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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Krydos

    Plz Help

    First of all, please make every effort to use correct grammar and spelling so that anyone other than you who reads your posts can understand what you are saying. Second, if you haven't already please try typing your username in this script http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew to try to reactivate your account. If that doesn't work could you provide some additional information so the admins can diagnose and hopefully fix this issue for you. 1. Your username 2. Your domain name 3. Your server
  2. There is a pinned topic in the customer service forum for these suspension issues that can be found at http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=9439 If this script http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew doesn't fix your suspension then in order to diagnose the problem and fix it for you the admins will need further information:
  3. You're quite welcome. If you're sure you've cleared your browser cache and the changes to your website still haven't shown up it could be a form of ISP caching (source: http://www.leewood.us/help/caching.htm) Another thing you can do is try a simple free web proxy. This way the proxy servers load the webpage, and then pass the page as they see it to you essentially bypassing any caching along the way. This is also helpful workaround if you suspect your ISP or government might be starting to block certain sites. The only trick is to find a proxy that isn't also blocked.
  4. Yeah, there is an arrow in the background pointed towards the top right, but am I the only one that sees the mouse pointer arrow pointed straight at Tux's chest? That's why I asked if it was a screenshot. I just figured you took a screenshot to make the original image rather than saving the image. Yep, very good information in there. I followed that link back when you posted the rainbow swirly text script http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=9136 which is also very cool.
  5. That's really cool. Much easier than adding reflections in the gimp or photoshop or whatever like I have always done in the past. I haven't actually tried it yet, but what is the deal with the mouse cursor? Just happened to have it sitting there when the screen shot was taken or something?
  6. It must still be a cache issue of some sort because the website appears to be loading correctly, with or without the /index.html. Glad you like the service! I have also tried other free hosts and it seems like it's always bait and switch with them. They advertise that they offer all these services, but then they either just flat out lied or they have so many key features of the service ripped out for "security reasons" that it becomes completely useless.
  7. One option is to use a free service such as http://www.no-ip.com/ although there are dozens of other services that do the same thing. Basically you can get a free program that runs in the background while your computer is online to detect when your ip dynamically changes and then it updates the DNS to point to your new ip address. Obviously, if you pay these companies more money you get more services and more domain name options. If I understand your question correctly it sounds like you wish to use your domain that you have the nameservers pointed to Heliohost to access your dynamically shifting home ip address? If so one thing I did in the past that worked really well was I created a forum at mydomain.com and then used a subdomain to point to mydynamicip.com using a free service so if someone went to www.mydomain.com they would see the forum/website on port 80, but if they went to ventrilo.mydomain.com on port 3784 it would actually access my home dynamic ip address. Is that sort of what you are talking about? If it isn't you might also wish to speak with your internet service provider about the costs associated with purchasing a static ip.
  8. Johnny is currently not creating new accounts. The issue has been identified and escalated, and will be fixed shortly. You can monitor the progress of this issue here http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=9507 You can monitor your place in the account creation queue by following this link http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/status Once the account creation script gets restarted you should expect your number in line to start decreasing.
  9. Maybe I am wrong too, but I'm pretty sure as long as you try to access directly it's always going to show the account queued page because apache is never going to be provided with an account name to access. However, I can confirm http://phoenix-nest.net still isn't loading for me either, and the dns nameserver stuff still appears to be set correctly with godaddy. As far as I can tell it's almost like your account doesn't even exist, but I'm not an administrator with access to the databases. You can log into cpanel right?
  10. Johnny is currently not creating new accounts. The issue has been identified and escalated, and will be fixed shortly. You can monitor the progress of this issue here http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=9507 You can monitor your place in the account creation queue by following this link http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/status Once the account creation script gets restarted you should expect your number in line to start decreasing.
  11. My johnny account has the same issue. Seems accounts aren't being created. I've been #137 in the creation queue since June 1st.
  12. That's good to know. I just wanted to mention it in case it was an issue.
  13. Your site has shown that "tree of files" since the very first time I looked at your site. Your browser cache must have finally expired or you cleared it yourself. If it were my server I would edit httpd.conf and add this to the line DirectoryIndex index.htm ... index.aspx but I don't think that is something that can be done without an admin. As a work around you can create a file called index.htm in public_html that redirects to your index.aspx file.
  14. I don't really know what the deal with the server is, and I certainly can't do anything to fix it. I don't even have an account on johnny so I can't tell you from experience either, but you can see on Priotr's monitor http://grd.net.pl/heliohost/monitor/ that johnny has been having some issues for a bit. Also on the heliohost.org home page at the bottom there is a server status box and johnny has an X when it should have a check mark.
  15. If your account is on johnny it looks like the whole server is down right now. I don't know if your account is suspended or not, but if it is you can try using this tool http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew to renew your account. After an account gets suspended you have some time to renew before it gets deleted permanently.
