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Everything posted by majazac

  1. Just remember that even terrible criminals are still humans. They are protected by Human Rights. And plus, torture is a thing made by dictators and terrorists. As I said in another topic I believe, my country was once ruled by a dictator. It wasn't nice to see political prisioners tortured just cuz they opppsite the government
  2. In fact my post was directed to AG... Since I'm included in the everyone part... I'm explaing to whom i talked
  3. Guess he meant PF512... Anyway, i love animals, and I hate cruelty of any kind. Why make the poor animals suffer for a new cosmetic or plus a year of living? Really, I don't want to live much. Don't want to need to depend on the others cuz I can't do things for myself. And if our ancestors didn't need half of this stuff and lives very well, why harm innocent animals?
  4. What a minute. Who the heck is blinded by ignorance here? Don't come tell me that US have the right to rule the world cuz they don't. It inly have the power to rule itself. Other countries should worry about themselvez... That's why UN was created in first place. To have a commition of the countries. Second. It's a fact that US reasons to attack Iraq where lies. Even CIA recognized that. Third. No one invited or asked the presence of US troopes in Iraq. Now they have the moral right not to want foreigners troops on their countries. Would you like the police invadind your house for no reason and staying there? Wouldn't try at least to make them go away? And if you did that, if you called a lower or tried to make them go away, you would be considered criminal and they would satay there to watch you. Would you like that? Cuz I don't Before calls other ignorant maybe you should just make a research on internet about Iraq war, not just watch local news who are masked by the government
  5. I read a research once that said that if this situation didn't change, soon there wouldn't be females in some countries like India.
  6. A rape is when a person forces another one do to the sexual action that she does not want. So hardly it would be mutual. The raped people usally remains in a terrible condition if she's lucky enough to survive. When two people want, it's not a rape. It's normal [bleeped!]
  7. thanks for giving up on the bid... After all with such a low offer... 2610
  8. IE does have a pop up blocker, but is not as efficient as Firefox
  9. thanks a lot... BTW when HelioPolitics will open?
  10. majazac


    yep... nice of you to do it... I would send you a kiss if it had a smilie for that...
  11. *wakes up with /\/\/\/ scream, look around desorientated, get up and go sit in her chair and asks for another drink*
  12. 353 I got the word by doing that too... But didn't posted maybe considering that in fact you should get to really read it the way it was...
  13. 2560 I think that this will take really long...
  14. majazac

    Free Domains!

    What will be the next competition?
  15. majazac


    hey, I liked that button! Saw it just now... I'm goin to make one for myself later
  16. I like Google. And sice I use Outlook and after delete the emails that I downloaded, guess that I don't have a problem
  17. I voted for myself... Is that too selfish? Figured that even presidents to that... so... Thanks guys for the vote... About the buttons... Well I'm going to consider... Maybe in the beginning of the campaign I'll do it..
  18. I understand that it's the law of the stronger, but still is unfair. After all if we really lived in the same conditions, most likely they'll beat us
  19. I'm still in favor of suicide... And to seel a son, is better not to have him... But's that's another topic
  20. Maybe... Is really an absurd
  21. Well, I agree that it should have and that it should be lowered to 16. At this age you already have a mind formed
  22. I see... that means you'll continue on the bid, or not? Of yes... lets do it!
  23. but since the pleasure can turn into problems, they should know about it
  24. Everybody should have provacy
  25. Well, I won't discuss when it becames alive, but one thing I know. Sometimes is just better for a mother not having a child...
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