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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Oh ok. it must be a bug in cpanel. I've never had any problems with mine but my account was created awhile back.
  2. cPanel creates a default mail account with your username when you signup. All you have to do is choose how you want to view it like Horde or Squirrel, etc.
  3. No you shouldn't have to do anything. If your site is plumfin.com for example and your email was you@plumfin.com your email will show up at your site here at heliohost.
  4. Sorry we don't keep backups of anybody's site. Always back up your site no matter who your hosted with.
  5. It looks like: pcknowledge.heliohost.org has been deleted because of inactivity. You need to login to your cpanel at least once every 30 days. Feel free to create a new account if you like.
  6. We have register_globals off for security reasons and we can't use php_value. Our PHP is setup under suPHP - it isn't compiled under a DSO. In other words, the php_value directive does not exist under our Apache.
  7. That's right, if you use it as a Parked Domain your users won't know the difference. And with a Parked Domain if your co.uk domain provider should go down you can still go to your site via the heliohost subdomain. I can change your domain but I would recommend you use it as a parked domain.
  8. I've successfully logged into your account and PM'd you your new password.
  9. Use this instead: AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .html .htm Notice the number 5 at the end?
  10. You could also use .htaccess to redirect all requests to another page. http://www.techiecorner.com/97/redirect-to...using-htaccess/
  11. Escalating... Giuliano please post your username and domain name.
  12. Escalating... Mghz please post your username and domain name.
  13. It's best to install when the server load is at 4 or under. This page will provide you with a link to Fantastico when the server load is just right. http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/server_load.php
  14. Should be == instead of =. if ($location == "main") <?php $filename = $_GET['file']; $location = $_GET['where']; if ($filename) { if ($location == "main") { print($filename . ' - ' . $location); } else if ($location == "home") { print($filename . ' - ' . $location); } else if ($location == "scoizzle") { print($filename . ' - ' . $location); } } ?>
  15. Returns only the content type: <?php $ch = curl_init("http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/audio/budtotal.wav"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); # For this example, just discard the output. $src = curl_exec($ch); # Get all information about the transfer. $extract = curl_getinfo($ch); # Echo only the content type echo $extract['content_type']; # Clean up. curl_close($ch); ?> http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/test/Curl-url-info.php
  16. Please post your Addon domain issues here with that same info. http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=5553
  17. @Derek Exactly what info do you need from a file? Would this work? http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.curl-getinfo.php Here's an example of what kind of info you can get with curl_getinfo. Just enter a url in the form and submit. http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/php/tools/curl_get_info.php EDIT: Here's a list of functions that we do support: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/php/get_d...d_functions.php
  18. I think what he's really wanting is for this particular function to work. finfo_open()
  19. Ok your domain is now: operation-mothership.heliohost.org should be active in less than 24hrs. You can't change the domain yourself but you can add Parked Domains which will allow you to use your own domain name once you aquire one.
  20. We can change it for you once you decide on a name.
  21. furbud.pl is hosted with these folks here: http://000webhost.com If that truly is your domain then you would go to that hosting company to change your page. furbud.heliohost.org probably got deleted because you failed to login to your cpanel every 30 days. You can create a new account if you like.
  22. If you'll create the header and footer page your errors will go away. If you remove ALL of the content from the index.php then yes it should display a blank page. Do a hard refresh if your still seeing the 500 error on another browser.
  23. furbud.pl is not in our database nor is that domain pointed to our nameservers.
  24. I'm seeing your index.php ok now except it's throwing php errors because you don't have a footer page or header page. http://nixonsoh.co.cc/index.php UNescalating.
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