Well, I'm a law kind of person. I like to base stuff off laws. I, for one, don't believe abortion should be legal. I just don't think its moral, and it is quite easily preventable. Rapes are another matter, I'm talking about two people have [bleeped!], and knowing the consequences (they will have a a a baby).
The debate in law between the two sides depends on WHEN or if at all a fetus can be called a human. If a fetus can be called a human, that aborting that fetus is illegal, as it is illegal to end the life of a human being. I believe that once the "fluid" *cough* meets the egg, the egg can now be considered a human. Other disagree, and say that the fetus can be called a human only once a thinking brain is developed, according to the old quote: "I think, therefore I am." Nevertheless, I hold firm in my opinion that, in biological context, a human is developed when it begins to grow, eg the process involving the fluid described above .