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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. A password reset link has been emailed to you.
  2. It's basically just pip3 install django And then follow this guide https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.1/intro/tutorial01/ You can, and probably should, complicate it a bit by creating a Python virtual environment. A virtual environment helps in the future if you end up wanting to run multiple Python projects on the same server because you can have different modules and different versions installed specifically for that project without breaking anything else. Let us know if you need more help, or can't figure it out yourself.
  3. No, you definitely don't need to rebuild if you don't want to. I was just offering you a free service that you may not have been aware of. Yes, it is possible to spoof an IP address as long as you don't care whether you receive the results to the webpage you access. It's also possible your script was posted on a website or something and a lot of people read the post and tried it out. That sort of thing happens sometimes. A few years back a user on our free hosting made it to the front page of 9gag.com and literally hundreds of thousands of people were trying to access his website at the same time. We had to suspend his account and remove the A record from his DNS records to keep everyone else's website online. They call that sort of thing the "hug of death" on the internet.
  4. Your main domain has been changed. In order for your domain to start working you have to do 1 of the following 2 options: Login to Freenom and change your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. Use any external DNS provider -- Cloudflare is a popular free choice -- by creating an A record pointed to, and optionally if you want to support IPv6 as well an AAAA record pointed to 2001:470:1:1ee::2009.
  5. Can you provide the transaction ID of the donation?
  6. A password reset link has been emailed to you from no-reply@heliohost.org. Please make sure you check your spam box and mark it as "not spam" if you find it in there. Let us know if you're still unable to login. Also for the record, Plex is software for watching streaming video https://www.plex.tv/ Plesk is a control panel for webhosting https://www.plesk.com/ Common mistake though. A lot of people get the two mixed up.
  7. The VPS was sitting on the login prompt and everything looked normal on the console so I was thinking it might be a firewall issue. I reset the password and logged in to check out the firewall and port settings. For some reason after the reboot it all started working on its own though. SSH and port 8090 for your control panel are responding for me. Let us know if you still need help with anything.
  8. Never even heard of KeyHelp before reading this post. I'll start suggesting that to people when they ask about free VPS control panels.
  9. What domain do you want added? After you get the domain added you can use Plesk applications to install Wordpress on that domain. Once the domain is created you can upload your certificate through Plesk, or use Plesk to generate a free SSL certificate. We actually recommend using Plesk's free SSL certificate because Plesk will automatically renew it and you can just forget about it. With Cloudflare certificates you'll need to remember to upload them each time before they expire. Up to you though if you want to do the extra work. Flask, Django, and Python 3.10 haven't been installed yet on Johnny. We wanted to get free signups started as a Christmas gift to everyone so we rushed the new code and rushed setting Johnny up to get it available in time. We should get all of that set up in the next week or so. Wordpress, PHP, MySQL (MariaDB), etc are all available already though.
  10. If you want install some or all of them and post a review on our forums for each one that you try, or possibly write a wiki article regarding VPS control panels you can have as many free rebuilds as you want.
  11. Our first day of free signups and they all filled in 0.89 seconds. I don't think anyone expected them to fill so quickly. I was thinking maybe 30 seconds or a couple minutes at least. Honestly, the free account signup code was not very thoroughly tested prior to going live, but the good news is we didn't have any issues and it worked as expected. For anyone who is trying to get an account the best advice seems to be to just mash the Johnny tile over and over as midnight gets close. If there are no signups available it will just return you to the signup page, and you can click again. If you do get a signup it will reserve you a space on Johnny so you can take your time submitting your email address, username, password, domain, etc. Once the code is a little more tested we can increase the number of invites we offer each day. Good luck!
  12. Merry Christmas! We decided it would be a good gift to everyone who has been waiting patiently for so long to start giving out free accounts again beginning at midnight UTC Christmas December 25th, which is about 13 hours from now. We aren't done transferring all of our existing users yet, but now that we have the Johnny server set up and running we will be able to increase the rate of invites we send out again. We got all of our donors on to Tommy, plus upgraded as many Ricky, and Johnny users to Tommy as would fit, but Tommy's uptime is starting to dip and the load is pretty high, so that means we can't fit any more accounts on there for now. We expect free signups to fill fairly quickly so if you check on December 25th and they're already full they will open again the next day at midnight UTC, and each day after. The signup page will give you an idea of how long free signups were open the previous day to help you plan ahead. The code for the signup page is fairly new so if you run into anything that seems like a bug let us know so we can fix it. We're still a long ways from fully functional, but HelioHost is coming back stronger than ever, and this is a huge step in the right direction. If you have any questions about anything feel free to ask.
  13. There you go https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=swlabr.heliohost.us
  14. Sometimes the Hestia updates break. I've seen it a few times where the main Hestia process refuses to restart for some reason, and the updates stop happening because they can't restart that process, but everything else continues running fine apart from that. A full reboot of the server might get the updates going again, but if the Hestia process refuses to start in addition to refusing to restart you might reboot the server and have even more problems. Just let us know and we can take a look at it if you need help. The other thing that you might be interested in is a free rebuild. It looks like you're running Ubuntu 20 still. Ubuntu 22 came out 8 months ago. We've had a lot of people run into problems trying to upgrade from 20 to 22 so what we recommend is backing everything up, and then we can wipe it and install Ubuntu 22 fresh, and you can restore your backups. After VPS have been running for over a year like yours they tend to get little bugs and problems start to accumulate.
  15. Thanks for the donation. Your storage space has been increased to the maximum.
  16. Like it says on your dashboard: The other thing I noticed is that you're violating our terms of service. As a reminder each person is allowed to have one account. Please let us know which account you'd like to keep, and I can delete the other account for you. Once that is done we can help you with the domains and forwarding.
  17. Since your PayPal email address and your hosting email were different the $5 donation wasn't automatically linked to your existing cPanel account so you were sent a new account invite on October 11th. I linked the donation now and sent you a transfer invite so you can move your existing account over to Plesk. If you'd rather just delete the cPanel account and start over we can send a new account invite instead as well.
  18. If you need help tracking down where the space is being used here is a basic breakdown: Backups 0 MB Emails .13 MB Files 662.43 MB Logs 5.61 MB PSQL 0 MB MySQL 274.87 MB Total 943.04 MB I have unsuspended your account. If you need a more detailed breakdown of any of the above categories let us know. If you're having trouble staying under the 1000 MB limit an additional 1000 MB can be purchased with a one-time payment of $5, up to a maximum of 5000 MB on our shared hosting. If you need more than 5000 MB our VPS plans can do up to 300 GB starting at only $6.50 per month.
  19. Added. Since you're using Cloudflare make sure you create an A record pointed to and if you want to support IPv6 you can create an AAAA record for 2001:470:1:1ee::2002
  20. I was running a repair process which apparently messed up the Apache config file for some domains for a bit until Apache restarted. It was unexpected that the repair process would cause websites to go offline so we'll keep that in mind if we need to repair anything again in the future.
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