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Everything posted by Byron

  1. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  2. The server is on Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) which is GMT-7. Pacific Standard Time (PST) is GMT-8. http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/ssi.shtml http://www.computerhope.com/jargon/t/time.htm
  3. You can log into your account through the link in my sig below. But for your domain trollheim.co.cc to show on the net you'll have to point it to our nameservers. ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org
  4. Yeah and that's a nice shirt you got on there.
  5. Your site is up. If your still seeing the queued page, refresh your browsers cache. http://churchillmanagement.heliohost.org
  6. No you need to wait until djbob has resolved your issue.
  7. That's correct. Normally you won't see the addon domain on your cpanel stats until 24 hours have passed and it will take 24 hours after you've set the nameservers.
  8. For all Addon and Parked Domains. ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org
  9. I'm Pinning this topic. This Thread Is Not For Asking Questions. Please start a new thread if you have any questions.
  10. OK I've deleted your account and you can re-register any time you like.
  11. I don't know if it was cpanel or your corruption script, but there have been a few times in the past where a person would post that they couldn't login to thier new account and would post thier username with an underscore. Upon checking the database for the correct username it would be removed. But it seems it doesn't accept an underscore now because I just tried signing up twice with a underscore in the username and got an error both times that it was invalid.
  12. I've reset your password and PM'd it to you.
  13. Ok good. Your Database server hostname should be: localhost
  14. I've never heard of Fantastico asking you to delete your public_html folder before it would install. When it asked you to give a folder name you didn't happen to type in public_html did you? The folder shouldn't exist on your site when you give a folder name to install in. If the public_html isn't a folder anymore then where did Fantastico install your forum? Are you seeing any dot folders in your Home directory like: .cpanel .htpasswds .trash The best thing for you might be to let me delete your account and you signup again.
  15. Did you happen to delete any folders from your home directory like your public_html directory? And you don't have to fill out any Zone settings for you domain to work.
  16. All pages need to go in your public_html directory. The www will reflect what is in your publc_html directory.
  17. You need to post this in that same thread I posted to you yesterday for Addon Domain issues.
  18. Ok your new domain name is now: churchillmanagement.heliohost.org And you should be able to see and use it this time tomorrow. Your new login url is: http://churchillmanagement.heliohost.org/cpanel Same username and password as before.
  19. I'll have to change the name and then you can add the new name at your registrar. After I change the name it will take 24 hours to resolve here at heliohost. Is this the name you would like? churchillmanagement.heliohost.org
  20. I'm not familiar with any free registrars myself but somebody may come along that does know. Here's another option, I can change your domain name here at heliohost to a heliohost subdomain and then you can redirect with it if you like. Something like: churchillmanagement.heliohost.org
  21. Try putting: http://churchillmanagement.uk.tt In the form since that is your domain here, although I'm not quite sure that will work. You should look for the option to use name servers and use them instead.
  22. I think you mean nameservers? ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org If nameservers is not what your looking for then this (I think) is the url to your registrar: http://www.joynic.com/ This is the url to your cpanel: http://churchillmanagement.uk.tt Other than those urls, I have no idea.
  23. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
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