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Everything posted by majazac

  1. witch made the sticks get wet and rot, putin an end to the war.
  2. majazac

    Two Little Updates

    nice idea. I liked...
  3. I prefer google. much more complete than the others.. But should'nt this poll be on the internet forum?
  4. majazac

    Rate us!

    I suggested here in a form there... Filled up the things based on the description at http://www.heliohost.org/hosting.html
  5. I'd go for the second option... If you don't like somebody you should say that for once. It's better than to give unfounded hope
  6. I'm really honored. Thanks a lot. And I gotta say one thing. I got in this forum mainly cuz of the hosting. I had plans just to post enough for the hosting. But now I'm really addicted to this forum. I like everybody here and I'm learning a lot...
  7. it's more like the pronouce and the fact that american tends to use compression of words. Their english is far more quick than british one. I speak american english and my sister have learned british so it's funny to make the comparisons between them. Try to watch an american network and a british one. The diference is amazing. I think that british is more beautiful, but american is easier
  8. All of them. That's why I say that every president have secrets... They hava a private life too... They are people before being presidents. Doesn't really matter if he cheats on his wife (except to her, of course ), it matters if he do something good for the country. This Warren Harding doesn't seem to have done anything bad otherwise it would have appeared in history, and believe me I know american history in a foreign look.
  9. Don't know... With Bush in command I don't doubt of annything
  10. 110 reais... witch in dollar is somewhere near 33 dollars. But in here that's really expensive... Since the minimun wage is 260 reais for month
  11. gonna try... see if it works...
  12. Read it... George Orwell is really great. Have you read 1984?
  13. Dr. T and the women. It have no history and the one it have that you can call story is tottaly uncomprehensible. And for Christ sakes what was that end????
  14. Who's Harding? Never heard of him. What he did? Even if he didn't done nothing that would be better than waht Bush did... Every president hava a secret life. But waht really matters is waht they did oficially. If they were a good president and made more nice things than bad things, than the secrets don't matter
  15. I'm not an american citizen, but I guesse that with Bush in command they'll get into every war possible... He have to give back the support he had from gun industry...
  16. i saw there in portuguese... But it was just 10 things...
  17. 230 That's why I got points yesterday without replying in a goog topic...
  18. Forgot my especial lens at home... *orders a rootbeer*
  19. majazac

    Free Domains!

    agree with awesomegamer... That are just some types of adds that annoys people. The best forced add taht exists (if such thing as a good fordec add exist... ) is banner of the page in the botton of the page. It don't ruin the layout...
  20. if we all make a good publicity about the site, not long
  21. I guess I went to KL just once... But that's bad... I thought that lappy and djbob were friends... People should be more immature ans respect others...
  22. nive money... Where do you got it?
  23. no
  24. never got the free beer, why should I pay?
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