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Everything posted by majazac

  1. Well that would depend... A man can be better at maths, but I disagree that it aplies to everyday living and so you're more smarter. It was also proved that the practical knowledge is way bigger in females, meaning thar they are more prepared to everyday living. And that research was just one. Meaning that it actually doens't proove nothing. And (being a bit sexist here) we do the same job that you do, even better with less neural cells...
  2. no. I'm against all kinds of censore... Maybe cuz my country already have been thorugh a dictatorship... It's not good at all
  3. Its discusting any way... After all rape is discusting
  4. Well, it is prooved that most of the kids raised by gay parents aren't gay. And most of gays come from striaght families
  5. well i'm agains torture and in favor of death penalty to high profile criminals.
  6. how? they were quiet mindin their own business when US troops came in
  7. 3+4=7 347
  8. they
  9. *try to help the ones who passed out but the smell of the alcohol makes her pass out too*
  10. 2400 Forget to ask... Why do you need 2 domains????
  11. That's so unfair! You had your domain, sold it and now you want to buy one cheaper... That should be ilegal... Where is HelioPolitics???? 2300
  12. 2200
  13. Yes. Everybody should have provacy... And there are some subjects that your parents shouldnt know just cuz your a child
  14. Wow... There were really some sexist sentences here... Female are proved to be more smart than men in key things like logic, comprehention and other practical areas. And we had such great scientists like Marie Currie and others. There are more great male scientist cuz women were considered incapable of doing certains things like think. Everybody can see that now more and more women are taking key positions in jobs and everything else.. And Phoenix, we are not to blame if YOU MALES got distracted by out antomy... Is not out fault... Just yours...
  15. NO. Freedom of religion. You should decide what you follow and not be punished for not believe in the religion tought
  16. No. Except for the ones who are in there for silly reasons
  17. Yes. is not becuz you're inside their planes that you have to lose privacy. I mean, I have my space... This should be ilegal
  18. Sure... After all they will go to a country where they don't know what kind of viruses and bacteries are there...
  19. Well... Is not like I'm going to need them, right?
  20. To complicated. Maybe a board of parents could reunite and decide the program
  21. But what if they don't? What if they think that they will help their family and friends more if they die? Or even if they don't have anything to live for? Is selfish not let them die
  22. that's majority right?
  23. It's an absurd all these kinds of disrespect to others choices, colors and races... Why in the name of God should people bother over their nighboors life... Watch your own life
  24. Yes. If a woman doens't want the child, most likely she will mostreat him and turn him into a bad person... Or if she doesn't have conditions to raise him, she would be putting a person in the world to suffer and to increase the poverty. The rape cases I won't even discuss... Why in hell should she carry a baby that she not even enjoyed to do? I don't know if that's becuz I'm a woman, but I think that she should decide. After all is fer who will spend the 9 months carrying him...
  25. You from US never heard of it? It's like High School subject of discussion in my country...
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