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Ice IT Support

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Everything posted by Ice IT Support

  1. When I clicked on the link, it took me to guard163.heliohost.org which displayed the account queued page. When copying juanperdomo.heliohost.org into my address bar, it gave me the 403 error. If you recently created this account, please wait another 24 hours for setup to complete. Also make sure you have a page named index.html (or other extention, such as .php, .asp, etc) in your domain root (usually public_html)
  2. Did you park/add-on your domain through cPanel or use the domain change script?
  3. This is the result of users sending spam from HH's servers, causing the server and shared IPs to be listed as dangerous. Also HH has suffered from attacks in the past... The community can not send spam or place malicious content on their site, use strong passwords and of course follow the TOS. The administrators would have to request removal from blacklists, I highly doubt it will happen automatically.
  4. The reason you can't create your account is because your IP address is already associated with your Johnny account, and only one account is allowed per IP. If you would like a second account on the other server, you need to ask the administrators to make an exception for your IP address. It is not at all related to an account on another forum (or any forum).
  5. All accounts should have 500mb of disk space. Unlimited disk space is a glitch.
  6. Try one of the direct links below: http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/index.php for Stevie http://johnny.heliohost.org:2082/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/index.php for Johnny Also, please post your server name.
  7. Your site loads fine, but ping requests return this IP: and according to whois, your nameservers are not set to HelioHost (ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org). This domain is not linked to HelioHost.
  8. Use the script Tjoene linked to, then set nameservers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. If your registrar asks the question again, say yes. The script creates any entries needed on the HelioHost side for you, so you shouldn't have to set any other records besides nameservers.
  9. Yes, AcyMailing is most likely the root of this problem. If the program you were using before this one did not have this problem, I would highly reccomend switching back. I am not certain what is causing the problem. Unless there is a cron script involved, the page with the mail command is somehow being repeatedly accessed. Either by link or reference (include, onload, etc) from another page.
  10. Entering the question in Google should turn up some good results. I don't think there are any tutorials on HelioHost.
  11. Sorry! I am usually quick to reply but I have been busy the past few days. Open up the sql file in a text editor and select everything. Copy that into an SQL command box. The database backups are simply SQL commands, so this should work.
  12. Are you transmitting music from/through the server? That would use a lot of resources... Are you transmitting music from/through the server? That would use a lot of resources...
  13. I highly doubt HH would be willing to open up new ports, for security reasons. Please try to find an alternative.
  14. Wordpress provides a graphical user interface to design your site. I think it is similar to blogger, only with much less branding. I don't use Wordpress, these are things I have seen and heard.
  15. This is really neat! I really enjoy the certificate design.
  16. Most likely something broken. Stevie was fine at that time, and I know Johnny is off and on should that be the case.
  17. Yes! Configuring browscap would be excellent. But until then, this fix will work: <?php ini_set("browscap","path_to_browscap.ini"); ?> Put this at the top of pages using get_browser(), and upload your browscap.ini to your home folder.
  18. What is the size of the 'includes' folder before you compress is? I personally find it pointless to decompress something only to recompress it. Try uploading the folder decompressed.
  19. Server location I think is referring to server address, which would be "localhost" for MySQL. Root URL can be found in cPanel under "Main Domain", and web root can be found under "Home Directory". Both of these are on the left sidebar of the cPanel home page.
  20. For #contain, try using: margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto; This is what I use on my site and it does what I believe you are describing.
  21. Are you sure you have your username/password correct and server set to localhost?
  22. The $12 is charged by HH's upstream provider. Heliohost does not have any paid services. It sounds like you will be needing paid hosting for your applications, as HelioHost does not have cloud services, can not guarantee 100% uptime, and may not be able to accomodate the traffic and server load you require. @admins: Please delete/edit this post if you feel it degrades your services too much or creates a negative image of HH.
  23. Create a php document named "download.php" with this code: <?php header("Content-Disposition:attachment;filename='$_GET[file]'"); ?> <html> <body> <p>Your file is downloading... </body> </html> The link would look like this: <a href="download.php?file=*FILENAME*">Download file/image</a> Filling *FILENAME* with the file to download, including the file extention.
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