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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Yah, have 'bout 25 active members? Active defined by at least 25 posts. Sorry man, but five is about how many active non-mods we have. (BTW, mods and admins can't be legislature members...)
  2. I only have one computer based burner and one DVD-ROM.... two regular dvd players. You must have a mansion if you need five DVD players - or do you even use all of them?
  3. It doesnt work, the -7 day. Just gives me the +28 days... any clue? And for the password, yes, but not only numbers and letters... you know, only stuff like _ - and spaces, etc. BTW, are "-"s allowed in your email thing? and _?, etc.
  4. haha lol, unless you use the decimal system Computer storage units are so confusing this days :S
  5. Well, it aint working. Its just giving me the old system of adding 28 days. But that was removed out from the code - I got to clue what its doing. eTronicGaming? Btw, don't forgot about the thing to check if the password is valid.
  6. You're right. As some people say, the world has reached the limit of war. Technology is so advanced by now that any advanced country can destroy any country as simple as clicking a few red buttons. This is just like WWI, with all the alliances, and just a little fuse waiting to be lit. Except, now, the destruction is at least 1000x. The world would literally blow up if a war between advanced countries started. Iraq lost because it wasn't advanced and had no advanced allies. But China on the other hand has nukes, and has allies with nukes. If a crisis between China and Taiwan happened, the US would most likely stay out of it, until maybe the end. The US has had a policy of joining wars that it didn't start late. If Bush is stupid, then he's a pawn, and controlled by smarter people, who wouldn't let America join in a war. If he's start, he'll keep America out himself.
  7. You don't. I do. (Ignore this unless you're Korps Commander).
  8. http://www.akasworld.com/modules.php?name=...der=asc&start=0. you stole it from there... cheater.... lol
  9. He said Temp IP banning. And I'm quite sure this is myscrnnm.
  10. Yup, it logs it, but only for 30 days. After 30 days the log is deleted.
  11. *IP And i did. Is it a coincedence that you and the person who posted that have extremely similiar IPs? Also, there are only three hardcore fans of KL that I know of.
  12. that ones horizontal, put it up first to see if it works. cuz it doesnt look like it is..,\.
  13. Ashoat


    lol! It is possible to be lower than a member? Yup, actually it is. Its a group called "Banned." You get "demoted" there if you don't behave Look at the HelioNet Guidelines in the header of this page for more information.
  14. Myscrnnm, its obviously you. Don't create multiple accounts. If its NOT you myscnnm, you better have a valid explanation of who you REALLY are.
  15. Alright, we're done!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both of us are quite happy . I've just bought the domain that eTronicGaming wanted (www.etronicgaming.com), its in the process of DNS Propagation, will be ready soon. I've left six simple things to do before the script is completely uploaded are ready for use: - Review the script, and look through it, just to find any faults I may have missed in the process of testing the script. Also I want to add comments throughout it for my reference. - Create the MySQL database in HelioHost - Update the MySQL information in the script - Add Package row - Upload the script - Password protect certain files - Upload all current account information into the MySQL database So eTronicGaming, since you're now "Official PHP Dude," you're going to have to do some PHP stuff for me... hehe... Two things in the near future please: - An account renewal script, that will add a month of hosting to an already created account. You know what to do, eTronic - An account auto-deletion script, that will automatically delete expired accounts, and will notify the user one week before the account is deleted, and notify the user when the account is deleted. This ones a bit more complicated, but you should manage... BIG IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ETRONICGAMING!!!!!! PLEASE RESPOND TO THIS POST WITH THE FOLLOWING TEXT: ALL OWNERSHIP AND COPYRIGHT PRIVILEGES OF THIS ACCOUNT DELETION SCRIPT ARE HEREBY TRANSFERED TO THE HELIO NETWORKS. BY REPLYING TO THIS POST WITH THE ABOVE QUOTE, YOU HEREBY TRANSFER ALL OWNERSHIP AND COPYRIGHT PRIVILEGES OF THIS ACCOUNT DELETION SCRIPT TO THE HELIO NETWORKS. Sry, but I like to keep things legal, and there isn't really any EULA for the script (lol), so I just made my own little agreement. Don't worry, I won't go around saying that I made the script, I will ALWAYS tell people you made it. But I want to be safe, just in case you turn evil in the future, no offense of course. Cuz then you would have full legal rights to make me give you back the account deletion script and keep me from using it.
  16. Ashoat


    Yup, we've had another promotion, eTronicGaming. NO MORE ASKING FOR PROMOTIONS BTW, lol. Cuz I won't promote you, we have way more than enough mods now. Of course, if I see that you are active, and help out a lot, I will promote you. But asking for promotions won't help, it will do the opposite.
  17. Ashoat

    Messed Up!!!!

    You mean the Spam Guide? it depends if the post contributes or not. If the topic is a question about your opinion, and you answer that you agree with someone elses point of view, its not. If, however, the topic doesn't require any kind of agreement by you, and has nothing to do with you at all (like this topic *cough* *cough*) then that post IS considered spam.
  18. Google ads aren't pop-ups... just a content-relevant banner at the top of your page. But they will only be in the no-posts-required package which is coming soon. See the News forum plz, the Plans topic.
  19. Ashoat


    Well, its organized at least . Well, almost. The organizational system (thought up by me, but developed by my handy now-official-php-dude eTronicGaming) will store all your account information onto a database. This will be handy for his next three projects...
  20. Ashoat

    Two Little Updates

    Well, I'm alright with any topic-creation idea, Korps Commander. As long as it follows the Guidelines...
  21. Sure. Of course, you weren't the only one who suggested it...
  22. Ashoat

    Free Domains!

    The banner for the ads is going to be at the top for the ads hosting. Don't worry, no popups or stuff. Just a google ads banner.
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