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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. All that information looks right to me. Try this command psql --username=patents_plrusr --host=tommy.heliohost.org --dbname=patents_plrdb --port=5432 If that works then you know the problem is in your django app not on your computer or remote access.
  2. Unarchiving... Done. You should now be able to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ and your website http://jmayank1.heliohost.org/ should start working within 24 hours.
  3. You're on Tommy now. http://cybercity.eu.org/ You should be able to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ If you see a 404 error or a Ricky queued page please clear your browser cache and flush your os dns records. Thank for the donation. We really appreciate it.
  4. I don't see that account in the system. Are you sure you posted the correct information?
  5. I can't see the contents of the email. The log files just show the total number of sent emails.
  6. You're on Tommy now. http://lepage.heliohost.org/ You should be able to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ If you see a 404 error or a Johnny queued page please clear your browser cache and flush your os dns records. Thank you very much for the donation. We really appreciate it.
  7. Remote access enabled.
  8. I'd be happy to move your account for you. I just need 3 pieces of information: Transaction ID, account username, and destination server.
  9. That likely means your computer has the old Ricky IP cached. You can either wait it out, flush your os dns records, or use another internet connection like a cell phone until the old ip cache expires.
  10. You're on Tommy now http://deluxclouds.com/ and you should be able to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ If you see a 404 error or a Ricky queued page please clear your browser cache, and flush your os dns records. Thank you for your donation. We really appreciate it. EDIT: After moving your account I noticed that your site is throwing a 500 error. It looks like there is something wrong with your theme [30-Oct-2017 03:35:26 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare return_policy() (previously declared in /home/reececp/public_html/wp-content/themes/hestia/functions.php:31) in /home/reececp/public_html/wp-content/themes/hestia/functions.php on line 31
  11. Krydos

    Time Zones

    I currently live in CDT, but in a week I'm getting evicted and I'm being forced to move to CST. I'm not too happy about it. Apparently "lack of sunshine" is a violation of my CDT lease.
  12. What is the addon domain you're trying to add? 95% of the time Johnny creates the addon domain, but fails to create the subdomain before timing out. If you manually create the subdomain it starts working.
  13. No, you're using anonymous login according to your screenshots. Luigi said normal login. Our servers don't allow anonymous logins because then any random bot on the internet could upload viruses and stuff onto our servers. Try this Host: johnny.heliohost.org Port: 1373 Protocol: SFTP Logon type: Normal Username: shinarit Password: <same as cpanel>
  14. What do you mean by "doesn't work"? Is there an error message perhaps?
  15. Thanks for noticing this. It looks like the script responsible for processing the logs had gotten stuck. I unstuck it and it seems to be working again. Are your logs updating at all? It might take a while to get caught up fully since it was so far behind.
  16. Unblocked. Logging in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ should prevent that from happening again.
  17. I've used the ftp on visual studio before and it worked. Maybe your settings aren't right.
  18. There you go http://olsenalways.win/ Asp.net is removed from inactive accounts.
  19. Which ip is blocked? The error message says it when you log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/
  20. We partially support MVC5 and MVC4 on .NET 4.5, fully support MVC3, MVC2, and MVC1 on .NET 4.0, and fully support .NET 3.5 MVC. I'm not sure anyone has done this before so you might want to let us know how it goes.
  21. 8:18:08 AM WARN The domain “ulti.gq” failed domain control validation: The system failed to fetch the <abbr title="Domain Control Validation">DCV</abbr> file at “<a href="http://ulti.gq/.well-known/pki-validation/BD50D2B5D033D6FD817BCD522C481EC1.txt">http://ulti.gq/.well-known/pki-validation/BD50D2B5D033D6FD817BCD522C481EC1.txt</a>” because of an error: The system failed to send an <abbr title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> “GET” request to “http://ulti.gq/.well-known/pki-validation/BD50D2B5D033D6FD817BCD522C481EC1.txt” because of an error: Timed out while waiting for socket to become ready for reading . 8:18:08 AM WARN The current SSL certificate for “ulti.gq” secures the domain “ulti.gq”. However, this domain failed local domain control validation. In order to maintain SSL domain coverage for this domain, the system will not attempt to replace the current certificate. Cloudflare is probably interfering.
  22. There you go https://krydos2.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules36.py
  23. There you go https://krydos.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules36.py
  24. http://soubhagya.mishra.work/ http://umakant.mishra.work/ http://ipsita.mishra.work/
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