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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. The last database that disappeared was because the user had a key logger and they got his password. Might want to check your computers.
  2. Sorry. I feel really bad. We just use cpanel's tools for moving accounts so we just have to trust that cpanel knows how to package and move their own accounts without losing any data. We've only ever lost data twice now moving accounts. The first time we lost data I was able to figure out why and write some custom precautions to help prevent that from happening again. I'm not even sure why your database(s) got lost. There are no errors in the logs or anything. I'm still investigating what happened. I might just have to chalk it up to high load on Johnny. Anyone else who reads this, make sure you take frequent backups. We do everything we can to prevent data loss, but you never know what could happen.
  3. You'll have to restore them from your most recent backup. I double checked Johnny and the transfer file and there are no databases in there.
  4. You're on Tommy now. I have also increased your storage to the maximum, and you don't need to log in to cpanel to keep your account active until 2021-12-04. Let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. Thank you so much for your donation!
  5. It's the same person as bankers, nighteen, etc. He's already set up multiple phishing accounts so it seems rather unlikely that he won't just do it again.
  6. Your account is already active. For anyone who searches and finds this op probably discovered https://www.heliohost.org/renew/
  7. Your account was suspended because our systems detected that you might have more than one account. We understand that no one ever reads our terms, but as a reminder, our Terms of Service state that each user is allowed to have only one account. The reason we have to enforce this rule is because our servers are already overloaded the way it is, and it wouldn't be fair to everyone that is turned away each day for you to have more than one when so many others have none. One common reason people create more than one account is to get around our storage limit of 1000 MB. Did you know that we will give you another 1000 MB of storage for each $5 USD donation you make up to 5000 MB total? If you'd like to increase the storage of your account just make a donation and then let us know your transaction ID and username. Another common reason people create more than one account is to host more than one website. Did you know that you can host as many websites on your one account as you want? Unlike a lot of free hosts we offer unlimited alias domains, unlimited addon domains, and unlimited subdomains. If you need any help adding another website to your account just let us know. Another common reason people create more than one account is to try out several servers at once, or to transfer a website between accounts on different servers. Did you know that an admin can move your account for you for as little as a $1 USD donation? This will save you the trouble of signing up again, and deleting your account, etc. Sometimes our systems flags you as possibly having more than one account when you share a computer with family, friends, coworkers, other students, etc. If this is your situation we apologize for the suspension, and we'll be happy to unsuspend all of the involved accounts after you provide proof that each of the accounts belong to a different person. The account karltzy has been unsuspended.
  8. There you go https://krydos1.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules39.py
  9. There you go https://krydos.heliohost.org/74/phpinfo.php
  10. It looks like those modules aren't compatible with python 2.7. Would you like to try using them on python 3.9?
  11. Invite sent. Thanks for the donation.
  12. There you go https://krydos.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules37.py
  13. Your account is already active.
  14. Yeah, 2017 was the last time someone asked about this https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/28532-solved-enable-ssl-in-postgres-database/ It's definitely worth visiting again though since it's been 4 years. SSL has come a long way in that time so surely cpanel has fixed it right? Unfortunately, I have come to the same conclusion. The version of postgresql that cpanel packages does not have support for ssl compiled in. So I could just compile my own version of postgresql... but then you likely wouldn't be able to create postgresql databases through cpanel or use phppgadmin or anything. If there were any vulnerabilities or anything discovered I would have to recompile it again from source each time it needed to be upgraded. Sadly, it looks like you'll need a vps for this still. Nope, I think I got it to work! Try it now with sslmode=require
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