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  1. Could someone with a free hosting account (Johnny server) please show me the output of the phpinfo() command?
  2. I'm trying to get the current status of my radio, but php always gives error. Appears: Warning: fsockopen () [function. fsockopen]: unable to connect to ... (Connection timed out) in ... on line ... Connection Refused. I have tested this code in another host and it results. It's a problem of host or am I doing something wrong?
  3. I have developed my website using XAMPP and it came with the latest version of PHP 5.6. It had some features newly like splat operator(...) which I had used in my code. On uploading my website to your hosting services. I got an error with that operator and I got stuck in a situation not able to replace that operator. Will there be a PHP upgrade? Please make it ASAP. Thank you in advance.
  4. Hello guys, I am not able to run my php script which readily ran on another hosting website. The server says that I need to match the header and library versions in order to run the php application. The exact error I had got is Warning: mysqli::mysqli() [mysqli.mysqli]: Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50527 Library:50621 in /home/aryan18/public_html/trylogon.php on line 4 Check this url : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19293354/mysql-connect-headers-and-client-library-minor-version-mismatch-headers5053 So please upgrade my php and mysql to same versions.
  5. Hello, my website http://vcr.heliohost.org/ is to test whether I can read data from a MySQL database also on the server name database is vcjan_php there are two rows of data in the data base there is a user called: larry (vcrjan_larry) password: larry2015 2 columns: name and email I try with PHP scrips to make the connection the script is visible on the site perhaps I overlooked something thank you
  6. Hello, my website http://vcr.heliohost.org/ is to test whether I can read data from a MySQL database also on the server name database is vcjan_php there are two rows of data in the data base there is a user called: larry (vcrjan_larry) password: larry2015 2 columns: name and email I try with PHP scrips to make the connection the script is visible on the site perhaps I overlooked something thank you
  7. I happen to have a PHP script that needs to use the GMP extension, and I end up having an exception that says "GMP extension seems not to be installed." How do I add the GMP extension?
  8. Hi, I'm developing a web application in PHP 5.5, and was wondering if and upgrade would be possible, given that the current PHP version on HelioHost is PHP 5.3. If anyone can do this, that would be great.
  9. username: saleyourbooks site:saleyourbooks.com php is not working Please help me out! thank you
  10. Hello Helionet Community, It appears that the mail() function is not working, I am not receiving emails, my code is functioning well. My username : sucranas My domain : abouzaradi.heliohost.org Server : Johnny Thank you.
  11. Hello ! I was just wondering how often you guys update PHP? I would like to be able to use function array dereferencing, but unfortunately that's a feature native to PHP 5.4+
  12. Hello, can someone correct and give me some advices for my project, or is it considered spam? Thanks
  13. Hi all, Since yesterday, my php scripts are not sending any emails anymore. I tried different scripts (with almost the same code), send to different email addresses (even to this from heliohost), but no email reaches its destination. Script returns "False", but I have no idea what to check. I will be happy for any hint what else to check, explanation, etc. I'm on Stevie. Is it possible that there are some limitations (although I haven't sent many emails). This is the simplest code I use (which was working till yesterday): <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); $to = "a@b.c"; $subject = "Test Mail"; $message = "Hello world!"; $rslt = mail($to, $subject, $message,"a@b.c"); if ($rslt) {echo "The email was sent";} else {echo "The email was NOT sent";} ?> Thanks in advance! zelezni
  14. I'm working on setting my webpage up with a single index.php file that injects HTML into itself from header.php, footer.php, content.php, etc. And I want to rewrite the URL depending on what content is loaded into the main container. So after header.php, it would load content.php, and the PHP script will be setup to search based on which menu item was clicked for a stub like "/content/stub/latest-news-1.html" and inject the file name into the <div name=" ">, and the HTML contents between the <div> tags. The injected HTML would be something like: <div id="main-container" style="main-style" name="latest-news"><p>Some info goes here</p></div> ... and another script to write the URL as "example.com/latest-news/1/". But whithout changing the .htaccess contents, the URL rewrite script in PHP will make the URL look like "example.com/index.php?/latest-news/1/" What I need to do is modify the .htaccess file to rewrite "index.php" as "/". The trouble is, HelioHost, like a lot of other host companies, hide the .htaccess file from the File Manager as well as from FTP. You can't upload .htaccess directly to the root folder without an error telling you the file already exists. But you can upload sample.htaccess to a sub-folder, rename it to .htaccess, then move it to the root folder - overwriting the previous file. But not having access to the original .htaccess file, I don't want to replace it with a version that removes needed instructions found in the original. Can someone please post the original .htaccess file contents, or at least the settings (if any) that may affect site functionality so I don't accidentally cripple my page?