  16. Doesn't surprise me. There are literally only a handful of people in the entire world at any given moment that are truly doing "something that has never been done before" and they are all located at the cutting edges of science. Oddly enough a lot of times when someone makes an amazing breakthrough or invents something unique another person independently arrives at the same invention or conclusion. Two historically famous examples that come to mind are the invention of the automobile and the creation of the branch of mathematics known today as Calculus. Yeah, I guess if Domain/cpanel didn't reset the suspension timer but when someone tried to access cpanel that way it just redirected you to a login that would reset the suspension timer it would work. Seems a little more complicated than changing the link in the email to me though. Yeah, I'm not even sure if the domain/cpanel login is even a problem. Perhaps ANY of the many ways to login to cpanel will keep your account from being suspended. Just thought I'd mention it here because I've gotten the impression that the preferred way to login is not what is listed in the sign up email.
  17. Having received permission from djbob to create a second account on johnny http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?s=...ost&p=65405 I went ahead and did just that. The email I received reads as follows: I've often wondered why so many new accounts run into the issue of using user.heliohost.org/cpanel to log in and then get confused when their accounts end up getting suspended because that login doesn't reset their 30 day timer. (Maybe I'm just confused, but I'm pretty sure that login doesn't reset the timer because admins always suggest logging in through the homepage.) Anyways, just thought I'd mention it here. It's not very often that someone as spammy as I am creates a second account so I thought I should mention it here quick before it slipped my mind. Changing that link in the account creation email might reduce the number of suspended accounts and work that the admins need to do on these forums to solve the problems created from it. We all know there are quite enough suspended/queued account issues lately anyways without this adding to it.
  18. There are plenty of alternatives to ms exchange out there. http://www.rawseo.com/news/2009/06/08/5-op...osoft-exchange/ and the comments on that page are a decent place to start. On a more personal note (albeit more ranting note) Microsoft has really done a bang up job of worming their way into schools and peoples minds while their young and vulnerable and convincing them that they have to shell out thousands of dollars to get the things done on their computers that they need to do. They get people so hopelessly hooked on their software products that people don't even think it's possible to do what they know how to do with MS software, and when confronted with an open source alternative or some sort of legit (non spyware laden) freeware they just dismiss it without even giving it a real try. Honestly, most of the open source software I use anymore has matured over the last 10 years or so that I think it's actually superior in functionality and capability. I think it should work the opposite way: Try the free software first and get used to it and THEN try out the $400 software from some MS or MS-clone company and ask yourself is it really worth that price? The way it is now is you go to your college software shop and they hand you that $400 software for $1 and you wet yourself in excitement and run home to learn every nuance of your beloved new program. Perhaps I have grown a little cynical... Just my opinion.
  19. Sounds good. Thanks for the permission.
  20. If you would like to code this up, pick your language and we'll set you up! Yeah, I wish I could commit myself to doing just that for you all, but I'm a spread a little too thin right now. I'll think about it, and if I get caught up on a few of my other projects I'll take a serious look into this. *mumblemumble* ...perhaps I'd get more done if I read forums less and worked more... *mumblegrumble* I have to stop looking at that thread because it keeps making me laugh out loud. I know the term "LOL" has become a little meaningless over the last few years, but seriously...
  21. I was reading http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?s=...ost&p=65354 today and it got me started thinking about the multiple account policy which is summed up on the wiki as: http://wiki.helionet.org/wiki/Suspension_...licate_accounts Recently, I have been thinking it might be fun to start doing some experimentation with .NET again, but I like having my account on Stevie and the (eventual) stability that that will entail. I also want to keep my main, functional, and accessible to people other than myself websites on stevie. I guess what I'm getting at is, would it be possible to have another account on johnny to support .NET and all those other dangerous resources while keeping my account on stevie? The Duplicate Account policy makes a lot of sense with one server because there isn't any reason to have multiple accounts. Everything you could do with two accounts you can do with parked/addon/sub domains so it's pointless. What if one of your websites is just mysql/php and it should be on stevie, but another is .NET and java or whatever? Ideal solution to this dilemma would be for each user to have one overall dual-server encompassing account. Then access to cPanel on each stevie and johnny could be installed or deleted like a module or something. That way the accounts would be linked and only the people who needed an account on both servers would have one, or if an account only needed access to one or the other they could do that too. That sounds like a lot of custom coding though, unless someone can find someone else who has had this same issue before out in the internet somewhere. FYI: I also understand that I could just create a second account on johnny without asking from a different domain, and with a different email address and no one would ever know the difference, but I don't really enjoy breaking rules for no good reason. Besides this might be a good discussion to have now that both servers are usually stable and running nicely.
  22. This is already in another thread in the customer service forum, but it's kind of buried inside another thread. Since I can't split topics I'll just make a new thread for it since it's a separate unrelated issue. I found today that if you go to the scripts page: http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts It lists Domain Change: But it links to the wrong script. It should send you to http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/domain Thanks!
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