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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Seems your site has been deleted. Feel free to register a new account.
  2. That was right after djbob purchased his own server (Stevie) and was moving all of the accounts over to it. We actually have 2 servers now (Stevie and Charlie) and djbob is in the process of getting it online. Hopefully it will be online soon and should take some of the load off of Stevie.
  3. See if this helps you with SQlite and I don't think you have to worry about chmoding to 777? http://eclecticdjs.com/mike/tutorials/php/sqlite_01.php
  4. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  5. Why not just make robiclassifieds.tk a parked domain? Go to your cpanel (Parked Domains) and add robiclassifieds.tk as a parked domain and nobody will no the difference except you.
  6. Escalating... You'll need to post your username and domain name.
  7. I've sent an email to your gmail account confirming that you want your domain changed. Escalating the rest to djbob.
  8. I meant this: http://bsm.heliohost.org/Opdr1.php but if that has the php snippet you posted then it looks like php isn't working on your site. djbob?
  9. We recently had some problems with new registrations and you'll need to register again.
  10. No you don't need 20 posts in the forums. What you need to do is make a new thread in Customer Service and post your usernamre and domain name and your problem.
  11. You'll need to post a url to your script.
  12. Okay your domain name is now: ekotim.co.cc Give it 24hrs to resolve.
  13. Okay your domain name is now: promoveaza-te.co.cc Give it 24hrs to resolve.
  14. I've sent an email to your yahoo address and as soon as I get your reply I'll change your domain name.
  15. Okay your domain name is now: lonelycloud.co.cc. Give it 24hrs to resolve.
  16. We recently had some problems with new registrations and you'll need to register again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  17. Is this what your using to connect with? FTP-Target: ftp.yxil.co.cc Username: pajn If that's the case you might have been trying to connect when the server load was too high.
  18. Replace: header('index.php'); With: header("location:index.php"); exit;
  19. First you might try checking your Error logs at your cpanel right after you recieve the 500 Error. Second, try posting your script for somebody to debug.
  20. We've had some problems with new registrations recently and you'll need to re-register.
  21. We've had some problems with new registrations recently and you'll need to re-register.
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