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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Yeah, php. Despite how old fashioned it is and all of it's flaws it's definitely the most widely used, and any web-based job you get is going to look at you really weird in the interview if you don't know php.
  2. Change your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org The reason you're seeing a Johnny queued page is because your cloudflare settings are incorrect. The easiest way to fix it is to use our nameservers temporarily until your domain works, and then have cloudflare copy our working settings. The reason you can't create an account on Tommy with the username ba2olk is because your forum username is ba2olk.
  3. There you go https://atoz.ml/test.jsp
  4. For each user that has java enabled it increases the total server resources required. For each user that has http and https enabled it takes double. We can support two users on http or one user with https and http. In order to enable https and http for you it would basically prevent another user from having java at all.
  5. Your website is working again http://neomx000.heliohost.org/
  6. What happens when you make that file not writable by group? PHP files need to be 644.
  7. What about https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/stats/errlog.html ?
  8. Unarchiving... Done. You should now be able to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ and your website should start working within 12 hours.
  9. ...so make it so it's not writable by group? rwxrwxr-x is 775 rwxr-xr-x is 755
  10. Also make sure all of your directories at 755, not 775 like FTP sometimes uploads them. Take a look at https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/stats/errlog.html
  11. What does the error_log file say?
  12. Java and ASP.NET need to be requested on Tommy. Ruby on Rails is not available on Tommy. Everything else that we offer is enabled by default.
  13. That's because java is not enabled on your account. To request java on your account please go to https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/java/index.live.php and click Request Java. Please be aware that since you picked the Johnny server the wait to receive java is quite long. The wait to receive java on the Tommy server is generally just a few hours.
  14. Your website is working again http://catgod.heliohost.org/
  15. Unarchiving... Done. You should now be able to login at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ and your website should start working within 12 hours.
  16. As long as all of your domains are using our NS records everything will update itself automatically.
  17. Ricky is 1312
  18. Cpanel domains aren't designed to be access by IP alone. Doing so is going to result in fairly random results. I'm not sure why you would need to access it by IP anyways. Probably the reason wiki.dev.bailey.cf comes up when you go to that IP is because apache gets a request for and that is quite ambiguous because there's like a dozen different virtualhosts that match that IP and port. wiki.dev.bailey.cf is currently the last virtualhost that matches so maybe that's why it goes to that one. There is really no way to control what order the virtualhosts are listed in httpd.conf either. If you really need to access your domains by IP alone you would have to remove the ambiguity by having each domain and sub domain on it's own IP.
  19. CGI have to be in public_html or a subdirectory. If you're running it from cron it can be anywhere. If you use that shebang on Johnny you'll be using a truely ancient python version 2.6.6 that was released like 8 years ago. Do you really want to do that? If you use /usr/bin/python2.7 or /usr/bin/python3.6 you'll be using very new, very up to date versions. All accounts on all servers have python. No, cron currently run on pacific US time because that's where the servers are located. Check this link to see what time it is in California. https://www.google.com/search?q=what+time+is+it+currently+in+california No, you can run python as a cron, as cgi, as django, or as flask. If you want to use django or flask you'll need to switch servers though because Johnny doesn't support those. There's no way to "click" on a script without a gui. You can do that on your home computer though. You're getting cgi and cron python mixed up. If you want to run your python script as a cgi in public_html then that code in .htaccess is necessary. It's not needed for what you're trying to do.
  20. What forum software are you using? Have you contacted that forum's support?
  21. Your website is working again http://bsabot.heliohost.org/
  22. Krydos


    It used to reset at midnight Pacific so this used to be correct. Wolstech created his Stevie account at 3am, and I created my Stevie account at 2am. We figured midnight UTC would be simpler for people worldwide to figure out, and it makes it slightly easier to get an account in the US, Canada, etc. For users in the US the reset happens at 4pm - 7pm.
  23. Your domain http://dghosh.heliohost.org/ is working again.
  24. See if this helps https://stackoverflow.com/a/2225275
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