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Everything posted by majazac

  1. what is the rule in your country? BTW where u live?
  2. I just love this book... Everyone should read it
  3. yep. Is a personal right... Have at least a certain part of life in privacy
  4. I knoww... I may not follow any kind of religion, but I understand most of them... I just forget to write a word like also or too..
  5. how? Get a better look with a new lipstick? Don't think that my dog would want that... So why animals have to suffer for that?
  6. marriage is the bonding of two people... Does it really matter the [bleeped!]? Althoug if the problem is in the name, call it otherwise as long as they have the exact same rights.
  7. i don't believe that dominatrix have a real power over men
  8. wow... why don't you want people to see u naked after your death?
  9. i don't beliebe in phisycal punishment not even in prisons
  10. exactly. There are alternatives... so no point in censoring... There is sort of a time censure in my country. Certain scenes like [bleeped!] scenes from soap operas or movies can only pass after 8 PM. So child most likely will be in bed...
  11. that's why I said MAYBE... If a person wants to kill herself most likely she will like if she succeds
  12. I'm not telling to turn it into a 5 star hotel, but I mean... a minimun of confort... they're human
  13. but even if you don't donate people wil undress you.. post mortem autopsy
  14. no... i wanst referring to that at all... more like a mind domination
  15. I believe in a minumum of confort.. After all maybe one day a relative, a friend can be there
  16. Woops... I misunderstood waht he said... I read post but imagined votes... Is the person with most votes...
  17. If you take the 10 God's amendment you can find them is most of the law of many countries
  18. I belibe seing PF replying to a myscnmc post... Not sure tough
  19. Refresh my mind... Who is him?
  20. 3370 Don't worry... I'll try to find posts to get points... Even if I have to invent them
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