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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Add opinions to that list, I hate people that hate others because of their opinions...
  2. Ashoat


    Yah, i figured I got one of those "majazac has added you to your contact list" things. We need an IRC *wishes had dedi server*
  3. AHHH, I forgot to post shareaza here!! Shareaza fully works with the BT protocol, as well as being a p2p program thing, that employs the use of three different networks, and has NO spyware, very new-user friendly and even more advanced-user friendly. Shareaza is teh roxxors!! www.shareaza.com
  4. Racists would be probably be looked down on and their opinions ignored, and would be subject to a bunch of criticism. Which they should be.
  5. Ashoat

    Free Domains!

    K, you will just have two accounts (except your forums one...), one at your new address, and one at your old. Your old one will just redirect to your new one, while all the content of your old one will be completely moved to your new one, no problems whatsoever (I'll handle that ).
  6. Ashoat


    Krazyletter doesn't offer hosting. Not since like, a year ago. Yes, spyware was put onto the server. I was very sorry if anything happened, I will remove everything free of charge off your computer for you if you want. It wasn't a Trojan Horse though, I believe. Norton a little too over-zealous... If any problems start happened, just PM me, I'll give you my MSN, and I can then connect onto your computer and fix the problem. Or I can just give you directions, but thats less professional
  7. Ashoat


    I'm really sorry about the downtime we just had, ergh, I'm really pissed off at hosting company, but I can't find a better value out on the market, and I'm kinda low on money right now. Anyone who wants to, I will give them free webhosting for a month because of the downtime. According to our parent host, looks like our server was comprimised by some haxxors and they put spyware on it (that I can confirm). Its not here anymore, NO DATA WAS LOST! Just downtime, thats all. Hope you'll stay loyal to us.
  8. Uhm... does that mean you wouldn't want to be an admin on KL?
  9. Nobodies a racist, and if they are, they aren't gonna admit it...
  10. Ashoat

    Free Domains!

    I'll see what I can do... if you want the domain to just redirect to your old site, that works too, but if you want it to be the real site... you could try parking a subdomain, although I doubt that'll work... wait no, I think I have an idea... I can set up another account for you at your old subdomain, and you can place a redirect script there or whatever.
  11. Ashoat

    Expired Accounts!

    Editting the CPanel page seems a little hard... I'm thinking of maybe placing it in our upcoming new webpage soon. Did I mention that once we get $100 I'm hiring someone to completely redesign the home page with news, server status, and maybe a little mini account status page... Sounds pretty feasible to me, but I have a lot of things to do before that... most notably adding differnet plans (negotiating with host so they might become a "sponsor" in exchange for providing a good price package with root access (called VPS), so I can finally make ads plans... *yesh*) and finishing the (only!!) two scripts I have left (account auto-deletion, IPB Integration). Then I have plans for another project, a good free hosting reviews site... considering all the current ones SUCK. After all that, I will be able to create a nice little "members area" script. Maybe if I become super-skilled I will be able to edit the CPanel...
  12. I am wondering... gonna test. not all file types are supported, like no .exes are allowed, etc. But almost everything you wanna use should be supported. i did the chmod-ing EDIT hmmm works fine. 28.5KB. gonna try something bigger... EDIT (again) that ones bigger, like more than a meg, and it works. What the error it gives when you try to upload something? LA_ZHNWGAI.pub
  13. Ashoat

    Expired Accounts!

    Zackman and ipoddude's websites are EXPIRED since yesterday. These guys need to renew their accounts ASAP. Other people, don't forgot to renew your accounts!! I'm giving these guys five days, I'll try to email them to. I'm halfway done with the account auto-deletion script. And when I am, you guys won't have five days. You will have a empty website with all its data lost, and databases deleted, etc. Although it will email you one week beforehand, if you don't check your email, you are SCREWED. This is not my responsibility to remind everyone to renew their hosting. And if you're one of the people that has not forgot to renew your accounts, and/or remembers when they have to renew the account, then: :thumbsup:. But if you're one of the others... :rockman:...
  14. Yah, its all good I guess. We all knew about him... just let him go the first time. And I know that you're not myscrnnm....
  15. Ashoat

    Free Domains!

    Yah, I'm a little slow in registering domains, considering I have to do it at home, and I commonly check here at school... I'll try to register it today, but keep it mind, it'll probably take about 36 hrs until its up and working directed at your address. If you have forums, scripts, or anything, you're gonna have to change their address to the new one BEFORE I change the domain. Yah I know, they won't work for a while, but you won't be able to access them to change them later on, so do that right now. So, any php software like forums or galleries, change the website domain name there.
  16. We will just see how it goes...
  17. Their reply: "Hello [djbob], The problem was on the server end. So some modification had been made on the server for mysql which solved the problem. Thank you for your cooperation. Regards, [support guy]" I donno whether to trust them or not... ...
  18. Yesh, I totally agree with that. I was once one of those misguided n00bs that thought the more post the better *shudders*
  19. Just for the record, I contacted the people about the MySQL errors. They told me to reply back when the errors were happening, and I did. And they told the problems were "fixed." I doubt it, they just waited for it to pass away. We'll just see how they respond now... hehe, gonna reply "Could you please tell me how you fixed the problem for future reference if it happens again?"
  20. Oooh oooh I think I like that idea. Except I think it would be hard to track... lets see if theres anything on Invisionize. Yup there is, but it doesn't track on posts.
  21. This competition is to think up a competition! I know, sad, but I'm fresh out of ideas. If the idea is accepted, the person that first suggested that idea wins 500 Helions. The competition starts... tommorow. JK, starts now!
  22. Ashoat

    Free Domains!

    I see it Now you pick a domain, make sure to check its available!
  23. Ahhhhhhhh, I'm Pope Hormisdas II!
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