he was knocked out) the secret service had placed a mike in his body to monitor his actions. They hear what Gamemaster_268 had just said and take the tape to majazac. She decides to call Gamemaster_268 and tells him that she know what he intended to do.* Why?? Why destroy the world? YOU'RE IN IT!!"
  16. *the secret service of majazac's country kidnaps Gamemaster_268 by putting narcotic in his rootbeer. * *meanwhile, majazac decides is time to put an end to her argue with Gamemaster_268 and buys a whole cargo of rootbeer and send it to his house.* *she founds out bout the kidnapping and asks the secret service to place him in his house in the middle of the beer so that he thinks it was just a dream*
  17. *turns out that majazac was dauther of a foreign president and gamemaster_268 created an international diplomatic incident. He is then arrested with no beer until he withdraws the complaint to CIA, FBI and National Guard*
  18. *majazac stands up again, shakes her head a little, gave an angry look at gamemaster_268 but sits again in her chair, gets a cell phone and calls her older brother gang* * few moments later she is surounded by three large, tattoed and gun armed guys* *looks at gamemaster_268 and smile*
  19. I think it to quick... Could have more levels... But there are some levels who are really though... I'm not goin' to condemn nobody to Google so here is the link www.albartus.com/motas/
  20. Can't contest anybody likes... I'm the one who likes to use FP to make website...
  21. i found it a very nice idea. It benefits exactly the ones who post here cuz they like not have to
  22. google ads? b/w?
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