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Everything posted by majazac

  1. he is really brave... to tell that to unkown person.... Really it could get him in trouble
  2. there are websites who links the accounts giving the login and password for you to download using the p2m program... try to make a search in google... I only know adresses from websites in portuguese otherwise i would give them you
  3. Frontpage... Not patiant enough for notepad nor to learn how to use dreamweaver... Althoug my first website was done with the extinct Hot Dog and notepad
  4. Wat is P2M, btw? It's a program who downloads files from email accounts. A person who got the file uploads it to one of those big mails servers like Walla or Gmail and we dowload from there. It's really fast. Like, i have a DSL 256 KBPS and i got to download at 26, 27 KBps
  5. I'm not saying to kill him... I'm just wondering why nobody did it till now... Unfortunately i don't have the money for the gun, Gamemaster... But i'm collecting it.... Soon...
  6. don't think it's useless... I love the colored scrollbars... They go really great with the page
  7. Sounds good to me too...
  8. hummm.... nice idea... have your friend to do the unsayable... Gamemaster_268: Don't
  9. thanks a lot... Going there to check
  10. I use both, but I prefer Dvix... Easier to use
  11. Why one of those nuts who loves to kill important people didn't shot him?? It will be a good to humanity
  12. Firefox. I just love the popup blocker...
  13. Excuse me, does it hurted? (what?) The fall from the sky cuz you must be an angel
  14. Comprimise? Didn't get that...
  15. I was tottaly astonished when he was re-elected... how did that happened?
  16. yes! Scrollbar... Exactly that that I was asking... So I have to get a theme or a add-on? Where do I get that?
  17. I'm not really good with coding, so I prefer the programs... Dreamweaver it's a little bit complicated, cuz I never really tried to learn how to use it... So... Frontpage is still the best to me
  18. I use ABC... I really like it... But in fact now i prefer to use P2M
  19. Now these things are really weird
  20. "Lovely outfit. But do you know how it'll stay better? (no) In a pile near my bed"
  21. after a few days here i not quiet sure who is the best member... but... I guess that Gamemaster_268 and myscrnnm since I can't vote for djbob...
  22. I hated him before that too. So I jusat loved to see that at least somebody was watching his actions and telling people about it
  23. In my page I use iframe, so the main page never changes. Will I have to put the ad in the pages that open in the iframe or not? And how about Coppermine Gallery? I don't know how to edit the php files to place the ad..
  24. That's way i buy the cds/games that i REALLY love... To support the work... But if I just like... Long life to piracy
  25. I liked FDR from my history classes... He was a good president... If not the best at least waaaaayyyy bether than Bush... BTW anybody is bether than Bush
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