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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Ahhh, what happened? They must have dissapeared while I was editting the stuff (changed the IBStore thing, added a copyright/disclaimer). Will add them back. Thanks for clicking ShadowNite! EDIT fixed it. Yah, its a problem with editting the HTML templates within the ACP. I had to go into the PHP file and edit it. The HTML templates dont load from the PHP file directly, they load from a different index, so if you changed it through the PHP file, you remove all other changes, like when I added the google ads. Anyways, I fixed it
  2. I still use IE... I find it fine for my needs. *ducks*
  3. Erm, must be the host again :angry:
  4. You got to Krazyletter when Zer0host went down. Krazyletter suceeded Zer0Host when it went down, just like HelioHost succedeed Krazyletter when it went down.
  5. Looks like you're a big gaming fan (don't worry, I didn't just figure that out) I am active on the following boards... HelioNet Krazyletter 4Free-Network Invisionize FreeWebHostingTalk WebHostingTalk I've been on a lot more.
  6. Krazyletter. You are both from Krazyletter.
  7. KL. I once posted like 100 times a day there. No seriously, 100. I was once the top poster there. I stopped at like 2000 posts...
  8. Ashoat


    Nope, not yet. Haven't had the time, sorry.
  9. Ashoat


    not until IZE helps me... which theyre not even willing to do for $5!
  10. what?!? you're not banned...
  11. Ashoat


    Well, I'd like to announce I just finished an account auto-deletion script and an account management script. One, once put on cron, will automatically delete overdue accounts and notify through email accounts that are seven days before being overdue. The other script will enable other people, besides me, to delete accounts. The first script will be put into action once I finish creating a IPB mod that will enable completely automated signups and will show you the amount of days you have left in your account. The second script will be put into action... not in the near future. When we have a lot of accounts or something... and when I can't manage all the accounts by myself. It was mainly just a PHP practice project for me learned a lot from it. On the IPB mod... I'm currently tryin to get help for it from Invisionize, but they aren't helping . I think I'm going to have to pay people to help me... anyways, it will do two things: enable automatic account activation and renewal, and allow you to check how much days you have left in your hosting account. What I will do is add a Hosting tab at the top, and add the tool and some of the documentation onto there. However, I am almost completely unaware of how to do this, so it could take a while. And a reminder: REMEMBER TO RENEW YOUR ACCOUNTS!! Once the account auto-deletion script is put up, all acounts overdue WILL be deleted. Permanently. And I won't be reviewing anything, it'll be automated. As I said before, it will automatically email you seven days before your account expires, so you can't blame me that you didn't know. Plus there will be the little tool that allows you to check how many days you have left in your account in IPB. Well, I guess thats all!
  12. Ashoat


    Yah, I guess you're right about the adjustment according to board size. 20-25? Hmmm... I donno, I see your point, but the point is to allow all members to vote, but not those who came later. If only there was a mod that only allowed people with a specific registration date to vote... maybe I should request...
  13. Ashoat

    Back Up!

    Don't post it in the News, even if you are an admin. News if for bigger stuff. Notification is for smaller stuff like this. And it is confirmed
  14. Ashoat

    Proxy Optimized

    Why were you banned :S and what is IFP and SZ??
  15. Somebody already suggested a referral contest... but with a different prize. Unlimited MySQL and PostgreSQL is included in the standard package.
  16. Ashoat

    Proxy Optimized

    Why around christmas? :S
  17. Ashoat


    Yesh I know. I'm gonna ask what the person did... I know they did something this time, but now all accounts on the Test package aren't working.
  18. 20^2+1^2... again!
  19. 20^2-1^2 is it random that whenever i post on this thread i can use squares to get the number? :S i guess im just lucky
  20. Ashoat


    Here's an update: After some research, I have found that the problem is: 1. Related specifically to domains pointed at the host's nameservers 2. Related only to accounts with the standard plan - the plan for customers. I found out 1 because the IP link to all your sites works fine. I found out 2 because accounts on other plans work fine. For now, you can see you sites at
  21. Ashoat


    Buying a server at my house is completely inpracticle. You need to know server admin skillz (which I don't have), you need to have a super fast upstream connection (which I don't have), you need to have an ISP that lets you host servers at your house (which I don't have), and you need mucho $$ (which, once, again, I don't have). However, a dedicated server (pay monthly $$) could be a possibility if we start getting like $100/month. Which we don't have either. I have absolutely NO clue why your sites aren't working. I am very pissed at the hosting company. I just sent them a support ticket. :angry:
  22. Ashoat

    Expired Accounts!

    Actually, I changed my mind, I'm gonna try to integrate it with IPB. That we be better.
  23. *walks in to arrest everyone for illegal drinking since root beer is illegal in this special country* *about to show badge when he sees a full beer bottle and takes it and gets drunk, then attempts to arrest everyone* "you are... all... arrested... for wearing gummy bears on your... noses... hey what is that *crash*" *crashes into wall and is knocked unconcious*
  24. Ashoat


    I was thinking own server, but I guess channel is alright too...
  25. I'm good
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