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Ice IT Support

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Everything posted by Ice IT Support

  1. I think it's best to send the money directly to admin@heliohost.org, instead of donating it?
  2. Login to co.cc and try to renew the domain. I have a feeling this is the issue, especially if you last renewed it in 2010, 2 years ago.
  3. Charlie hosts Cody & Johnny, and Cody hosts HH/HN. Your second domain will not be limited (it will also have unlimited email, etc.) Your dedicated IP can be transferred, please request this from an administrator once your Johnny acount has been set up (the best way would be to create another topic).
  4. The server names are stevie.heliohost.org and johnny.heliohost.org, respective of the server you are on (Stevie or Johnny). Additionally you need to enable remote MySQL: http://wiki.helionet.org/MySQL_Databases#Connecting_Remotely
  5. Only use Johnny if you require Asp services. Otherwise Stevie is the way to go.
  6. HTTP problems again? It seems to be the only issue, FTP and cPanel seem to be fine
  7. I know it is possible through phpMyAdmin, not sure about cron.
  8. HelioHost does not allow the including of external scripts (from other servers) for security reasons.
  9. Try this: <Files ~ "(file1|file2|file3).pl"> AuthUserFile /home1/hairydj/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.pwd AuthGroupFile /home1/hairydj/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.grp AuthName "Enter Your Password" AuthType Basic Order Allow,Deny require valid-user </Files>
  10. I have been using Notepad++ since I began coding, and it has been my one-and-only code editor since. The new built-in FTP feature makes it even more useful. I'm not sure about the debugging though, I have never used it.
  11. I don't think they do, but they aren't open to the public anyway.
  12. Your email will be disrupted between deleting the account and getting it set up again because the DNS records won't exist.
  13. The admins say wee need the root admin to deal with the http problem?
  14. You can find your IP address by looking in your cPanel account information (the bar on the left hand site) or by typing into a command prompt.
  15. An administrator can install it for you, you just have to ask.
  16. HH's servers are not regularly cleaned and rebooted. This might help with that.
  17. Username? Server? I'm not experienced with asp, but I do know you need to be registered on Johnny to use it here.
  18. Try adding/parking the domain in HelioHost, wait 24 hours and then try to change the nameservers. @admins. If I am interpreting the error message correctly, the domain registrar queries ns1/ns2 for records before changing the nameservers. @literky. If you are reading this, please try the same as above. (Iwould post in that topic as well, but it is locked).
  19. Try when the server load is low. http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/
  20. According to co.cc Whois data, your domain expired in 2008. Try renewing it, wait 24 hours and try again.
  21. It looks like it runs on Perl, which HelioHost has. So it should work. (null)
  22. What does this part do? It seems kind of pointless to me... Perhaps this could be part of the problem? (null)
  23. That seems to be resolved on Stevie, clear your cache. (null)
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