That's weird, don't remember writing that. Maybe it was in response to another post... just ignore it.
Anyways, yah, its for three people. Looks like you're gonna get third place...
well, its obvious they're the same person. Not only can I confirm that myscrnnm has no brothers (I know people that know him personally), but also myscrnnm and phoenixflame512s IPs match, and their opinions and talk are exactly the same.
some things like php scripts have a hard time being closed source, so most are kept open source... just a thoughtful note, just thought of it.
yah, i also think it depends. with everything open source, the software market would literally collapse. you need a balance.
You didn't include Shareaza!!!, most effective, no spyware, uses three networks + torrents, bunch o' features, open source...
You can find out by clicking members in the header... we have 17 people so far. The others are pretty much inactive it seems, since we've been removed from clickherefree :mad:
You are only gonna read 50 more posts, divide by zero, 16 2/3 posts daily... 2/3... hmmm....
by 50 more posts, you'll have 496, 4 posts away for 500, for last person for a free domain.
I absolutely LOVE gmail's POP3 option. All my emails (including like 10 different personal domain ones, one gmail, and two hotmail/msn ones) and on Outlook, and its extremely and very conveniant.
I know why majazac's gallery doesn't work, thats a different matter. I'm currently trying to do something there. Hope she doesn't mind...
Sorry guys, I opened a ticket about this issue. Thanks for notifying me HerLoss!