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Everything posted by Byron

  1. This support request is being escalated to our root admin. Note to djbob: Last night I completely removed his .htaccess file and then created a simple Hello World test file with php and it was still throwing a 500 error. So it seems php scripts on his site are causing 500 errors.
  2. I'll have to delete your account before you can register again even if the limit hadn't been reached. I can escalate this to djbob and he could find the problem or he might have you do the same thing I'm asking. And it maybe tomorrow before he checks the forums. I can register your account for you and it will be active tomorrow morning if you want to do that. I'll leave it up to you to decide.
  3. Your right, php has stopped working on your site and is returning a 500 error now. The easist way to fix this is to just let me delete your account and then have you re-register again. Have you got everything you need from your site saved so I can delete your account?
  4. OK I'm going to login to your account and check it out, but I will be changing the password until I'm done and then I'll let you reset it after I'm finished.
  5. Did you delete the htaccess file after you reinstalled wordpress again? Your wordpress is probably looking for the htaccess file to work. Delete your wordpress and before you install it again check to see that your domain doesn't return a 500 error.
  6. Have you added any redirects? Can you please post what's in your .htaccess file.
  7. Unless your using Frontpage Extensions then I would recommend you uninstall them. If you've already removed your wordpress then delete your .htaccess file and your site should start working again. But installing wordpress again is just going to add to your .htaccess file what is giving you the 500 error. If you'll post what's being added by wordpress I can show you what to delete. I can't reset your site, all I can do is delete it and you can re-register.
  8. Yes installing wordpress would alter your .htaccess file. If I posted you the default it would probably disable wordpress. Instead copy what's inside your public_html .htaccess file and post it here for me to show you what to delete.
  9. No it doesn't matter where you login from as long as you enter the correct login information.
  10. Don't you have other friends who might let you signup using thier computer?
  11. Your getting that error because your only allowed one account per user. Isn't this your account? arcadya.co.cc
  12. More than likely the error is coming from a bad line in your .htaccess file. Have you added any programs recently that would alter your .htaccess file?
  13. I'm able to see http://bingblog.net just fine. Refresh your browsers cache. And it takes 24 hours to see a new addon domain listed at your cpanel.
  14. Are you familiar with htaccess? Do a google search for htaccess rewrite main domain to folder. May look something like this in your root .htaccess file: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/?$ /volosas.co.cc/
  15. You need to wait 24 to 48 hours after you've set the nameservers for it to resolve. Until you set the nameservers back to heliohost's there won't be anyway to connect via ftp to your site on heliohost.
  16. I don't know. At one time I checked the server load and it was 134.92 at 08:07 am. I'll escalate this to djbob and see if he can tell us why.
  17. You go to where you registered your domain name and enter the nameservers there. Didn't they send you a confirmation with your username and password?
  18. You need to point your domain to our nameservers here: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org
  19. Was this after you added: set_time_limit(20); or before? I'm going to go ahead and escalate this to djbob just incase he needs to check max_execution_time on php scripts.
  20. These are the maximum amount of time that can't be changed: Maximum execution time of each script (in seconds) 30. Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data (in seconds) 60. You can lesson the time inside your script by adding this to top of your code: set_time_limit(20);
  21. Byron

    FTP Info

    Yes. The default is your login username and password. FTP to: ftp.your_name.heliohost.org You can create more FTP Accounts at your cpanel.
  22. You need to set the nameservers at your registrar not at your cpanel. Right now this domain (angrypuff.in) isn't pointing to our nameservers.
  23. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  24. Go back and try to enter the nameservers again and if it still doesn't work then contact your registrar and ask them to enter them for you. ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org
  25. I'm seeing the same site from both urls: http://announcements.pcx.com.ph http://pcxstarcraft.heliohost.org
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