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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. In the cron job field put something like: /usr/bin/python3.6 /home/denkorzh/path/to/script/telegram.py If you don't want to get emails containing the output of the script you can tack this to the end: /usr/bin/python3.6 /home/denkorzh/path/to/script/telegram.py >/dev/null 2>&1 That extra bit at the end redirects stdout and stderr to /dev/null which essentially means it gets deleted.
  2. The main reason people get that error is because they don't close their mysql connections properly. In fact you've got an open mysql connection right now that's been open for almost 3 hours without sending a single byte of data! I closed it for you. Some of the websites that we host get 10s of thousands of views per day and don't see that error because their code is well written and each mysql connection is only open for a few milliseconds each time. Let us know if you need help figuring out the code to close your connections, and also let us know if you see that error again so we can close your open connections again for you.
  3. Deployed. http://citisnet.heliohost.org/citisnetsql3/
  4. Krydos


    Yeah, they basically said there was too much information in the article. Anyone who wants to is free to try creating it again. There is no rule saying it can't be remade.
  5. Alright.
  6. I just wanted to mention that we're also in the process of testing some new server transfer scripts, but we beta test new stuff like this for our donors first. It wouldn't be fair for the other donors if I moved you without a donation though. Anyways, if you're interested here is the link https://www.heliohost.org/donate/ I intend to install flask/django on all of our servers eventually.
  7. What is the path to the script? Are you sure you're using php 5.6? It works for me: <?php $output = file_get_contents('https://krydos1.heliohost.org/test.html'); echo $output; Working example: https://krydos.heliohost.org/fopen/
  8. Ok, any preference on python version? Latest good for you?
  9. Cool! Right now it's only available on Tommy though. Would you rather transfer your account to Tommy or would you rather stay on Ricky and I can install flask there too?
  10. What version of php are you using? Currently on Tommy: 5.4 = on 5.5 = off 5.6 = on 7.0 = off 7.1 = off
  11. Deployed. http://citisnet.heliohost.org/citisnetsql3/
  12. Well, helionet.org is this forum that you're posting on. Are you saying you're having trouble posting this message? As far as your web page that you got from us you picked the Johnny server which is our experimental server. It is intended for people who don't need good uptime, and don't mind their pages timing out due to high load sometimes. For people who want better uptime, and less page timeouts due to high load we have two stable servers to pick from: Tommy or Ricky. If you're interested in transferring your Johnny account to a stable production server here are the instructions to transfer for free: http://wiki.helionet.org/Moving_your_account Keep in mind that the free signups on Tommy server fills rather quickly. If you're interested in transferring to Tommy quicker, and with far less work we are offering our donors the opportunity to beta test our new server transfer script. If you go with this option your account will be transferred for you in a matter of hours even if Tommy is full for the day. https://www.heliohost.org/donate/ Let us know if you have any other questions.
  13. Deployed. http://dhruvthakkar1996.heliohost.org/portfolio/
  14. I need some people to test flask to make sure everything is working before we make a news post to announce we officially support it. Let us know if you'd like to help.
  15. Merged the topics, and here's the instructions on how to switch servers. http://wiki.helionet.org/Moving_your_account We haven't made an official announcement, but we've been working on a simpler way to transfer servers that doesn't involve deleting your account and signing up again. As with all of our new beta features we allow our donors to test them out first though.
  16. Java .war files cannot be deployed on that account because java is not yet enabled on that account. You picked the Johnny server which has a pretty long line to receive java right now. You can wait until it is enabled on your Johnny account, or you can transfer your account to Tommy where the wait is only a few hours to receive java support and have your .war deployed. Let us know how you would like to proceed.
  17. http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/27822-how-do-i-use-flask-on-johnny/?p=128919
  18. There you go http://rbspaymate.com/ I parked your domain on your account for you. Just edit the files in /home/rbspayma/public_html/ to get started rebuilding your website. Let us know if you need help with anything.
  19. Source: http://www.dmlp.org/legal-guide/linking-copyrighted-materials You know that the content you're linking to infringes on copyrights therefore your links are illegal. Likewise if we knowingly continue to let you host links to pirated material we are liable as well.
  20. Have you enabled remote connections to mysql? https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/sql/managehost.html
  21. To connect from a script running on the server: $con = new mysqli('localhost', 'milanan_user', 'bestpasswordever', 'milanan_database'); To connect from a remote script just use tommy.heliohost.org as the host instead of localhost.
  22. Sounds good, line-bot-sdk has been installed on Ricky.
  23. # ./deploy_java sh4 AppList2 User sh4 found. Unable to find file: AppList2.war Usage: deploy_java <username> <.war file> Make sure /home/sh4/AppList2.war exists please.
  24. https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/passwd/index.html Done. Tommy is not
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