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Everything posted by majazac

  1. Read this http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=203
  2. exactly. It problably would be fun
  3. We're not complaining... just having a healthy argument I guess I undestood... You saying that everything maybe wasn't Bush's fauly but also in great part the 9/11... Can be... But I guess that with other presidents maybe we wouldn't have had so many wars.... Can you just imagine Clinton doing this kind of things? Cuz I don't..
  4. They freed the country of Saddam, ok. Nice... People liked... They could've lefted there and less negative effect on US would've been done. But now... Is already a non return situation... If they leave now, the only thing that they will win is no more rejection than already have...
  5. I was thinking exactly the same a few posts ago in other topics...
  6. I'm not crazy about it, won't die if I don't see it, but I want to watch if possible...
  7. So many bombs dropped by the US in schools, hospitals... In fact no violence is good or justified. But since it exist and that's a fact that we can fight against, then we should try to keep it minumun...
  8. Nobody asked for the US to help them... They went uninvited, stayed without people wants and now they just say that they are ungratufull? Oh come on...
  9. witch make the people have to look for another source of food witch was
  10. Congrats Korps (can I call you that? )
  11. But insurgents have a reason... Terrorists don't
  12. Leave? I mean, they should let the iraki people solve their own problems
  13. the trees got really angry at the people who were coming to eat them and
  14. I live in Brazil... The thing about TS is that you have to be criative... If you made a story and play along with the game it's really great... There hava a challenge for people who don't want to think about a story... You can see the rules at a yahoo groups called TS Classic Chalenge or somthing like that
  15. John Kerry would've definitely had been a better president... As weel as Al Gore in the first election... Terrorists go to extremes... Nobody who goes to extreme acts can be good
  16. I'm not defendind Saddam... In fact I don't like him at all... I am agains torture by anybody... But americans in Irak aren't such a good guy or heros
  17. turned to eat wood, but
  18. I like Signs... Kill Bill also sucked to me
  19. Bush election was a proof that americans still don't know true things... A lot of americans don't like him, it's true... But that's not seen cuz of the reelection... Insurgents are the people who just don't want a foreign army in their countries... I don't blame them... As for the terrorists... They are the real enemy
  20. what about the torture in Abudh Grahib (don't know how it's spelled correctly) made by american soldiers?
  21. That's my point... Why spend so much in war while unnemployement rate is high? When the health could be improved... And the bombs in Irak only started after the american invasion
  22. but there wasn't pie for everybody so
  23. majazac


    Congrats etronicgaming!!!!
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