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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Dried beans of some sort; just a close up picture of them?
  2. Actually they kind of look like really old yucky Okinawan Sweet Potatoes. I bought some of those a few weeks ago, but they looked a lot better than the ones in your picture.
  3. Yeah, but have you tried setting the name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org yet though? EDIT: Ok, looks like you set it, and it's showing heliohost queued page now. Give it 24 hours and it should work now.
  4. Nah... the broken image link was free... good guess tho "Ripway" is usualy perty reliable but they have been havin prollems lately.!!! Below is a diferent link to the sam pitcher... mayb it will work beter.!!! http://ptim.heliohost.org/GuessGameHeliohost/GuessBD.jpg I was so confused by all the talk of "pitchers." I kept looking for a large container with a handle for holding and pouring liquid. I think the word you mean is picture. Anyways, now that the pictures are working it looks like plant fertilizer to me. (That means I think they look like feces.)
  5. @mysteriousm, can you change the name servers on your MYSTERIOUSM.TK through your registrar to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. This is probably why it's not working correctly. If you cannot change those name servers then tjoene is probably correct and you can only use their .tk domains through url forwarding.
  6. Also keep in mind that this affects anyone trying to switch servers from johnny to stevie. If you are considering switching to get better stability now is not the time to move your account because you will end up without any functional account until after this issue is resolved.
  7. You paid $1.50 for a broken image link?
  8. Yes... science is self corectin... an not that science "proves" anythang... its the scientific method that produces facts about how thangs work... but is it you'r pont that science shoud be disregarded in the understandin of ourselfs an the universe in which we live.??? It might just be the fact that I'm not completely capable of understanding your particular sentence structure and grammar, but I think the point is that science never says anything with 100% certainty. That's why they use terms like hypothesis and theories. Scientists just say that with the knowledge that they currently posses this is their best guess as to how things work. Science is proven wrong all the time, and that's really the strength of science. Since it never declares anything as an absolute truth it always leaves itself room to continue studying reality and making better and better explanations of how the world around us works. Perhaps I'm off base, but I think cl58tools was simply saying that it was a scientific beliefs change all the time as new information is gathered. Apart from my above examples it was once believed that atoms were the smallest building block of matter and they couldn't ever be broken smaller. It wasn't too long before a whole mess of quarks, leptons, and bosons, etc were discovered. I don't think cl58tools thinks that science should be disregarded at all. It's just that science is always learning new things and revising it's theories to become more and more accurate. After all a theory is just a best guess as to how something works. cl58tools, sorry if I took your meaning completely wrong. Feel free to correct me when you read this. I already answered that though. It depends on your perspective. Maybe the moon rotates. Maybe the entire universe rotates around the moon, and everything except for the moon rotates. It doesn't really matter one way or the other. No one has enough perspective to answer your question with 100% certainty.
  9. Precisely. Unless someone can get an actual perspective of the entire universe there is no way to determine what the center is or what the overall design of the universe is. By definition the universe encompasses everything that exists anywhere, and until proven finite we have to assume that the universe is infinite, and therefore it is impossible to get a perspective that can judge an infinite expanse. The earth was the center of the universe for several millennia until science proved that the earth rotated around the sun. Then later science proved that the sun is orbiting around the center of the milky way galaxy, but it is suspected that the milky way galaxy is probably orbiting or at least moving away from some sort of universal center point. If we could get a large enough perspective of the entire process from a large enough distance to see the overall movement of the system then we could make a guess to where the true "center" is.
  10. I don't know if a website is capable of lying, but checking whois again returns different information now than it did before when I originally posted that the website didn't work for me either. Have you been changing your DNS records recently? After changing the records you should wait ~24 hours for the changes to propagate through the worldwide DNS system. If these records are changing on their own maybe the problem lies with your registrar. As of the time of this post your website seems to be functioning correctly.
  11. Yes. If your domain is mydomain.com and you put a file called index.html into the public_html folder you could view it through a browser at mydomain.com/index.html. Yes, you will need to create a database to hold the data first. When you use the tool to import it will ask you to choose a database to import into so if yo have zero databases it won't be able to import anything. Then it will also ask you for a file to import which will open a file browser where you can locate the file on your local computer. Where that file is and how it is created depends a bit on your local operating system, etc. You're welcome. We're all learning; different people are just at different levels of knowledge. The only people who aren't learning anymore are the people who are dead. Good luck!
  12. whois says: So, that explains why it doesn't go to your website.
