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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. I would have thought that was for Czechs with the cz in there. Good to know.
  2. That account is not showing up in the database anymore so it probably is all deleted out now. When an account is queued for deletion it can sometimes take a couple days to clear out completely. Either that or jje did manually delete it already. This account is still active. The reason the server transfer probably went a bit weird was because you started trying to create the new account before the old account was completely deleted. That's why the wiki suggests delete -> wait 48 hours -> create -> wait 48 hours -> and then it should all be functional again. http://wiki.heliohost.org/wiki/Moving_your_account
  3. Another thing that might be considered a downside to dot.tk is they have this refer a friend type promotion where you can earn points or something from recruiting people to use their service. Hence the original weird spyware/virus looking original post in this thread.
  4. And is that the fault of the end user or the developer? If companies want us to browse their websites and buy their products they can easily sense the browser and the browser capabilities and have a version of their website that looks perfect and is easily navigable on our device.
  5. Nope. It appears that your website only doesn't work for Golden Chang. It appears to be loading just fine for Byron and I.
  6. I can confirm that the account ethelin is still in the database. It is currently marked as suspended. If you wish me to try to delete it manually pm me or post the email address you used to create that account as verification that it is your account. It might be that it is just in the deletion queue already and has gotten stuck or fallen through the cracks, but I can try to see what I can do. By the way, I've only had my moderator powers for a couple hours at this point so I apologize in advance if I am being overly cautious. The account doesn't show as being linked to a helionet account so I just want to make sure I'm not trying to delete some random unrelated persons account. Splitting threads... When I asked that it still showed you as actively browsing the forum so I was hoping for a quick response. Since this issue has been going on for quite a while (probably 10+ days) I went ahead and manually deleted the account. It is no longer showing up in the database, and you should be able to create your new account on Johnny now. Let us know if you have other issues signing up again. Signups are still available at the time of this post on Johnny. You can monitor signup times and if signups are still available for the day here http://heliohost.uni.cc/sign-up.php
  7. Yeah, the user does not want his account unsuspended though because he is trying to create a new account on the other server, and the system is blocking the new account from being created because his old account still exists. Thanks for the information though. It will be a good tidbit to remember. I suppose I could just split all of these posts off into their own thread since they don't belong in this thread...
  8. After reading a bit about dot.tk I created an account to try it out. Their website is a lot easier to navigate than co.cc, but there is a lot more silly stuff that you have to wade through before you can get to what you're trying to do. Co.cc has a lot more ads and the survey thing which always make me think that a website is just a big scam. So dot.tk has a leg up in this department because it looks a little more legit in that regard. I guess all of the silly nested menues on dot.tk is supposed to make it more user friendly to people new to hosting because it takes a while to find the dumb nameserver boxes even when you know exactly what you're looking for and what you're trying to do. Also you need to make sure your website gets at least 25 page hits during every 90 day period or they disable your free url. Not a problem for most people, but I doubt I will get 25 hits since I just created my account to try it out not to actually use it for anything in particular. Probably the biggest issue I have run into, but I have yet to try to fix it so it may not be an issue at all, is dot.tk seems to set your favicon for you to their icon. I haven't bothered to try overriding their favicon because, like I said, I don't really plan to use that url for anything, but it would be an issue if it wasn't possible to change.
  9. I've always hated flash, and I've never had a decent reason to hate it either. For years I just flat out refused to install flash on any computer I owned, but recently it has become more and more impossible to avoid it. I love the idea of interactive, animated, futuristic internet where the whole browser comes alive. Don't get me wrong; I don't think the internet should all be html or anything like that. I just hate adobe, and I hate the idea of something so powerful and widespread like flash is being propitiatory and subject to the whims and bs of a single corporation. We need an open source, standardized option to replace flash once and for all. Html5 will help a bit, but even with < canvas > and all that it is definitely lacking.
  10. Scam people. Agreed. 100%. I'm psychic and yesterday I predicted you would say this. That'll be $10 please. Thanks.
  11. You're not the only one. That said life would be pretty boring if everything always worked perfectly all the time. We all need a few problems from time to time to keep us awake and on our toes.
  12. HOLY SPAM, BATMAN! I think you were looking for: [ code ][ /code ]
  13. I don't know if that was even intended to be directed at you, but for what it's worth I think your grammar is fine. I've seen a lot worse, and some of the a lot worse has even been on these forums. You know who I'm talking about!
  14. It sounds to me like he might have changed the permissions on his cpanel trying to lock hackers out of his forum and thereby locking himself out of being able to change permissions himself. Might be worth taking a look at them, but who knows. Maybe he can log in through ftp or something and fix his permissions himself if my theory is correct though.
  15. This is affecting all accounts on johnny. The issue has been identified and escalated and a temporary half-fix was done by suspending the problematic account. Your account is most likely not suspended; it's just all accounts are being redirected to the one problematic account. We can just wait on djbob now to get johnny fixed.
  16. I believe that was when stevie wasn't serving any webpages except the account queued page. See this thread and compare the time stamps. http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?s=...ost&p=66383
  17. None of the accounts on the server johnny are currently functioning. This issue is affecting all accounts on johnny. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. You can monitor the status of this issue in this thread which has been escalated to our root admin http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=9618
  18. Krydos

    Johnny Server

    This issue is affecting all accounts on johnny. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. You can monitor the status of this issue in this thread which has been escalated to our root admin http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=9618 As far as I can recall this is the first and only major downtime that johnny has had since he was purchased and set up. So, no I would say that it isn't normal. From what I can tell you can still access cpanel and all of the ftp and other services to set your web page up. The only problem is the web page cannot be viewed until the server gets fixed.
  19. Krydos

    Site problem

    This issue is affecting all accounts on johnny. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. You can monitor the status of this issue in this thread which has been escalated to our root admin http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=9618
  20. Yes, stevie supports both php and mysql. If you're interested in switching servers the instructions to do so can be found here http://wiki.heliohost.org/wiki/Moving_your_account
  21. If you don't have a back up, which although you haven't said it directly it doesn't sound like you do, it might be the best idea to just delete everything that the hacker had access to and start a fresh wordpress install. Obviously, if you have a back up it would be best to restore everything from that back up. It's probably going to be a lot more work to go through a bunch of code that you didn't write and might not understand fully rather than just starting over and being sure you got all the hacked bits out of the system. At least that is what I would do. You never know if the hacker added some way to monitor what you change your new password to or a back door to make it easier to get in and get it all jacked up again easier next time.
  22. Have you tried using this tool to change your main domain yourself? http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/domain If it didn't work let us know and an admin can fix the problem for you.
  23. After 30 days of not logging into cpanel your account becomes suspended and you receive an email warning you that you should log in. After an additional 7 days or inactivity your account gets added to the deletion queue and ~24 hours later or less your account is permanently removed. There is no fast tracking, but you can use this page to monitor when to signup on which server. Sign ups for the day reset at midnight PST http://heliohost.uni.cc/sign-up.php At the time of this post signups will reset in 13 mins.
  24. Spot on (pinto beans)... congratulatons... we have a WINER.!!!] I'm not *that* whiny. I was hoping to be the winner... sigh.
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