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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Before we go much further I need to give you the standard wordpress lecture. Wordpress causes insane amounts of load. Your site has only gotten 164 MB of traffic over the last week and already it's topping the charts on load for the server This is very common for wordpress. Wordpress is the #1 cause of high load suspensions. If your cpu or memory bars reaches 100 it means you could be suspended at any minute. If your site can reach #1 cpu on a server that hosts thousands of other accounts with only 164 MB traffic for a whole week imagine what the load will be when you actually start getting traffic. For comparison, the #1 bandwidth account for the week transferred 12 GB of traffic, that's 73 times as much traffic as your site, and your site used 6 times as much cpu as his. Just some numbers to consider. We always strongly recommend people don't use wordpress for this and many other reasons. You can keep an eye on your load graph at this url https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/load/index.live.php
  2. Try this RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !america.mysite.com RewriteRule /test-page/ https://america.mysite.com/test-page/
  3. I can usually get better python error logs than cpanel provides. They leave out a lot of info and stack traces. If you want me to provide logs for something you'll need to tell me the full url. Right now there's nothing in your public_html directory so no logs.
  4. Sure, put this line in your .htaccess Options -Indexes With that it will show 403 forbidden if you don't have an index file.
  5. Those settings look right to me, and I tested SFTP with Flezilla so it should work. Can you enable more detailed error logs in Filezilla and post the log? There's actually two problems that I see with your cgi. First, your file is encoded with DOS line endings. Our servers run Linux so using DOS line endings will result in a 500 error. This is usually caused by writing the file with a Windows editor like notepad, and then uploading the output. There are two easy ways to fix this.Use a Windows editor that understands and can write Linux line endings. I've never used it, but I've heard that Notepad++ has this option.Create the file and copy/paste the code into the cpanel file manager.Secondly, you're on Ricky which has python 2.7 and python 3.6 available. Your shebang is python 3.7, which would work on Tommy and Johnny, but on Ricky you need to use /usr/bin/python3.6. Trying to use a binary that doesn't exist would also result in a 500 error. Generally it takes less than 24 hours to get it all set up for you.
  6. I have tested SFTP on Ricky, and can confirm that it is working correctly. Try these settings: SFTP host: ricky.heliohost.org SFTP port: 1312 SFTP protocol: SFTP SFTP logon type: Normal SFTP Username: smi93ctb SFTP password: <same as cpanel>
  7. Port 465 for SMTP means you're using SSL. Tommy's used the same SSL certificate for over 300 days. Yesterday I found out that Tommy's year long SSL certificate was partially invalid because it was signed using that root certificate that expired on May 30th. It actually caused an issue with a mail script of my own not being able to connect to Tommy anymore even though tommy.heliohost.org in a browser wasn't showing any errors. I updated Tommy to use a new valid certficate issued by Let's Encrypt. You can see that the SMTP certificate is valid with this link https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=tommy.heliohost.org:465 If you can't make your script work with the new SSL certificate you could try without SSL/TLS on port 587.
  8. Create a /home/trbot/public_html/.htaccess file and put these contents Options +ExecCGI AddHandler cgi-script .py DirectoryIndex index.py The first two lines make .py files executable outside cgi-bin, and the last line makes the filename index.py show up if someone goes to domain.heliohost.org without having to type out the filename like domain.heliohost.org/index.py
  9. That's odd because the script's changelog says it's compatible with php 7.3 Version 1.7 (31st January 2019) - Now compatible with PHP 7.2 & PHP 7.3
  10. Your domain, cuted.tk, is available to register at dot.tk. It's not going to work until you register it with them. Once you register it be sure to set your nameservers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. The other option is you can change your domain to something.heliohost.org with this script http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain For instance cuted.heliohost.org is available. If you use one of our domains you won't need to worry about nameservers.
  11. It said it was inactive in the system and I was able to renew it for your using https://www.heliohost.org/renew/ I think Wolstech said it takes a few minutes to sync up after a Lily account is reactivated. My guess as to why this happened is probably because Lily was online, but our main system database on Cody was offline.
  12. I've tested requests on python 3.6 on Ricky and I can't find anything wrong with it. Try this code: #!/usr/bin/python3.6 import requests print("Content-Type: text/html\n\n") response = requests.get('https://www.heliohost.org/ip.php') print(response.url + response.text) Working example on Ricky https://krydos1.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/req.py As far as the content-type header being printed twice, that might mean you have a file name conflict. For instance if you named a file requests.py and then did import requests it would import the file causing the header to be printed twice.
  13. Shell access isn't available on a shared hosting account because it is a security vulnerability. If you need SSH you'll need to get a VPS. https://www.heliohost.org/vps/ Django on Johnny cannot be updated right now because CentOS, the operating system that Johnny runs, doesn't support anything newer. If you need a newer version of Django you'll need to get a VPS. You don't need SSH to install an SSL certificate. You can install it through cpanel.
  14. To be a little more accurate, if you don't log in for 30 days your account gets flagged as inactive. If you don't log in for 60 days your account gets flagged as archived. Logging in at least every 30 days avoids both inactive and archived states and keeps your account active. Unarchived.
  15. Before I install anything I have to make sure you're not violating our terms of service. Xenforo is $160 for a year. Most people don't install $160 software on free hosting. If your software is nulled it means you're violating our terms of service and your account will be suspended. Do you have a valid license to be running the Xenforo software? If not please delete the illegal software from your account. If you say you have a valid license for this software I will install that requirement for you.
  16. There you go https://krydos2.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules37.py
  17. There is a bug in cpanel which makes that page show the wrong port number if your account was created on Johnny and then moved to Tommy. I'm not sure how to fix it other than just changing all the servers to use the same port.
  18. It has nothing to do with our servers. It has to do with https://www.ya.ru/ Most websites don't like to be scraped so most likely they noticed you scraping their website and implemented some mechanism to block you. Try using requests to scrape some other website and you'll see that it's working just fine. If a website is going to these lengths to block you perhaps you should just leave them alone, but if you insist on scraping them anyways you might find using a public proxy will get around their block.
  19. That's unfortunate. Has anyone tried https://gethttpsforfree.com/ ?
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