  15. Is this normal? Whenever I refresh cPanel or simply launch PHPmyadmin on my account, my website becomes inaccessible due to a "500 Internal Server" error. I read up a bit on internal server errors for Heliohost here: http://wiki.helionet...l_Server_Errors, and I'm lead to believe it might be the result of using too many processes... but I'd like to be sure. Username: lenoodle Domain: tapp.heliohost.org Server: stevie
  16. I am trying to connect to facebook xmpp chat server. Some months ago, the code worked fine but now it does not work and it runes and runs until timed out. see the code here-- https://developers.facebook.com/docs/chat/ I am using first sample code with proper app id, app secret etc. --output-- Test platform connect for XMPP access_token: server: chat.facebook.com uid: 1792600469 app id: 100131640064548 [iNFO] Opening connection... connnection open 1X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORMPLAIN 23 45X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORMPLAIN 6< challenge xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'>dmVyc2lvbj0xJm1ldGhvZD1hdXRoLnhtcHBfbG9naW4mbm9uY2U9OURCQzk2MDQ3NzAyODZBOUE4QzAzNENBMzQ4MUMzRDE= I think the timeout is due to any unsupported function. Can anyone please help me to find out if any functions used in the above code is not supported by heliohost stevie server? Please check the code in the above link(facebook docs) and help me. Thank you.
  17. Hi! For months I have had a page on my website that has a contact form. When you submit it, it emails me the message to my yahoo account. As of today however, I get a Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender message in my helio email acount. It states this: If you received this error message, your message was not delivered because Yahoo was unable to verify that it came from a legitimate email sender. Yahoo uses three industry-wide authentication checks to verify that that emails are truly from the domains they claim to come from, and your email failed one or more of them: DKIM (Domain-Keys Identified Mail) SPF (Sender Policy Framework) DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance) These standards are designed to eliminate an email user’s exposure to potentially fraudulent and harmful messages, and they have been adopted by all major email providers and many technology companies. I have no idea what this means, or how to fix it... All I know is NOTHING HAS CHANGED at least on my end... Can anyone help shed some light on this for me (in non texhnical terms, this is my first webste, and I barely know much at all.) Thanks everyone! p.s. I dont know how to subscribe to this thread, so could you please email me @ shane@wheresshane.com please! Thanks guys!!
  18. Hey all, I'm really sorry to bug you again, but it does really appear that when I try to run any PHP script on Stevie, I get a 500. I have other domain/branches which do not use PHP and they are fine. This was working about 12 hours ago and now it is not. Please browse to http://TucsonComputer.info/ for PHP not working. Please browse to http://HeyComputerMan.biz/ for no PHP (just shtml). I repeat, this was just working. The Helio server, and its current state, seems to be the difference. If I am doing something wrong, please compare perms on /home/ufni/disloyalconsumer with those on /home/ufni/tucsoncomputer and explain why neither work. With Love, and Please Help, Michael
  19. I have had problems with the 500 out of memory error that I have seen some other people post about in regards to PHP scripts and the server called Johnny. Can I fix this issue if I remove some large files from my account? Will this give a performance increase? Thank-you for reading.
  20. Recently I've been running out of server space, and I realized it was because my WordPress folder was getting flooded with huge core dump files. From what I've read, it is not necessary WordPress causing these core dumps, it could be issues with the Apache server, php version, who knows what. I wanted to read the core dumps for information, but I'm having issues opening them in gdb. From what I've read, I need the binaries that generated the core dump along with the dump itself to open them. I'm not sure what binaries created it...or where to find them. For example, the php website suggests using something like gdb /usr/local/apache/sbin/httpd /path/to/core/dump I don't have access to the server files, so I don't know how to proceed. I've read suggestions that I ask my server host to stop generating core dumps, which would solve the space problem, but not the issue that's causing them. Any help on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated Thanks domain name: http://robbiewolfe.heliohost.org username: robev server name: stevie
  21. Hey, I've recently started a demonstration project for a class; I'm creating a web app in PHP, and I keep randomly running into "Internal Server Error"...nothing is being output to the error logs, and I can't figure out what's even causing this to happen. It's not a single specific script that causes this, I've gotten them on almost every page at some point. After waiting about a minute or so, it goes away, and the exact same page or script runs correctly... What are common causes of an issue like this? Thanks
  22. Plz help me. I want to remotely connect my database via php, for that i need database server address. How can i find that?
