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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Ashoat


    Yah, he's right. And this is off topic. I will close this topic if you guys keep posting off topic stuff...
  2. STOP!!! I should have checked this topic earlier. Gamemaster_268 is not a traitor. Also, this forum is privately owned. That means, no, you can't do whatever you want. Thats like saying you can go inside someones house because you're free to go wherever you want. If I stopped giving out hosting, I wouldn't mind if people left. They would have no reason to stay. FYI myscrnnm, everything left KL after they stopped giving out hosting, except for anyone who was a moderator/admin. New people came later, but most of the people were there only for hosting. It is not immoral to leave because a forum stopped giving out hosting. THIS TOPIC IS CLOSED! NO MORE FLAMING, ON EITHER SIDES!!
  3. Ashoat


    Thats kind of off topic. Please start a new topic if you want to ask some like that...
  4. Ashoat

    Two Little Updates

    Uhm, I don't really care... I mean, you don't need to ask me permission to make a forum game...
  5. Ashoat

    Progress on Plans

    whats the point though...? it'd too confusing for someone who just wants to do that. you know, ftp, and stuff.
  6. donno, forgot which one I added last.
  7. Yah, just I spent the day coding the old system for MySQL... just a little frustrated. K, I've thought up a new system that should work pretty well. Just the same as the old system, but with multiple passwords. The reason I don't like your system is that you need to know a key. The other system only needs a link. This new system should be quite simple to create: we can take the old code with the MySQL I put into it, and make it add a new password instead of update it. Then we will have the system search for the code in the list of compatible ones. Once the user is completed with it, the code is removed from the list. What do you think? I like the system, quite simple. Also, I need you to add a contact email to the form. I want everything stored in a MySQL database, but encrypt the password before storing it. Please use the md5 encryption; its better. Have the script search to see if an account is already in the database with the same domain or username. Also, I want the script to display an error if you enter an incompatible domain or username. Like say, you enter 3^&*''''|: for the domain. I want it to display an error. I want the account expiration date (one month after registration) also stored in the MySQL DB. ALSO: NOTE!! I want you to use double quotes, and not single quotes. Single quotes are very insecure. Please, trust me. It protects against MySQL injection. See here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default....nProtection.asp. Thanks! Once do you all that, you get your domain name. If you need any help, I can help you out. One more thing: tell me the names of the tables and stuff you used for the MySQL system - I need to be able to integrate teh renew script and the deletion script.
  8. k its created, and its hard. only two minutes to complete it, that should keep people from looking up stuff. no race feature in IBstore....
  9. Haha sure. But you have to get ALL the questions right. Theres just one problem. I don't think IBStore allows you to create quizes for items... only for points... oh well. I guess its alright. EDIT Alright, I'm making the quiz now. Turns out you CAN create a quiz for an item *yesh*. It'll run for 30 days, you get a name bold if you win.
  10. Lol, there is no FAQ I have the rules for HelioPolitics all written up already, ill put it up, say, when we get 100 members. That sounds good.
  11. eTronicGaming said he's gonna use another system... crap AND he's not responding on IM. He should respond more often.
  12. YAY!!! I am unbelievably happy. No seriously, i am really happy. I just fixed the unsecure system!! yay. Now i have the harder part to go *faints* lol yah, this is gonna be pretty hard...
  13. $acctdomain=$acctdomain.".heliohost.org"; } else { $acctdomain=$acctdomain.".com"; } BAD! How 'bout the .net and .org? Comeon eTronicGaming.... good thing I looked through your script.
  14. ergh, he signed off yesterday in teh middle of a conv, maybe his internet went out... well, i havent heard from him since, so i've decided to finish it from here. you see, he had two problems in his script: - it couldn't recognize if a username or domain name had already been taken - it used an extremely unsecure system where a password was stored to a completely open file im fixing it up by adding a MySQL database... i'll store the password and all user accounts on it, and ill make the script search teh database to check if there are any of the same domains or usernames already. after that, i have to find a way to integrate the signup script with IPB, and more specifically, IBStore. and then finally, i want to make an account auto-deletion program. don't worry - ill have it email you a notification that ur account will be deleted in a week before actually deleting the account. see, ill make the signup program store the date (plus one month) onto the database, and also the date (plus one month, minus seven days. and then ill have the account deletion script check both fields, and send an email to the member if he account is deleted in a week, and delete the account if its time. ill also have to make a renew program... *ergh*. but the renew script will be pretty simple... it'll just add a month to the both date fields. you know what? i should package all these scripts, and sell them as an "Forum Hosting Management Suite." Of course, ill give appropriate credit to eTronicGaming... So lets see, just so I remember, i need to do the following: - Finish the Account-Auto Creator script ...Make secure password storage system through database ...Store all account data onto database (username, domain, account created, account expires, account notification) ...Make a search thing that searches domain an username fields ...Copy and paste, and change one minor thing to create an account creator script for different hosting packages - Make an IPB Integration mod, that'll allow IBStore to retrieve data from a database when you use an item - Make a renew program, that'll allow you to renew your subscription. for different package too - And finally, make an account-auto-delete script that will send an email 7 days before you account expires and will delete it permanently on the expiration date phew, thats a lot of stuff to do. but most of them are relatively simple. The hardest program of them all would be either the IBStore mod, cuz ill have to learn the structure of IBStore and/or IPB, or teh account creation script, cuz the others are either really simple or based on it.
  15. Ashoat

    Progress on Plans

    well, to some I offered moderator positions, and some just came cuz they were my friends, etc. i took about a month for it to pick up, very soon after I submitted it to directories. now, back on topic plz!
  16. Ashoat


    yah. and guys, uhm, stop arguing. seriously. stop.
  17. Ashoat

    Free Domains!

    I myself don't mind them, but I know many people do, so I offer hosting without .
  18. Ashoat

    Progress on Plans

    never heard of it, sry...
  19. Ashoat


    Alright alright guys, break it up, I'm a nerd, you're a nerd, we're all nerds here. lol.
  20. Alright, I've made an superiorily long PM review for you Hope you like it. Plz fix all the stuff I told you fix. And make everything look like it does here: http://www.heliohost.org/screensandcrap.doc. Yah, i told you that on the PM anyways...
  21. Ashoat

    Progress on Plans

    Sounds cool!
  22. Uhm, it doesn't work. I can't open CPanel on the test2 account...
  23. Ashoat

    Progress on Plans

    Yup. But it takes a while for a site to build up popularity... what with user-to-user recommendations and stuff. I will probably have the upgrades and plans up before your site becomes the choice web portal on the internet
  24. Ashoat


    Wow I've gotta say, you're good.
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