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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Ashoat

    Free Domains!

    nice, i've got exactly 1mil keys, hehe. at almost 2,250,000 keys saved so far... waiting for 3 mil. anyways, whatpulse is like a thing that checks how much keys you type in. No, its NOT a keystroke logger, spyware, adware, or any of the sort. We need a new competition...
  2. You're gonna register TWO domains? What is your second one gonna be?
  3. Ashoat

    Free Domains!

    Well, two places have been taken up so far! Looks like majazac is next up for a domain. Hey everyone, what should our next competition be? I want to have a competition on all the time, but I don't know exactly what kind of competition we should have... Maybe Whatpulse...? Any of you guys know about it?
  4. nope, he actually bought his already. lol... he already has one, I guess he's trying to get two...
  5. I don't agree with either same-[bleeped!] marriages or racism against homosexuals (notice the kinda-contradiction-I-guess). I hold a theory that homosexuality is an acquired characteristic rather than one you're born with. If you look at the mammals around you, none of them are gay. Racism is bad, cuz, well, it is. Whether its against homosexuals or anybody else. You can disagree with a person's opinion or choice, but you have no right to discriminate them for that. I hold this opinion for all discrimination.
  6. Well, I'm a law kind of person. I like to base stuff off laws. I, for one, don't believe abortion should be legal. I just don't think its moral, and it is quite easily preventable. Rapes are another matter, I'm talking about two people have [bleeped!], and knowing the consequences (they will have a a a baby). The debate in law between the two sides depends on WHEN or if at all a fetus can be called a human. If a fetus can be called a human, that aborting that fetus is illegal, as it is illegal to end the life of a human being. I believe that once the "fluid" *cough* meets the egg, the egg can now be considered a human. Other disagree, and say that the fetus can be called a human only once a thinking brain is developed, according to the old quote: "I think, therefore I am." Nevertheless, I hold firm in my opinion that, in biological context, a human is developed when it begins to grow, eg the process involving the fluid described above .
  7. 339 3*3=9
  8. YES IT GOING TO BE FOR THE XBOX NOW!! Sry, had to say that, I'm an xbox fan I think Adobe buying Macromedia is cool, cuz... I donno, it just is. I have some Macromedia products, and if Photoshop were including in Studio MX, I would be a happy man.
  9. He's pretty busy with his website I believe
  10. Yeh, you people seem to like arguing...
  11. Ashoat

    Proxy Optimized

    Yesh, thats the good part of forced firewalls. The bad part is that they block out all the good sites (including game sites!) I mean, I have a firewall, but it doesnt block out anything (unlike district/work-forced ones)
  12. Ashoat

    Proxy Optimized

    Firewalls don't protect against viruses... well, they do, but very weakly. They mostly protect your privacy. Antivirus software protects you against viruses.
  13. Ashoat

    Free Domains!

    Yah, ur first place poster now. Ergh, I'm only third...
  14. 100,000!!! Lol, jk. My super-owner powers allow me to get domains for free *yesh*. BTW, to clear up any confusion, the reason awesomegamer has so much Helions is cuz he cashed in his domain (I let him). Gamemaster_268, you can cash in your domain if you want to too. It would get you more money...
  15. Ashoat

    Proxy Optimized

    Uhm, no. lol
  16. Ashoat

    Free Domains!

    Yah that would be 1/3.
  17. Well, the Just For Fun forum is pretty much forum games. Posts in forum games are almost always considered spam. For instance, you shouldn't get Helions for just posting a number.
  18. No, he's still alive . He fixed and added some final features on the signup script today, fixed the -7 day thing, added an "I accept the terms" checkbox, put a copyright on it, etc.
  19. died because of the disgustingness. Then Bob the Captivating Monkey Boy ate some bannanas, and...
  20. Ashoat

    Surf Junky

    It detects if you haven't moved your mouse for a while. Yes. No.
  21. Alright, sounds great. Topic closed i guess....
  22. Ashoat

    Free Domains!

    Nice, crap I have to give you a domain name don't I? Lol jk, wadaya want for your domain?
  23. Ashoat


    Mark Twain just had a quote 'bout school boards... not a book... "In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards." -- Mark Twain
  24. Actually, I would say they are seperate things. Communism just can't work without a dictator (usually). Its concep is quite good - in fact, its perfect. The problem is that it just doesn't work. It can't work. I'm too lazy to explain why... tell you what, I'll explain if you start a topic about it in the correct forum and stop being off topic
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