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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. You can host as many domains as you want on your one account. I highly recommend you don't change your main domain, but rather just use parked domains and addon domains. That's just my personal preference though. Sometimes people really need to change their main domain, but there really isn't any good reason to.
  2. We have no reason to believe that the data on Stevie hard drives is gone. He's just refusing to boot up. So once we get him functional there is a good possibility that your data will be recoverable, but we don't know how long that will take. The easiest way to restore a database backup is through phppgsql. Just upload your .sql file and process it into your new database.
  3. Krydos

    Yeah, we've been looking in to some alternatives to paypal.
  4. That means the email address was already used on a Stevie account. I have changed your Stevie email address and sent a new Tommy invite. Let us know if you're still having trouble creating your new account.
  5. At midnight UTC go to https://heliohost.org/signup/ and create an account. Signups are limited and fill up pretty fast.
  6. Krydos

    Another option for you is we're offering closed beta invites to our flagship server, Tommy, to anyone who donates any amount. We really appreciate any donations we get because the only money Heliohost makes is from ad revenue and donations. All the donations we get we put into fixing our existing servers and buying new servers like we did earlier this year. If you can make a donation you can go to https://www.paypal.me/HelioHost and you will receive an invite to Tommy within 24 hours. This invite allows you to create an account instantly without having to wait for midnight UTC or hope you can create your account fast enough before signups close again on Johnny.
  7. I don't see a donation from that email address. Did you get your invite? Keep in mind that the invites go out to the email address that the donation was made from. If you need the invite to go to a different email address post the transaction ID of your donation or I can send an email to the donor address.
  8. Thanks for pointing that out. I have fixed the links, but while a server is offline you can't delete it so that's why the delete script doesn't work right now. Thanks, we like you too. While the server is offline you won't be able to log in so it always shows invalid login. The domain sylvain.heliohost.org is now available for you to create a new account. The files aren't going to be deleted. We don't know why Stevie won't boot, but we're hopeful we'll be able to recover all the files from him. You'll just need to choose another username when you create your new account unless you want us to rename your forum account. If we could do that automatically for you we would, but we don't have access to the files on Stevie so you'll have to create your new account yourself and restore your most recent backup. Thanks for your patience and understanding during this very unexpected downtime.
  9. Ok, what do you need then?
  10. You can also follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/heliohost or like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HelioHost.org All of our news posts get published there too.
  11. If you want to stay up on the latest Heliohost news you can follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/heliohost like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HelioHost.org or just check the news forum occasionally http://www.helionet.org/index/forum/1-news/ We make frequent posts explaining exactly what is happening, and as soon as we make any progress with Stevie we'll let you know.
  12. Krydos

    There is a limited number of Johnny signups per day to keep the server from becoming overloaded. Signups open at midnight UTC. This page will tell you how long you need to check back. http://bybyron.net/helio/sign-up.php
  13. The domain ulearnit.org is now available to create your new account. Would you like us to rename your forum username so you can use beebedl as your cpanel username again?
  14. The domain vietstar.tk is now available for you to create your new Johnny account. Would you like me to rename your forum account so you can use the username vietstar again?
  15. Does it work now?
  16. I believe the password length limit is 255 characters.
  17. Must have been in or near California then.
  18. What domain are you trying to add?
  19. Here's the script to change your main domain http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  20. Your new Tommy invitation has been sent. The username upnor and the domain cfcorporation.tk should now be available to create a new account with. Let us know if you need any help with anything else.
  21. The domain gonzalox.com should now be available to add to your Johnny account. Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  22. Krydos

    Johnny's Rebirth

    That domain should now be available to add to your Johnny account. Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  23. The domain jolazo.com should now be available to add to your Johnny account. Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  24. Don't know. Piotr independently runs and manages that service monitor from Poland. Was the connection to Heliohost slow for you too during that patch? If so the issue might be in Hurricane Electrics facility.
  25. Krydos

    The username metals and the domain iloveheavymetal.tk are now available to create a new account.
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