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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Yes that's right. Ok escalating to djbob Domain: nixonsoh.co.cc Username: nixonsoh
  2. Are you sure you've deleted the .htaccess file in your root directory?
  3. If your not using your .htaccess file for anything, remove it and then refresh your browsers cache and check your page again.
  4. You can register a free domain here: http://www.co.cc or choose a heliohost sub-domain name something like this: YOUR_NAME.heliohost.org
  5. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  6. lol, I didn't even think about that. I didn't know we could delete our main FTP account but I just checked and your right. Yeah Jeorge535, just look for FTP Accounts at your cPanel.
  7. Can you provide us with information as to what gnuplot 4.4 is? What it does? Where it can be found?
  8. You shouldn't have to enable anything in your cpanel to allow parsing of php pages. Exactly what did you do?
  9. We're not offering Java at this time. Hopefully in the next couple of months.
  10. The link you posted goes to this forum which has nothing to do with your account. Your account however is ok and our logs show you as having logged in today. http://ncrowder.heliohost.org Just make sure you log into your cpanel at least once every 30 days.
  11. One of the administrators will have to delete it. Are you ready for me to delete it now?
  12. No it's not available. See my first reply in this thread.
  13. Byron

    Daily limit

    You need to try earlier. The limit resets at around 12:00 am PST.
  14. Your site is up and you should be able to login. Is this the username your trying? jptiger
  15. I believe you mean: mghz.co.cc And I've corrected it in our database.
  16. Here it is: http://www.byrondallas.heliohost.org/djangotest.zip Don't forget to change the paths in the wsgi file.
  17. Rename this page: Home.html to index.html or use htaccess to see Home.html as your default index page. DirectoryIndex Home.html index.html index.php index.cgi
  18. Seems to be working ok now. Sometimes when the server load is very high it will return 500 errors. Happens for everybody.
  19. You do know that your only allowed one site per user don't you? So you need to decide which site you would like to keep.
  20. Escalating... Please provide us with your username and domain name.
  21. We're working on it. http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=7044
  22. Heliohost is operating only on one server now. It won't be until Sep. or Oct. that we will have another server up and running.
  23. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  24. You do know you have Webalizer and Awstats at your cpanel?
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