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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Ashoat

    cron question

    If you don't read our rules, then your account will be suspended. I suspend around four or five accounts daily for overusing cron. Oh no! Whatever will we do without your account on our server? That is just impossible. Even our server isn't on a cable like that. This service is free. Stop whining and follow our rules.
  2. All of your usernames and all of your domains. Next time, read the red text: "Note that you only have one chance to create your account. Only one account is allowed per user."
  3. Ashoat

    SSL Error

    So they should be installed. Are you having any difficulties using them?
  4. Ashoat

    Ftp error

    The multiple retries probably cause the "too many connections" error. What happens if you wait (in passive mode) after one try?
  5. Why not use crysisx2?
  6. Seriously, guys? It's in bold, and it's red. Not easy to miss. Moving...
  7. Ashoat

    SSL Error

    In your cPanel "Certificates" page, do any existing certificates show up?
  8. You aren't allowed to have two accounts.
  9. The configuration for your account is okay, and I'm seeing and pinging the domain fine. I think your ISP might be blocking it. Have you tried accessing through a proxy?
  10. That's something you'll need to configure individually for each application. It shouldn't be a problem: just put your MySQL server in the server entry instead of localhost for the applications you're using.
  11. Is red text really that hard to read? Moving... Anyways, you seem to have created a second account with username crysisx2. You did this more than a month ago, though.
  12. This topic has nothing to do with HelioHost. Moving to "Contact HelioNet" forum... Could forward me the PM he sent you?
  13. Your account is not in our system. In all probability, it expired after an inactivity period of one month and our system automatically deleted it.
  14. Ashoat

    SSL Error

    I think you tried to add an SSL certificate while our system was recompiling the Apache configuration file. Try again now - are you still getting the same error?
  15. DNS names are case-insensitive (see second sentence here). If your registrar is treating them otherwise then they are doing something wrong. fllrfth: your domain name is not showing up in our system. I think your account might have disappeared from our system through an accidental wipe I did a few days ago. Could you please sign up again?
  16. Ashoat

    cron question

    Every nine minutes is far too often. I suggest you either integrate it into a standard PHP page and have it run as close to every nine minutes as you can (the more popular your page is, the more accurate it will be), or you find a way to deal with your password not changing that often.
  17. A spam PM? That's strange... Just forward the PM to me.
  18. Not actually true. Domain names (not query strings or the rest of the URL, though) are case insensitive. fllrfth: it takes around 48 hours for DNS propagation to complete. Let me know once a WhoIs query returns the nameservers for your domain as HelioHost's.
  19. PM me: 1) Your HelioHost username. 2) Your current domain name. 3) Your desired domain name. 4) The email you signed up with. 5) A link to this thread.
  20. I'm going to go ahead and leave this as is. It's a bug with cPanel, and bugging them about issues like this usually takes a long time. Plus when requesting support from them, I have to leave HelioHost's sshd open to PasswordAuthentication, which increases our attack surface (a security issue).
  21. Your nameservers are incorrectly set. Change them to: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org
  22. I'm a bit confused as to why you need to change your domain in order to use subdomains... but my guess is that you would prefer a TLD for the parent site? Regardless: PM me: 1) Your HelioHost username. 2) Your current domain name. 3) Your desired domain name. 4) The email you signed up with. 5) A link to this thread.
  23. Ah. That would explain that. In regards to the directories: I would look around the web for stuff in regards to that, but I know that mod_include (SSI) isn't very configurable. I haven't had much experience with it, but I doubt there is anything I could do from my end to change that behavior. If I were you, I would try to contact some Apache folks (maybe go on Apache's IRC channel) and ask them if this is the expected behavior and why. If there's something I should change on my end I'd be glad to help you out. Sorry I couldn't help more
  24. Ashoat

    Email Questions

    Okay, I've submitted the MSN form as well.
  25. Ashoat

    Stability improved

    Yup, that's all there is to it
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