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Found 24 results

  1. Hey admin, I got ths error " Execution /opt/plesk/php/8.2/bin/php has failed with exit code 1, stdout: , stderr: Creating a "laravel/laravel" project at "./laravel_tmp" Installing laravel/laravel (v10.3.3) - Downloading laravel/laravel (v10.3.3) - Installing laravel/laravel (v10.3.3): Extracting archive Failed to extract laravel/laravel: (9) '/usr/bin/unzip' -qq '/home/ppblk.space/chat.ppblk.space/vendor/composer/tmp-b20df6c9330f0fac3512afd97a844de7.zip' -d '/home/ppblk.space/chat.ppblk.space/vendor/composer/fe6445d8' unzip: cannot find or open /home/ppblk.space/chat.ppblk.space/vendor/composer/tmp-b20df6c9330f0fac3512afd97a844de7.zip. This most likely is due to a custom installer plugin not handling the returned Promise from the downloader See https://github.com/composer/installers/commit/5006d0c28730ade233a8f42ec31ac68fb1c5c9bb for an example fix Install of laravel/laravel failed In ZipDownloader.php line 222: '/home/ppblk.space/chat.ppblk.space/vendor/composer/tmp-b20df6c9330f0fac351 2afd97a844de7.zip' is a corrupted zip archive (0 bytes), try again. create-project [-s|--stability STABILITY] [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--prefer-install PREFER-INSTALL] [--repository REPOSITORY] [--repository-url REPOSITORY-URL] [--add-repository] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [--no-secure-http] [--keep-vcs] [--remove-vcs] [--no-install] [--no-audit] [--audit-format AUDIT-FORMAT] [--ignore-platform-req IGNORE-PLATFORM-REQ] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--ask] [--] [<package> [<directory> [<version>]]]" while install a skeleton to a sub domain. It's chat.ppblk.space can you install laravel for me at there !
  2. Hi Team, Please install following python packages: torch==2.0.1 deepface==0.0.79 imageio==2.33.0 imageio-ffmpeg==0.4.9 MarkupSafe==2.1.3 moviepy==1.0.3 numpy==1.26.2 opencv-python== Pillow==10.1.0 PyWavelets==1.5.0 requests==2.31.0 reportlab==4.0.4 scipy==1.11.4 setuptools==69.0.2 tqdm==4.66.1 transformers==4.32.0 urllib3==2.1.0 Werkzeug==3.0.1 Thanks Sudhakar
  3. Hello Sir, I have just Started using your Service and you are offering a lot for all free is great, not explainable in words... But sir, I faced an Issue that my project require "aiomysql" module and can't work with the given "mysql connector" module.. I kindly Request to please Install this module to Johnny Server in python 3.7 version. If that works well.. I will definitely consider moving to tommy for a better experience! Thanks and Regards, Akshit Agarwal
  4. Hi, I am developing a telegram bot and I need the installation of this two modules: feedparser (https://pypi.org/project/feedparser/) gspread (https://gspread.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) Username: pgarcia Server: Tommy Domain: matchandgos.heliohost.org Python Version: 3.7 Thank you in advance, Patricio
  5. I am a beginner that just started using heliohost, but some of the libraries that I use on my python code aren't supported on the server:( Is there a way to install these? my server is ricky and the libraries that I need are: requests bs4 smtlib ssl time os email please help
  6. Could you please install these external tool packages for django? Following are the details: packages to install: django-nested-admin, django-bootstrap-modal-forms username: amalgd main domain: mainstay.heliohost.org server: johnny python 3.6 django 2.1.13 Thanks for the free service, hosting python projects. I appreciate your support.
  7. Hi all, I wonder if we may re-install the following PHP extensions, please:-- MCrypt PHP Extension-- PDO Extension-- php_fileinfo Extension After the server rebuilt, we apparently need to re-install these extensions. I am trying to install an "architect" site builder. I am getting a general "Server error". I am guessing, that the error is related to the missed extensions above. Thank you!
  8. Hey guys, would it be possible to install the following modules for python 3.6: - time - datetime - calendar - Mail_sender server: Johnny name: frederi6 Thank you!!
  9. Hey, I was wondering if there is a python shell. I was also wondering if you could install django version 1.9 onto the Tommy server please, thanks!
  10. Hello, I am new to Heliohost and loving it so far. However, in my latest adventures to creating a discord bot for my discord server, I noticed an error kept occurring on your site that the module "Discord.py" did not exist. To be honest, I'm not surprised as it tends to be a lesser known and lesser used module. Could you please install the discord.py module if at all possible to the Johnny server if it not too much hassle. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanking you in advance! aj2000wa P.S I'm not sure if this is the correct area for these kinds of questions. I've already asked your discord server, but so far have not received a reply as I asked only a few hours ago.
  11. Hello, Will you please install the following python libraries? Modules: mysqlclient==1.3.12 numpy==1.14.2 pandas==0.22.0 requests==2.18.4 slackclient==1.2.1 SQLAlchemy==1.2.6 Username: jwapps Server: Johnny Domain: jwapps.heliohost.org Python Version: 3.6.4 or 3.3 Thank you!