  23. Good Morning, I have just registered for an account with Helionet, so far, everything looks really cool, and happy to have switched host's. However, after having read your terms and conditions, FAQ, and other guides, I am looking for clarifications regarding what I can run on my account/website. My previous host did not allow the usage of php scripts such as small Image Host's, Text pasting scripts, proxy scripts, ect. All these would be used mainly for personal usage, as small "utilitarian" tools for everyday usage on the internet. If specific scripts are allowed, which ones specifically? Additionally, do you have a certain age limit for hosting your website? Yours Sincerly, Clovis
  24. Welcome to my new post. If you are here then you were asking this question to google at some point to start programming your own website. I decided to share this information and help you get on the right patch to becomming a great programmer and website developer. "You are your limit" Alejandro Chataing For you to learn and apply there are some things about computers that you should know before coding. If you are like me, you would like to start learning right now. So if you feel inspired and eager to start learning right now before learning how to configure everything in a website then I will show you this: www.codecademy.com is a free place where you can start learning how to code HTML/CSS/JavaScript/Php/Python/Ruby for free. To learn with them you require 0 previous knowledge on any programming language, so if you are like I was, this is the right place to start learning. I reckon this site is idiot-proof and anyone who wants to start building a big idea should learn how to code. So if you feel like coding is imposible then try this website: www.codecademy.com They have built a good courses system to help yo implement the code they teach right on their web. Once you have finished learnning html/css/javascript/jquery/php (3 days for me), I suggest you come back to www.heliohost.com and do the following: 1) Go to http://www.heliohost.org/home/signup choose a server and signup 2) Go to http://my.dot.tk/cgi-bin/login01.taloha and join providing email & pass. You can signup there using a facebook/google/windows live/yahoo/aol/flirck account instead if you own one using just 1 click 3) Go to http://my.dot.tk/cgi-bin/domain-add.taloha and enter any name for your website 3.1) Choose "free" then "Next" 3.2) Choose "Use DNS for this domain" and notice that the option "Use Dot TK Free DNS Service" is selectedThere is another option you need to choose right below the text areas that are displayed. This option is "Use my own DNS Services" (above Use this domain for TK Mailias only) 3.3) Choose "Use my own DNS Services" and another set of text areas appear: in Host Name: put ns1.heliohost.org leave IP address blank and put ns2.heliohost.org under the first and leave the second IP address blank aswell 3.4) Register the name for a year and fill the captcha code and click "NEXT" 4)go to http://www.heliohost.org/home/ and scrolldown to the buttom. Enter you cPanel username and password 5) Create a new domain using "your-website-name.tk" and wait 24 to 48 hours until you can access "your-website-name.tk" from any computer in the world 5.1) If after waiting 48 hours you can not see anything but a standard Queued website go to http://www.helionet.org/index/forum/81-suspended-and-queued-accounts/ At this point you have yourself a free hosting, a free domain and your inicial inspiration is starting to materialize since soon enough your-website-name.tk will be public to the world 6) Since you are a newbie at programming you need to implement your new coding skills offline before putting in all together in this hosting service. So for you this is the simplest way: Go to http://www.w3schools.com/default.asp for reference when coding Go to http://www.htmlgoodies.com/ for extra reference You are wondering why I am not suggesting codecademy for referece. Because you are a newbie and codeacademy was to learn and apply with the help of their website and now you need to do it offline and those websites I put have all the info codecademy taught you and you will understand them more easily. I recommend you do not fall in love of any particular website so you can gain the knowledge from internet. It does not mean that you can not go back to codecademy, your work there has merly started. 7) Create 1 folder in your computer (does not matter where) name it what you want and create 3 files using notepad "index.html", "stylesheet.css" "scrip.js"
  25. Friends, i installed php PRADA framework from softaculous. But after installing i found just a read me page and prada folders in public_html folder. Please explain how to use it and a tutorial link is expected..
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