  13. Stevie is more stable and offers php and mysql that you need. Johnny is more unstable because he offers all the rest of the heliohost features; namely, ruby on rails, asp.net, as well as php, and mysql, etc. I would recommend switching to stevie based on what you have said. Information on switching servers can be found on the wiki: http://wiki.helionet.org/wiki/Moving_your_account It can take a while because you need to basically delete your johnny account and create a new account on stevie. You should expect the process to take about 4 days. (48 hours to delete, and 48 hours to get the new account ready to go.) You can import your databases into the heliohost mysql server by going to phpMyAdmin through cpanel and choosing the import tab. It's also quite possible that you could write yourself a way to import new database information through a php webpage, but you would want to make sure that was all locked down and secure to keep people from corrupting your data. Yes, or you could upload them to sub folders within public_html to make them viewable to anyone with a browser worldwide.
  14. I haven't read any of the external links or anything, but I think the point of the stats are if you use CloudFlare your server stats won't be accurate anymore because not every single access to your site is going to send it's request to your server anymore. Since the load is distributed between multiple servers with a cached copy of your site your personal server would only register stats for the 40% or whatever of requests that end up going to it. That is why CloudFlare offers stats so you can monitor how many people view the site total (summed up from all the requests to all the different cached copies, etc.)
  15. Yes. Everyone deserves punishment. It is part of the basic fabric of how the world works. Take punishment in it's most basic form. Pain. Why does pain exist? To let an organism know that something is wrong. Why does an organism need to know something is wrong? If it didn't understand that something was harming it then it would quickly cease to exist. If a species existed that couldn't feel pain and couldn't experience any kind of punishment it wouldn't mind getting eaten, or it wouldn't understand the pain of being hungry and would not seek sustenance to continue living. If you hit yourself with a hammer it's going to hurt, and you're going to learn a lesson from the pain. If you are a successful organism with your own best interest in mind you're going to try to avoid hitting yourself with a hammer in the future because it was an unpleasant experience. At a lower level your body knows that taking that kind of damage constantly will eventually kill you or at least maim you enough to reduce your chances of finding food and water or reproducing. One (of the many) problems with the world is that our so-called "punishment" isn't actually a punishment. Many many people prefer to be living in jail because they don't have to worry about a job or bills or reality really. They just sit in a box all day and lift weights and have a very structured existence and when we try to thrust them back into reality they can't cope at all anymore and end up going right back into jail. --- Haha, just noticed. This is my 100th post. What a silly topic to end up being #100...
  16. What if the moon isn't actually rotating though? What if the moon is the only thing in the universe that ISN'T rotating, and everything else in the entire universe is rotating around the moon and therefore making it appear as if the moon is rotating?! Perspective, ouch.
  17. As of the time of the post there is no queued page on your website, and it appears to be loading correctly. So there doesn't seem to be anything to fix at this time. Glad you think so.
  18. Krydos


  19. I've found that the stability of FTP also depends a lot on the ftp client that you are using. If you are just using the windows explorer ftp thing it can sometimes fail to even log in, but as soon as you switch to a decent FTP client like filezilla it suddenly starts working so much better. You can read more about uploading files to the server on the wiki: http://wiki.helionet.org/wiki/Uploading_files_to_your_site
  20. I wonder if this explains why some people have issues getting suspended over and over is they are using some old browser or they have iframes disabled.
  21. You're quite welcome. As far as I know there isn't any sort of program or script that would update the ip records on Heliohost. (Unless you wanted to write it yourself.) The reason I did what I described about pointing a subdomain to a dynamic ip address was because I wanted to host a webpage PLUS host some other services on strange ports by running services on my own server and have them both use the same main domain. If you just need a DNS service to connect to your dynamic ip address but don't need any of the web hosting services that heliohost offers then you might be right. Heliohost is a webhost after all.
  22. Someone created that logo for us, but we didn't use it because it did not look as good as our current logo. Ok, I guess that explains it. I like the logos that are in use better than this one too.
  23. I never made multiple threads? I wasn't as clear as I could have been. I didn't mean to imply that you were creating multiple topics; I merely meant that this issue had already been identified and had a thread had been created to diagnose and fix it. If each person was to create their own thread for an issue that was affecting the entire server there would be twenty thousand duplicate threads, and not only would it not help to have that many threads it would severely hinder the admins from being able to get anything fixed.
  24. This issue has been identified and escalated to Heliohost's root admin and will be fixed as soon as is possible. You can monitor the status of this issue in this thread http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=9507 or by following Heliohost on twitter http://twitter.com/HelioHost or by following Heliohost on facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/HelioHost/13...3434140?sk=info Creating multiple threads for the same issue doesn't get anything resolved any faster.
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