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Everything posted by MoneyBroz

  1. Domains added, it may take up to 2 hours for the domains to start working.
  2. i couldn't change your main domain due to you having subdomains on that domain. i would just disable the domain in plesk by clicking the drop down menu that says active and changing it.
  3. if you don't have another domain, i can change it to something like bawanthabe.heliohost.us or bawanthabe.helioho.st
  4. We cannot just delete your main domain, it will need to be changed to something else. what domain would you like it to be changed to?
  5. There's no additional charge to install what you want.
  6. You were suspended for high memory usage (100.27GB) i unsuspended your account. Make sure to keep track of your load at https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load so you don't get suspended again.
  7. Account deleted, thank you for using heliohost.
  8. You were suspended for high server load (10016 CPU). The limit is 10k. make sure to watch your account load closely at https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load
  9. Your account was suspended for high CPU usage (10043) the limit is 10k. i unsuspended your account but please try and optimize your websites to not consume more resources than what is allowed.
  10. Domain added, it can take up to 2 hours for the domain to start working.
  11. He Already responded: https://helionet.org/index/topic/58354-php-settings/
  12. Domain Added, it can take upto 2 hours for the domain to start working.
  13. You need to create your own account there and you will be able to link your domain and install the apps through FTP
  14. The domain is already added.
  15. Softaculous isn't available currently but you can use the softaculous remote website at https://remote.softaculous.com.
  16. I added barashada.net.helioho.st to your account. Make another post for the max vars issue and I'll escalate it.
  17. A root admin is a person not a link
  18. I can't fix this, a root admin needs to.
  19. https://heliohost.org/vps/
  20. There is no terminal for that. Only root admins have access to the server.
  21. This support request is being escalated to our root admins.
  22. For this, i would need to delete the zaakfiles account you had. do you need a backup of that account?
  23. barashada.net.helioho.st?
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