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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Oh, right... cPanel DOESN'T have CNAME administration for users. That explains why I +1'd this bug almost a year ago. Heh... my bad. I suppose I'm too used to being the admin. Okay, I've updated your CNAME. Out of curiosity: why did you need this CNAME changed? MX records should suffice if you're looking to change who's hosting the email server for your domain.
  2. Why do you need a dedicated IP?
  3. Sorry... I forgot that cPanel doesn't use the term "CNAME". Follow the directions on the third post here: http://groups.google.com/group/hosted-sett...536b8e998?pli=1
  4. Make sure you're currently pointing the nameservers, though. http://www.heliohost.org/home/features-mai...5/url-a-domains
  5. Ashoat

    I'm back again

    It seems to be getting better, but the load is still too high. Additionally, it's not keeping pace with the speed of signups. On the plus side, Apache still seems to be working well.
  6. Ashoat

    Account error

    Oops... turns out that this was a very rare case of database corruption. There was an entry for your account in WHM (the administrator backend for cPanel), but no such entry in the accounts database. I have removed the corrupt account and you should now be able to sign up. Please try just once more
  7. Okay, I've set you up with a dedicated IP
  8. Hello jammmmie, Unfortunately, Mono (the ASP.NET backend) on Stevie (the HelioHost server) is currently down as it was taking too much resources. We're looking at putting it back online in the coming weeks. Sorry about this inconvenience... we recommend you try another host in the interim. Thanks, djbob
  9. Thanks for the information about the email and the case-sensitive username. I've changed the signup application to send the username in all lowercase, and to note that it is case sensitive. It's about the initial subdomain becoming active. Basically, Apache needs to restart before new vhosts are synced, and your site won't appear until it has a vhost. An Apache restart results in about three minutes of downtime, so we do it just once a day. And yes, you can indeed see your site modifications in real time. Every time that you request a page from Stevie (the HelioHost server), Apache calls mod_include (SSI backend) to parse the includes. That means that changes are reflected immediately.
  10. I can't manually change settings for thousands of different people... that's why we have control panels. You can change CNAMEs in cPanel. If your cPanel is not up yet, you will have to wait for it to come up.
  11. Ashoat

    I'm back again

    Well... free-webhosts.com decided to stick HelioHost back in out of its own volition. Not exactly something I was prepared for. We now have over 100 queued account installations. I'm going to push the account creation daemon to twice the speed it is at currently, to see if it can cope with the current level of signups. If not we might experience a bit of a slowdown.
  12. No, the verification email sends only once. It's unusual that you didn't get it, however... are you sure it didn't end up in a spam folder? Regardless, the information presented in the verificiation email is mostly a repeat of what you say after your account was created. Login at yourdomain.heliohost.org/cpanel. Your site will be online within 24 hours.
  13. Ashoat

    Account error

    That domain is not listed in the database as taken. Once again: try signing up again. If you have an error, copy it here in full and tell me where you got it.
  14. It takes up to an hour for the account to be created, and 24 hours for Apache to restart. That means that you will see your control panel in up to an hour, and your site will be up in up to 24 hours. If you can't log in after an hour, let me know what your username / domain are and I'll take a look.
  15. Hello jmm and Unveiled - are you guys still around? If so, let me know and I'll investigate it further. My guess is that there is a misconfiguration somewhere in your settings.
  16. I've confirmed this problem on my own and have submitted a support request to the folks at cPanel to see if they can get to the bottom of it.
  17. Ashoat

    Account error

    Please try once again. If it still doesn't work, please let me know which domain you're trying register.
  18. Ashoat

    Account error

    WHM was down when you tried to signup, but it's up again. Please try signing up now
  19. This problem should be fixed now.
  20. Please try signing up again.
  21. Okay, it's been installed.
  22. Ashoat

    I'm back again

    Hey everyone, I have some updates. I'm back (again...)Since the folks at cPanel have added a feature for me to allow for signups without restarting Apache, I have reopened signups at HelioHost. I'm going to see how Stevie copes with new signups and resubmit the host to free-webhosts.com in a month.Accounts are now being deleted after one month of inactivity. I have set everyone's last cPanel login to today - if you do not login again with a month, your account will be suspended. That's all for now.
  23. Ashoat

    I'm back

    Back again. More details in a new thread soon.
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