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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. You might want to try some of the suggestions on http://wiki.heliohost.org/wiki/Solving_Int...l_Server_Errors I have found from personal experience that sometime when you are actively developing your website you can come up against the process limit because uploading files causes a couple processes to spawn, and then viewing your page causes a couple to spawn, and then maybe even checking your mail causes a couple more processes and before you know it you can no longer parse php because there are too many processes already running to load the one required to display a php page. If it is the process limit it those errors should go away after a bit of not uploading and messing with the site so much, ie: normal use, but if it becomes consistant and aways error you might have a process that is broken and isn't going away on it's own. In which case you should definitely let an admin know so they can fix it.
  2. I'm really wondering if maybe her internet connection is to blame for all of the above. I've had my uptime stats going on my website for ~10 months now, and it averages out to about 97% uptime. Sometimes it gets rough for a few days or something, but then things get straightened out and it starts working well again. Johnny has been a huge help to because so much load from stevie has been removed. I have no idea on her actual situation, but years ago before I was an adult I lived with my dad in a very old house and it reminds me of everything she has said. We only had dial up internet, and the phone lines were terrible quality. Each time it would rain water would get down inside the wires and cause them to short out and of course the internet would die. Then we'd call the phone company and they would come out and replace all the exterior lines and everything would work fine until some damn squirrel would decide to sharpen his teeth on our phone cables again a few months later. So, in conclusion: Don't blame the heliohost; blame the squirrels.
  3. Looks like something got fixed in the last 10 hours because it is all good now.
  4. You site seems to be loading correctly for me. It took a second because of high server load on johnny, but it loads for me now. If you still aren't seeing your site please remember to clear your browser cache.
  5. Yes it appears so. Once an account is deleted all the information is permanently gone. You are responsible for making regular backups, and regular log ins to prevent data loss. You're welcome to create a new account if you wish.
  6. There is no account in the database with that name. Did you remember to log in to cpanel at least once every 30 days?
  7. You can use this script to delete your account http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/delete and after it is fully deleted then you can sign up again. If the signup says that you already have an account it means that the old account hasn't fully deleted yet. Make sure you backup all of your information before you start the deletion process, and sometimes if there are a lot of accounts to delete ahead of you in the queue it can take up to 48 hours for it to fully delete.
  8. When I open that page I get a single letter 'a' but it loads fine. Have you tried clearing your browser cache?
  9. Sorry sometimes it takes a little bit of time to resolve DNS issues no matter what hosting service you use. Even if you were paying a million dollars a month for your hosting it would still take up to 24 hours for DNS records to propagate because it is a worldwide system and this is how it works. It has only been two days since you first reported your problem and we have had multiple admins including the root system administrator who is currently ~800 miles from home working on your problem. I think a lot of progress has been made in a very short period, but you're welcome to your own opinions.
  10. Account? Domain? Server? Is the problem still occurring?
  11. I have manually unsuspended your account, and you site appears to be loading correctly now. If you still see the suspension page try clearing your browser cache.
  12. Yes, you requested the domain name change 4-5 days ago, and the script half worked, but somehow a strange DNS issue was created in the process. That DNS issue has since resolved itself and now you need to wait 24 hours from the DNS being fixed to see if the queued issue can resolve itself. Sorry I must not have been very clear the first time; was this explanation more clear?
  13. It sounds like the server load might have been high while you were trying to upload your files. At the top right of the forum pages you can see the server load. If this number isn't showing up at all or is higher than 20 it means that you might get time outs and connection errors. Also last night the root administrator was at the server location running diagnostic tests on the hardware so depending on when you were trying to upload that could have caused issues too. Another issue is your internet connection may have been causing problems too. A lot of residential ISPs are decently fast for downloading, but uploading can be really slow and problematic. Another option is logging into cpanel, clicking the softaculous button, and installing joomla through a script. Since it is installing from the server that way it takes a fraction of the time and it's basically all automated. Installing through ftp also works just fine it's just a little more complicated and involves transferring a large number of files which can sometimes take hours.
  14. This thread is for server wide queued status on all accounts. All other johnny accounts are working so please see my post here to continue discussion of this issue http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?s=...ost&p=66637
  15. It looks like the strange dns issues that johnny was having have been fixed for several accounts. After your change your domain it is standard to see the account queued page for up to 24 hours. Let's give it a day and most likely the queued page will fix itself. It is not a server wide queued issue since all other johnny accounts I load do not give queued.
  16. The account ananya on johnny server was still active so I deleted it manually. According to http://heliohost.uni.cc/sign-up.php stevie is currently accepting new accounts as of the time of this post. You should be able to create your new stevie account now.
  17. Yes, the account is on johnny, and as far as my access reaches everything looks like it's set up correctly. Don't know what else to do except: This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  18. Is the 20/50 thing a typo or what? because if its not, i don't understand that It is a typo. At one point you needed 50 posts and it was lowered to 20. Guess all the 50s were not changed. Ok, it's fixed now. Thanks for pointing it out.
  19. From news: All accounts on stevie will be down while the memory test is running. Your account is located on stevie so it will also be affected. Sorry for the inconvenience, but this test has the potential to increase stevie's stability considerably so it is totally worth the downtime.
  20. No need to apologize. Sometimes it's just nice to know your website is accessible. We're you got your problem solved! Please spare a few minutes to take our support survey: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=8947 You're feedback will help us provide better service.
  21. It just worked for me, and then started playing some weird music that confused me for a second until I figured out where it was coming from. Try clearing your browser cache and see if that helps it to load for you.
  22. Cache can be rather pesky. Glad you got it working again.
  23. It's kind of a weird issue. One whois I tried said they had no record, and two other services said it was set to heliohost.org properly. The last edit date appears to be ~2 days ago too so it should have had time to start working everywhere.
  24. That account seems to be working fine at the time of this post. If it still shows queued or suspended try clearing your browser cache. Your site also seems to be loading fine. If it isn't for you try clearing browser cache please.
  25. It looks like the automatic script has already worked. Your main domain shows up as femaleonly.co.cc already. The website, however, does not seem to be loading. It looks like you set the co.cc nameservers correctly, but how long ago did you set it up? It can take up to 24 hours for the dns to propagate.
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