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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Look at the "Plans" thing in the News section, I have the prices outlined there I think.
  2. Ashoat

    Rate us!

    only one vote per person plz. im trying to contact them... I've already sent an email.... im gonna look for a contact form on their website.
  3. Ashoat


    Man, everyone wants to be mod. Tell you what, eTronicGaming, if you make me a good PHP auto-account-creation utility, and make a mod for IBStore/IPB that will integrate the system completely into IPB, then I'll promote you to "Official PHP Dude" or something like that, and you can be a mod. But you'll have to do lots more PHP stuff for me if I make you a mod I need someone good at PHP... NOW NO MORE MOD REQUESTS, OR ELSE THE PERSON ASKING TO BE MOD WILL NOT BECOME ONE!
  4. Ashoat

    Progress on Plans

    Well, some people have websites with photographs and stuff (you know, galleries...). Some even have movies. There are mp3 sites as well. So those sometimes need a lot of space. If you want to ever know how much bandwidth you need, you multiply the number of hits daily you expect for your site, and multiply that by the average file size of your website (in KB), and multiply that by .03. You'll get your needed BW in MB. For instance, a 20KB site (thats standard) getting 1000 hits daily (this site gets about 2000) will need only 600mb.
  5. I PMed you it.
  6. Ashoat

    Progress on Plans

    Once the following is done : #1. I need to install auto-activation software to auto-activate ads accounts. #2. I need to install billing software to bill for paid accounts. #3. I need to get my own bank account (I will have it this Saturday). #4. I need to do one of the following... ... See if my current hosting provider will install an Apache Mod for me so I can make ads auto-appear on hosted sites (not likely) ... Pay for a seperate VPS account so I can install the Apache Mod myself So ultimately, it depends on a lot of things. Probably next month at the earliest.
  7. oh oops didn't ignore the password/username one, lol. I have some more projects for you after you finish this one if you want...
  8. Go ahead if you want, but I already have something that does that for me, and it works fine... packaged with CPanel, called WHM. So I don't really need it, but if you want... don't waste too much time on it though, OK?
  9. Nononono, I want the automatically create accounts ones. I never said that... lol. Although a mod for IBStore/CPanel that terminates accounts that don't post the required 25 posts monthly would be nice... but that would be later. For now, the auto-create accounts thing.
  10. Yay, thnks for the help! I definetely appreciate it. I pmed you the account info I think...
  11. Well, I want the password to be like "?password=9142791," so its numeric, and so that I can give a link with the password to someone, without them having to enter it. The rest is right. Except, I don't think you need a database. This is the sample program on that site I showed you: <?php require '/usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Accounting.php.inc'; $host = "localhost"; $user = "<USERNAME HERE>"; $accesshash = '<REMOTE ACCESS KEY HERE>'; $accts = listaccts($host,$user,$accesshash,0); print_r($accts); $pkgs = listpkgs($host,$user,$accesshash,0); print_r($pkgs); ?> As you see, instead of using a database, it justs requires "'/usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Accounting.php.inc';", and sends the data that way. At least thats what I understand... the sample program doesn't use databases at all. BTW, that is the official WHM/CPanel manual thing, if you check any WHM manual you can find it. As in, its made by the CPanel guys. So it can't be wrong... I don't think... lol. And sure, I'll give you a test account. Except it'll be really small... but it should suffice.
  12. Yeh, but I think he means just as a forum community site when he says "betray"
  13. Well, I've asked eTronicGaming to see if he can make a PHP script to automate this process. Hope it works... EDIT oops, wrong topic. So thats why I confused eTronicGaming... lol, my bad, sry. I meant automate the account creation process. I should fine myself... lol.
  14. Ashoat


    Haha lol that is sad. Well, he's got a surprise waitin for him in the morning .
  15. Alright, Mr. E-Tronic Gaming. I've got a good offer for you. I'll give you 6000 Helions (one year of hosting / a domain name) if you do the following: I want you to create an auto-install php program for me. I want it to be able to auto-create accounts. See here: http://www.nebrix.net/help/whm/UsingCpanel...ngPhpModule.htm for info. on how to make it. I've got just one more major thing that I want from you: I want it to require a password, in the following way: <http://www.heliohost.org/signup.php?password=12836193679142715497149712794917241> or something. An make it so it can auto-generate a new password each time I click a button. So remember, auto account creater utility according to http://www.nebrix.net/help/whm/UsingCpanel...ngPhpModule.htm, with a password that auto-generates when I click a button. Oh yah, make the button on a seperate php file. Don't bother protecting the button file, I'll handle that. And have the button display the new password when it auto-generates it.
  16. Ashoat

    Progress on Plans

    you got a point there, lol. anyone else?
  17. Ashoat


    Alright, well since there is already a topic on this subject, and we need to fill in the void caused by gamemaster's promotion, I'm promoting awesomegamer to moderator. He is pretty active and I think he'll do a good job.
  18. Ashoat

    Progress on Plans

    yeh, but 300 points is 12x of 25 points, which would make the space like... ouch, 1800mb. i donno. it would be easier for people to just get multiple accounts. maybe i should only offer one plan for post hosting? or only two?
  19. interesting idea... of course, if you made 50 posts, you would already have enough posts for two months. i donno... its kinda complicated, but I see the point. The biggest problem is that it would be hard to automate.
  20. Ashoat

    Free Domains!

    The free domain? No. And I think that makes ur ad removal questions N/A.
  21. yeh, he's kinda pissed cuz he thinks I "betrayed" his website by making my own. whatever.
  22. Ashoat

    Progress on Plans

    Actually, your on #3 already, according to teh stuff. But, I gotta do all the stuff (#1-4) in order to get this working...
  23. Ashoat

    Progress on Plans

    EDIT changed my mind, look up there ^ for more info. (i editted it)
  24. Ashoat


    oh nvm, i didnt know that. man i need to organize all this stuff...
  25. Ashoat


    cool, good job. only now im envious that you have a palm... lol jk
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