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Everything posted by majazac

  1. Bad, bad boy... You are mean... But I believe I can reach you... give me 3 days...
  2. that's true. anyway... they should have marrital rights
  3. majazac

    Free Domains!

    actually his competion is closed. There are walready two winners
  4. Well they have physical and sexual power at that moment, but then it stops... When the men got waht he wanted he will go away... Dominatrixes don't control their minds... just body... While some ancient courtisans and most of wifes, control men's mind in a subtile way
  5. but then suspicious acts must be controled in any age... Not just students.
  6. try to explain to a person who is being attacked by an animal that the brains is the only thing that counts...
  7. I must agree you you myscrnnm. Is just a word... Come on.. why bother if its called marriage? Whats the problem?
  8. that is an alternative... by promoting contraception method most likely people will use them... But then there is the religion aspect. Somer of them forbids contraception methods
  9. and there is also the movies censure.. god i hated that...
  10. that's true... after all you would be... dead...
  11. Eye to eye? If you want it for others let me try on you? Could be... But I really don't like any living being, human or not, to be tortured or phisicaly punished
  12. Remembered him now... The name really sounded familiar... Well... He deserves to suffer... But... we can't make a rule for just one person. There aren't too many Mendeles in the world... A law is for everyone... So... for the most I would like to see him suffer, I wouldn't want that for a relative... a son...
  13. well... how would we know taht he could've done a contribution? Ok, I know that is proved that more than half of suicide attempts is from a depression situation and if that person is disencouraged moat likely she won't try again. But imagine that a person lost all his family in an accident. Don't have friends, lost hist job. He does not want to live anymore. But suicide is forbidden... If he don't succeed he will get a penalty for that... How fair is that?
  14. 373... Palindrome again... Didn't knew that this was the name...
  15. majazac

    Free Domains!

    an account with more advantages... Sort of a prewview of the next plans... I don't know.. more space? those kind of things..
  16. majazac


    And do we have people near the 25 posts?
  17. maybe... but for now one.. well just keep this way
  18. I had heard it before... Just didn't knew from where it was
  19. but what's the problem in call that a marriage?
  20. In fact we have sort of an agreement that it would be stupid pass the valeu 5990... so problably is around that value that we're going to stop...
  21. I do believe that certain humans are inferior to animals.
  22. Yes, but did you know that a lot of famous men, even considered as great warriors were gay? And wouldn't had maried if it was legal to marry men? Do you know that Richad Lion Heart was gay? Or other important kings and persons?
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