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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. May I suggest taking one of the offers at edealinfo.com?
  2. Actually, the PS2 has the worst graphics of the current generation bunch. XBOX has the best. The reason is primarily that PS2 came out earlier than XBOX. K, I'm moving this topic to the Games forums, where it belongs.
  3. Yah, we have Zend. Zend Optimizer - security thing. Its a standard these days.
  4. boss Crap that was spam too.
  5. Sorry about the fining guys, but GM_268 was right. Please, no swearing, except in cases where you know that the everyone who sees it won't mind. Like if its a PM to someone that you are sure doesn't mind.
  6. Ashoat

    Progress on Plans

    Snowboardalliance - you have enough posts for regular hosting... you could easily get that. And in answer to your question, they are probably coming when I get a new job, which I think I'm getting in the next two weeks... I finally have my bank account set up. candyland, that was spam. See the Guides... http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?act=boardrules
  7. Ashoat

    Rate us!

    Yay!!! 4 votes. Only 21 more to go.
  8. Hehe, KC pinning the blame on HN... HerLoss, please don't cause any trouble. You can post there and stuff, but don't say anything like "HN thinks KL sucks" and blabla. Anything that would start a controversy.
  9. It's obvious. Myscrnnm is the only one who can't realize it. Actually, I think even he has realized it.
  10. Ashoat

    Proxy Optimized

    He's right. Thats the reason FF is more secure, Linux, Mac, etc. Macs are pretty fast actually. And sexy. Thats their best feature Their problem (same one with Linux) is that they're not compatible. Lots of software is Windows-only. I would say most, really.
  11. Hehe, thought you now officially *cough* supported myscrnnm?
  12. Ashoat

    Proxy Optimized

    Lol, ouch. Macs? Thats pretty old.
  13. Haha, I knew this was fake. Sham IMed me: Sorry Sham, had to expose you. I can't have the whole forum thinking this is true, can I?
  14. Ashoat

    Proxy Optimized

    Haha, that sucks. I guess you could hack the system through DOS and the Task Manager, but you can do that by restarting the system in Safe Mode. Just do that (w/out networking), and I believe it won't ask you for a PW. Then just add an admin account, restart in regular mode, and you're done
  15. Uhm, who exactly is Ryan?
  16. Ashoat

    Proxy Optimized

    Not only does our school block IPs and domains, it also blocks the CMD (dos prompt), the run dialog, and even task manager. Sucks, huh?
  17. Ashoat

    Proxy Optimized

    lol, how bout "American Students Union"? Hey, I can dream, can't I?
  18. Alright, thanks. This resembles IDT... www.internaldrive.com
  19. Ashoat

    Proxy Optimized

    We do that too when nothing else works. You know, some people should get together and sue these people. This would be similiar to Board of Educ. v. Pico (1982), a Supreme Court case that ruled that a school was not allowed to remove books from its library because it broke the 1st Ammendment - free speech. The point was that you can't have free speech if you aren't allowed to opiniate yourselves. This is would the same, except for the 21st century. What do you think?
  20. Nice site. BTW, you know what the camp is called?
  21. We aren't gonna find Bin Laden easy. Its like Vietnam, or Afghanistan for Russia. Its hard to find one man with a big army. Its hard to control. Not maneuverable. George Bush's death wouldn't stop anything, but start another big terror controversy. All the Middle East isn't on OBL's side. Only the countries that are Muslim in gov't (like, not Israel, not Turkey, etc.). And only a portion of those.
  22. Lol, never bothered with assembly myself.
  23. Ashoat

    Rate us!

    Must of been clickherefree - thats the only one we've ever been on.
  24. Yes, I am pissed off at him for attacking Iraq, and I agree, it was a bad decision. Saddam Hussein was evil, but not evil enough to risk lives for. I tell you straight off, I don't think Bush is a very good president. But he's not ALL the bad. He's not as bad as he could be. And a lot of the stuff liberals portray are incorrect (I'm not a conservative though). He DEFINETELY doesn't deserve to die. He made a bad decision. That's all. He isn't all that bad.
  25. Yeh, if that stuff is basic. Assembly... ouch.
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