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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Ashoat

    Python version

    Okay, Django has been upgrade to version 1.0.2.
  2. Okay, I have PM'd you your temporary new password.
  3. First of all, there is bold red text telling you not to post HelioHost-related questions in this forum. Did you not notice it? Secondly: I am baffled by the failure of the script to properly process those macros. Anyways... the domain you selected has already been selected. You need to try signing up again.
  4. You can't access the Apache error_log, as it has information in relation to all accounts. cPanel's error_log is the excerpt of Apache's error_log pertaining to your site, but sometimes it misses some stuff. I'll look into this problem when I get home.
  5. Ashoat

    Python version

    Okay, I'll upgrade Django when I get home.
  6. Yeah that would be perfect. Sorry... this case is unusual.
  7. Ashoat

    ath.cx host!!!

    DynDNS doesn't work. ath.cx doesn't work. DynDNS needs nameservers settings. DynDNS does not have nameservers setting.
  8. Ashoat

    Django problem

    What is your cPanel username?
  9. Strangely enough... the account database has no record for either your email or your IP address, so I can't confirm your identity. This was a rare bug that occurred only for some people who registered two months ago. Can you give me some information regarding the account that only you would know? Perhaps some files/settings that you have configured.
  10. Please wait another 24 hours.
  11. Ashoat


    It takes about 24 hours now. Please be patient.
  12. Ashoat

    Python version

    I'm looking into this right now. I'll let you know if we can upgrade. UPDATE Unfortunately, the folks over at CentOS say we should stay at 2.4.3 because of compatibility issues. Sorry. As for Django... we're running 1.0.0, and the newest version is 1.0.2. Is there really anything you need from the newer version?
  13. As soon as cPanel upgrades. We use whatever version they use.
  14. I think Hotmail blocks emails from HelioHost. I'll add some filter sometime to the signup script to catch Hotmail addresses and warn people. Okay, the domain for your account has been changed. Your account is still in the queue, though... it'll take around 24 hours for it to be activated.
  15. I think Hotmail might have us on a block list or something. I would contact them and ask them to remove us.
  16. Ashoat

    ath.cx host!!!

    I'm not sure DynDNS has the features available for this. Look around the site for a way to configure their domain name with outside hosting providers.
  17. You can't register two accounts. Your second account has been removed from the creation queue.
  18. Host: Username: the MySQL username you have created to whom you gave full permission to access the below database Database: the MySQL database you've created Password: the above username's password Make sure that you've added your home IP to the MySQL remote access list in your cPanel.
  19. You shouldn't give people your password. I checked the Apache error_log, and I'm getting the following error message for your site: "No module named DjangoSite1" Are you sure this problem isn't coming up from your end?
  20. Okay, go ahead. Please take the cron down when you are done testing.
  21. Try waiting 24 hours. There are two separate utilities used for measuring disk space: du (always accurate) and df (takes less time, related to ls's showing of disk usage). It takes a while for them to sync up.
  22. But why do you need to test the system at that many times during the day? Does your cron script respond differently depending on the time of day?
  23. Give the MySQL user you are using full access to the MySQL database you are using. Make sure you create a new MySQL user and don't just use your cPanel username.
  24. If you need to run it for testing purposes, why not just type it into the URL? Cron is for automating tasks.
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