  12. Hi, I have noticed that a lot of modules have been explicitly asked for on this forum, so I would like to ask you if it is possible to install BeautifulSoup module for Python 3.6. I have seen that lxml is there, but I would need to completely rewrite my script for lxml. What is the procedure to add it globally or is there any way to which you can point me on how to set it up locally. Thanks
  13. Hello, could you install gspread and oauth2client for python? Im on ricky
  14. Hi, I need Python 3.6,Bottle,django framework, and mailjet_rest installed on the instance allocated to me. Please do the needful. Need to host a bottle framework based website/one pager. Regards, Wilbur
  15. Hi, could you please install free auto SSL certificate on my addon domain mkgamers.ml? Thanks
  16. I am new to heliohost. I am running a python script which needs module tweepy. www.tweepy.org can you please install python module tweepy. I am trying to run a script which demand this. I tried installing using comand "pip install tweepy" cron job. but it gives error says pip command not found. i am on johnny server. Thanks and you guys are doing great job.
  17. I am a newbie so sorry for the silly questions my ques is How can i install the python modules in stevie server actually i want to install third party module name pafy and does heliohost support the shell commands?
  18. Hi, I'm trying to install perl module on my account, but it is keeping return the following errors. My user on heliohost.org is mahmoud6 Installing "CGI::Carp" Perl Module Testing connection speed...(using fast method)...Done Ping:0 (ticks) Testing connection speed to mirrors1.kernel.org using pureperl...(cached .. 60000.00 bytes/s)...Done Ping:0 (ticks) Testing connection speed to mirrors2.kernel.org using pureperl...(cached .. 60000.00 bytes/s)...Done Ping:0 (ticks) Testing connection speed to mirrors4.kernel.org using pureperl...(cached .. 60000.00 bytes/s)...Done Ping:0 (ticks) Testing connection speed to mirrors3.kernel.org using pureperl...(cached .. 30000.00 bytes/s)...Done Ping:0 (ticks) Testing connection speed to mirrors.kernel.org using pureperl...(cached .. 30000.00 bytes/s)...Done Five usable mirrors located Ping:1 (ticks) Testing connection speed to using pureperl...(using cached speed)...Done Ping:1 (ticks) Testing connection speed to using pureperl...(using cached speed)...Done Ping:2 (ticks) Testing connection speed to using pureperl...(using cached speed)...Done Three usable fallback mirrors located Mirror Check passed for mirrors1.kernel.org (/index.html) Checking C compiler....C compiler (/usr/bin/cc) OK (cached Sun Jun 1 12:13:51 2014) Tuned C compiler not available because it is not enabled....Done CPAN fallback is disabled since /var/cpanel/conserve_memory exists, and cpanm is available. Method: Using Perl Expect, Installer: cpanm cpanm (App::cpanminus) 1.6916 on perl 5.008008 built for x86_64-linux Work directory is /home1/mahmoud6/.cpanm/work/1401652777.19695 You have make /usr/bin/make Falling back to HTTP::Tiny 0.029 You have /bin/tar: tar (GNU tar) 1.15.1 You have /usr/bin/unzip You have Cpanel::HttpRequest 2.1 Checking if you have ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.31 ... Yes (6.98) Checking if you have ExtUtils::Install 1.46 ... Yes (1.67) Testing connection speed...(using fast method)...Done Ping:0 (ticks) Testing connection speed to mirrors1.kernel.org using pureperl...(cached .. 60000.00 bytes/s)...Done Ping:0 (ticks) Testing connection speed to mirrors2.kernel.org using pureperl...(cached .. 60000.00 bytes/s)...Done Ping:0 (ticks) Testing connection speed to mirrors4.kernel.org using pureperl...(cached .. 60000.00 bytes/s)...Done Ping:0 (ticks) Testing connection speed to mirrors3.kernel.org using pureperl...(cached .. 30000.00 bytes/s)...Done Ping:0 (ticks) Testing connection speed to mirrors.kernel.org using pureperl...(cached .. 30000.00 bytes/s)...Done Five usable mirrors located Ping:1 (ticks) Testing connection speed to using pureperl...(using cached speed)...Done Ping:1 (ticks) Testing connection speed to using pureperl...(using cached speed)...Done Ping:2 (ticks) Testing connection speed to using pureperl...(using cached speed)...Done Three usable fallback mirrors located Fetching http://mirrors1.kernel.org/cpan/index.html (connected:0).......(request attempt 1/12)...Using dns cache file /home1/mahmoud6/.HttpRequest/mirrors1.kernel.org......searching for mirrors (mirror search attempt 1/3)...Ping:0 (ticks) Testing connection speed to using pureperl...test failed...Done Ping:0 (ticks) Testing connection speed to using pureperl...test failed...Done ...0 usable mirrors located. (less then expected)......mirror search failed......(request attempt 2/12)...Resolving mirrors1.kernel.org...(resolve attempt 1/65)......searching for mirrors (mirror search attempt 2/3)...Ping:0 (ticks) Testing connection speed to using pureperl...test failed...Done Ping:0 (ticks) Testing connection speed to using pureperl...test failed...Done ...0 usable mirrors located. (less then expected)......mirror search failed......(request attempt 3/12)...Resolving mirrors1.kernel.org...(resolve attempt 1/65)......searching for mirrors (mirror search attempt 3/3)...Ping:0 (ticks) Testing connection speed to using pureperl...test failed...Done Ping:0 (ticks) Testing connection speed to using pureperl...test failed...Done ...0 usable mirrors located. (less then expected)......mirror search failed......(request attempt 4/12)...Resolving mirrors1.kernel.org...(resolve attempt 1/65)...mirrors1.kernel.org did not have any working mirrors. Please check your internet connection or dns server. at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/HttpRequest.pm line 603. Perl Expect failed with non-zero exit status: 6400 All available perl module install methods have failed
