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Everything posted by majazac

  1. don't know... Guess that just for Legislative..
  2. Wish I could help you.... I'd like to learn german
  3. Guess he was saying that not being dumped it better
  4. Do we lose what we bid even not getting the domain in the end or not?
  5. Even though the differences, I have to say that I agree (this time) with PhoenixFlame512. If I was learning I would like somebody to fix my mistakes in the beggining. After all is by making mistakes that we learn.
  6. Yes... Our minumum wages are really really sad... That's why we are considered a country in development...
  7. WAKE UP!!!!! Even the oficial reason wasn't terrorists. It was weapons... Not terrorists. No weapons. UN even said that before the war. They got in and dismantled the government YES. There were a government (Aristoteles said that dictatorship is a form of govenment. The bad form of a monarchy, but still a form of government). And the US army deposed it. The insurgents (you can confirm it in grammar) are people who are against US people in their country. And NO, the thousands of people who were killed in Iraqui weren't criminals. They were commom people going to their jobs or resting in their house. And the suspects... Wait, isn't a law that you're innocent till proveed guilty? So... That's Mcarthism...
  8. That's true... There hava a chance of this tensions become a war. Altough all the other countries would be heavily against and try to intervane to pacify the 2 countries
  9. That's my point.... They would'nt invent a sit unless it was to be used
  10. majazac


    sounds really great to me... Maybe I'll run for a position...
  11. guess we have to wait a little bit more
  12. what's the inicial offer for the bid?
  13. Nobody called US, how could they just help? it was an INVASION for Christ sake!!!! They went there non invited, bombed the whole country and then you blame the iraqui people from trying to defed themselves? An hipotethycal example. My country, Brazil, suddenly got in the US news as having a nuke (pfff... never). UN send people to investigate, but the government still don't believe the reports cyz they want to put a friendly president in the country cuz they want the water resources. Then they invade my country by saying thar we are hiding a nuke. We might hate our president, but when the soldiers came, is a defense against the country against invaders. On the other hand, in US the press say taht you are hjelkping the country, cuz the president sucks. But we don't want other country invading oours.. So we fight against the american troops... We are insurgents right? And you the heros?
  14. the real communism never worked. It satyed only in the papers. The greates example of a so called comunisn is URSS and we all know that a class have more provileges taht others and that thing went so bad and wrong that it imploded. The real comunism is virtually impossible. People needs a ruler. To organize stuff or even just to blame for the wrongs. And is non-sense that a lower should earn the same that a gardener, for instance, like it did in URSS... Democracy also never existed, since for a democracy to work, people should get do discuss everything in comunitty and then vote to something to be done. Not a president as intermediary. Especially in US, you should get a direct election. In this past election more people voted for Kerry but Bush got elected cuz of the great electors.. That's not really democratic
  15. China. Supposing that nobody else gots envolved, then China cuz it is more powerful
  16. that could be really usefull
  17. ok... but what is the cost of cleaning later or even lowering the seat after?
  18. then they went to the undead doctor who said
  19. Heliopolitics is a part where you vote for thing in HN... Like mods and so on
  20. what do you mean? More than 100 members to heliopolitics?
  21. If is really myscrnnm,then he is childish really... If it's his brother and he is here to avenge his brother's ban then he won't add anything... Anyway, how do you plan to avange him? Honestly, when I don't like a place I leave and try to convince people not to get into it... I don't come back and give visits to the page... I went to KL forums just once... And I do really think it's unorganised compared to other foruns that I have been in... I got really confused where I should post my question, and where to find things... I voted for HN and I'd vote again
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