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Everything posted by Shinryuu

  1. You were suspended for running 4 cron jobs in a day. Cron jobs are resource intensive and limited to 2 per user per day. Since you mentioned installing through softaculous I imagine some of the scripts you installed were ones that require setting up a cron job or that set one up for themselves as part of the install. If you need to set up your own cron jobs with a high frequency use a free service like setcronjobs.com to run them. Your account has been unsusped now, if you still see the account suspended page please try clearing your cache.
  2. Your account was suspended for the following reason: Malware. 2 file(s). PHP.Symlink-1 FOUND That means that there are some malware files found on your account. For your safety and to protect your website from potential further corruption the account has been suspended. To find the infected files we recommend making a backup of your site, download the backup file to your computer, and scan the backup using a reputable virus and malware scanner. If you're having trouble locating the offending files please ask and we can provide more information. If you are you certain that it is a false-positive, we strongly encourage you to file a false positive form here: http://cgi.clamav.net/sendvirus.cgi Your account should be unsuspended now, but keep in mind that this is a temporary unsuspension. You have 24 hours starting at the time of this post to clean your account of any and all malicious files or your account will be resuspended.
  3. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  4. You can check the Heliohost Signup Reset Time with that to make sure it has reset. I doubt the signup was filled that fast. Stevie is popular sure, but there's no way signups get closed that quickly, you probably jumped the gun.
  5. As requested tudor357 has been unsuspended and a backup of cadastru-bacau.ro has been emailed to the address you registered with. If you still see the account suspended page please try clearing your cache.
  6. You were suspended for causing high server load, This slows down not only your site but the sites of all users who share your server. You're account has now been unsuspended if you still the account suspended page please try clearing your cache. Honestly I've no clue what's going on with your site, but hey, it's not MySQL. I imagine some code you have running there is causing problems, so try finding and fixing it.
  7. We have 0 control over that. Krydos made it so when the system automagically detects when there's too much load causing the server problems then the accounts causing high load get suspended in descending order, highest to lowest, until the server is stable again. If you're still that guy at the top of the load pyramid and two more people suddenly start causing high load, guess who's gonna be suspended.
  8. Netither that account nor domain is located in our database. EDIT: Okay, so I found it. You added an extra o in your post, but the username in the title was correct. You were suspended for: So please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site but the sites of all users who share your server. Also keep in mind that another suspension for high load will likely be permanent. Your account has now been unsuspended, if you still see the account suspended page please try [ur=http://wiki.helionet.org/Clear_your_cache]clearing your cache[/url].
  9. The account ummi has been unsuspended, let us know if you need backups of your other accounts' files.
  10. This is an issue with the other host, check the credentials for the account you created with them and whether they even offer FTP uploads. We can only offer support for our services since we don't know how other hosts manage their business.
  11. paddlehood.heliohost.org? I'm not sure how heliohost.org subdomains are handled, but I imagine you could.
  12. My guess is you or someone else has set off brute-force protection. Did you perhaps change passwords recently and use an FTP program? Your best bet is to wait a while for our brute-force system to stop harassing you. All I can tell you for sure right now is that your account isn't suspended or anything like that.
  13. Well, option one is delete ~/public_html, create a folder in your home directory called public_html and rebuild your site's directory structure. Option two is using the delete script and then signing up with a new account when the old one is deleted.
  14. You were suspend for having multiple accounts:imam, mitra, ummi, and scada. Users are limited to one account each. You can host multiple sites using one account, let us know which account you'd like unsuspended and whether you'd like a backup of the others emailed to the contact addresses.
  15. Your account was suspended for the following reason: Malware. 1 file(s). Win.Trojan.Autoit-390 FOUND That means that there are some malware files found on your account. For your safety and to protect your website from potential further corruption the account has been suspended. To find the infected files we recommend making a backup of your site, download the backup file to your computer, and scan the backup using a reputable virus and malware scanner. If you're having trouble locating the offending files please ask and we can provide more information. If you are you certain that it is a false-positive, we strongly encourage you to file a false positive form here: http://cgi.clamav.net/sendvirus.cgi Your account should be unsuspended now, but keep in mind that this is a temporary unsuspension. You have 24 hours starting at the time of this post to clean your account of any and all malicious files or your account will be resuspended.
  16. Your account was suspended for the following reason: Malware. 2 file(s). PHP.C99-9 FOUND That means that there are some malware files found on your account. For your safety and to protect your website from potential further corruption the account has been suspended. To find the infected files we recommend making a backup of your site, download the backup file to your computer, and scan the backup using a reputable virus and malware scanner. If you're having trouble locating the offending files please ask and we can provide more information. If you are you certain that it is a false-positive, we strongly encourage you to file a false positive form here: http://cgi.clamav.net/sendvirus.cgi Your account should be unsuspended now, but keep in mind that this is a temporary unsuspension. You have 24 hours starting at the time of this post to clean your account of any and all malicious files or your account will be resuspended.
  17. To renew your account just use the renew script. Please remember to log in once every 30 days.
  18. Your account cannot be unsuspended.
  19. I'm not told specifically what files are infected. Seems like the scanner was alerted by an Android 2.3 rooting application if you ask me. The suspension is our way of alerting you, might seem harsh but it keeps the account inaccessible to outside threats and the like until you decide to try and find out what's wrong. So all in all the system as it is is perfectly fine. An email can go weeks before being read, or an email service can send it to the junk/spam folder and delete it before the user catches it, the account suspended page isn't so easy to miss.
  20. Your account was suspended for the following reason: Malware. 1 file(s). ANDR.Trojan.GingerBreak FOUND That means that there are some malware files found on your account. For your safety and to protect your website from potential further corruption the account has been suspended. To find the infected files we recommend making a backup of your site, download the backup file to your computer, and scan the backup using a reputable virus and malware scanner. If you're having trouble locating the offending files please ask and we can provide more information. If you are you certain that it is a false-positive, we strongly encourage you to file a false positive form here: http://cgi.clamav.net/sendvirus.cgi Your account should be unsuspended now, but keep in mind that this is a temporary unsuspension. You have 24 hours starting at the time of this post to clean your account of any and all malicious files or your account will be resuspended.
  21. Please post the following information: Your cPanel username Your main domain The server that you are on
  22. I can't tell you that, but perhaps an admin can, for sure they can let you know how many your domain's attempted to send.
  23. You were suspended for having multiple accounts: welkinho, punjabda, bloodhop, and cityclu. Users are limited to 1 account each, you can host multiple sites from one account using the add-on domain function in cPanel. Please let us know which account you'd like to have unsuspended.
  24. The account taufik has been unsuspended now. If you still see the account suspended page please try clearing your cache. EDIT: You should now be able to add-on your other domains to the taufik account, let us know if you need backups or anything.
  25. Then my suggestion is to take a backup and scan it to see if you don't have some mail bot.
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