  19. Hi, I would like to install my own SSL. Is that possible? Thank you. Regards, SMARTDODO
  20. How to Install WordPress? Step-by-step Manual WordPress Installation Guide In this tutorial we will provide you with detailed instructions on how to install WordPress on your web hosting account. Follow these guidelines if you want to perform a new, manual installation of the latest WordPress version. Follow these steps to install WordPress manually: STEP 1Download the WordPress installation package To start the installation process, first you need to download WordPress from it's official web page . We recommend that you always download and install the latest stable version of WordPress. Once you click on the Download button for the latest WordPress version, the installation package will be saved to your hard disk. Locate the installation package that you've just downloaded and extract it to a new folder. STEP 2Upload the WordPress Files to Your Server Now, you need to upload the extracted files and folders to your web server. The easiest way to upload the installation files is via FTP. For detailed information on how to upload files via FTP, please check our FTP Tutorial. Important!If you want your WordPress to be the main installation on your account and to be accessible through your main domain (i.e. www.mydomain.com), you need to upload the extracted files to your public_html folder. Once the download is complete, extract the archive and upload it to your web hosting account. You can do that via FTP using a client application like Filezilla or via cPanel -> File Manager -> Upload file(s). If you want this WordPress installation to be main for your website, the files should reside in the public_html folder of your account. However, you can always make a subfolder (i.e. public_html/blog) if you want to run only part of your website on WordPress. STEP 3Create a MySQL Database for WordPress to use Now, you need to create a MySQL database and assign a user to it with full permissions. For detailed instructions on how to do that, please follow the steps described in our tutorial on <a href="http://www.siteground.com/tutorials/php-mysql/mysql_database_user.htm" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(66, 144, 197); text-decoration: none;">How to Create MySQL Username and Database. Once you create your MySQL Database and User, make sure you write down the database name, database username and password you've just created. You will need those for the installation process. STEP 4Go through the installation process Now it's time to navigate to your website to start with the installation process. If you have uploaded WordPress in your public_html directory you'll need to go to http://yourdomain.com in your preferred browser. The first thing you will notice is a message, telling you that you don't have a wp-config.php file and you should create one. Just click on the Create a Configuration File button to proceed. On this page you will see a message, asking you to prepare the necessary information for the installation. Since we already have this information, simply press the Go! button. Enter the details for your newly created MySQL database and press the Sumbit button WordPress will now check if your settings are correct. If you have entered all the necessary information, you will see a confirmation screen. Press the Run the Install button to proceed. On the next screen you will have to enter the information about your administrative username and the title of your new site. In addition, you can specify whether you'd want search engines to index your site or not. Once you fill in that information, press the Install WordPress button. Bear in mind, however, that you should specify a real email address. It can be later used in case you forget your password. That's it!Your new WordPress application is installed. You can use the Login In button to access your administrative backend and start posting in your new site. Credits: SiteGround.com : For the Complet Tutorial Step by Step.
  21. Hello, I'trying to install redmine and I can not. I searched on forum and I found some topics on this link: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1 And I tried some found suggestions. After upload redmine 1.4 to /rails_apps/redmine and updated the file /rails_apps/redmine/config/database.yml I tried this steps: Click on Ruby on Rails icon on cpanel Set the name of application and path create a rewrite url until here everything is ok then go to cgi center to try cgi script (I never used this) I created a file with this commands: #!/bin/bash gem install bundler bundle install --without development test postgresql rake generate_session_store RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:load_default_data And nothing happens. When I was writing writing this message I saw this text "You will need to place the CGI Scripts that you want to run with your userid in the directory" On CGI Wrapper page. How do I know my userid? I can run this cgi script to finish redmine installation? My username: eulino and server is Johnny Thank you in advance for helping me.
  22. Hello, Can you upgrade mysql to ver 5.5. ??? I've install very simple web app, and there is a problem with it. With ver 5.5, there's no problem. Regards Raphael
  23. I got this error when i'm trying to install ssl on www.sharenwatch.info What should i do?
  24. I put this under the site suggestions some time ago, but haven't heard anything about it. I'd like to get Catalyst or MojoLicious installed. They are both popular perl frameworks that make it easy to sessionize and build templates websites. The only alternative I can use is the dated CGI module family.
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